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        <title>Events Listing</title>
        <atom:link href="https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
        <description>Events descriptions goes here</description>
        <dc:rights>Copyright 2025</dc:rights>
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                <title>Ace Handyman Services of Lincoln Way Ribbon Cutting</title>
                <description>pCome out and welcome our new chamber member Ace Handyman Services of Lincoln Way This is a free networking eventp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">13@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/ace-handyman-services-of-lincoln-way-ribbon-cutting</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Come out and welcome our new chamber member Ace Handyman Services of Lincoln Way! This is a free networking event.</p> ]]>
                <title>2023 Annual Inauguration Dinner &amp; Premier Member Awards</title>
                <description>pJoin us for our annual Installation Dinner We will be honoring our 2022 Premier Members and installing our 2023 Board of Directors Come and join our Board of Directors and local dignitaries for a delightful evening of dinner drinks and networkingpp40 per person  includes dinner Cash bar Business casual attireppHeld at Balagio Ristorante Mokenas banquet room img classimgthumbnail alt2023 Inauguration Dinner Invitation srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber11220232023inaugurationdinnerinvitationpng p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">14@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/2023-annual-inauguration-dinner</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for our annual Installation Dinner. We will be honoring our 2022 Premier Members and installing our 2023 Board of Directors. Come and join our Board of Directors and local dignitaries for a delightful evening of dinner, drinks, and networking. </p>
<p>$40 per person - includes dinner. Cash bar. Business casual attire. </p>
<p>Held at Balagio Ristorante Mokena's banquet room. <img class="img-thumbnail" alt="2023 Inauguration Dinner Invitation" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/2023-inauguration-dinner-invitation.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Speakeasy Night at Wood Street Cabinet 2.23.23</title>
                <description>pstrong stylefontfamily sansserif Arial Verdana Trebuchet MS fontsize 13pxPUT ON THE RITZbr br WOOD STREET CABINET INC PRESENTS SPEAKEASEY NIGHTbr br COME AS A FLAPPER OR COME AS YOU AREbr DRESS AS A GANGSTER OR SILENT SCREEN STARbr ITS GOING TO BE FUN NO MATTER THE DRESSbr JUST BRING YOURSELFbr AND WELL DO THE RESTstrongppspan stylefontfamily sansserif Arial Verdana Trebuchet MS fontsize 13pxFREE EVENTspanbr stylefontfamily sansserif Arial Verdana Trebuchet MS fontsize 13px strong stylefontfamily sansserif Arial Verdana Trebuchet MS fontsize 13pxCODE WORD ENTRYstrongspan stylefontfamily sansserif Arial Verdana Trebuchet MS fontsize 13pxspanspan stylefontfamily sansserif Arial Verdana Trebuchet MS fontsize 13px color ffa500strongI USE A LIGHTERstrongspanppspan stylefontfamily sansserif Arial Verdana Trebuchet MS fontsize 13px color ff0000strongPlease RSVP to rsvpwoodstreetcabinetcom or call 7089956077strongspanppspan stylecolor ff0000strongspan stylefontfamily sansserif Arial Verdana Trebuchet MS fontsize 13pximg altEventPhotoMiniWood Street Event 22323 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023eventphotominiwoodstreetevent22323jpg spanstrongspanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">16@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/speakeasy-night-at-wood-street-cabinet-22323</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><strong style="font-family: sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 13px;">PUT ON THE RITZ!!<br /><br />WOOD STREET CABINET, INC. PRESENTS: SPEAKEASEY NIGHT<br /><br />COME AS A FLAPPER OR COME AS YOU ARE<br />DRESS AS A GANGSTER OR SILENT SCREEN STAR<br />IT'S GOING TO BE FUN NO MATTER THE DRESS<br />JUST BRING YOURSELF<br />AND WE'LL DO THE REST!</strong></p>
<p><span style="font-family: sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 13px;">FREE EVENT</span><br style="font-family: sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 13px;" /><strong style="font-family: sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 13px;">CODE WORD ENTRY:</strong><span style="font-family: sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 13px;"> </span><span style="font-family: sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 13px; color: #ffa500;"><strong>"I USE A LIGHTER"</strong></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 13px; color: #ff0000;"><strong>Please RSVP to rsvp@woodstreetcabinet.com or call 708-995-6077</strong></span></p>
<p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong><span style="font-family: sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 13px;"><img alt="EventPhotoMini_Wood Street Event 2.23.23" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/eventphotomini-wood-street-event-22323.jpg" /></span></strong></span></p> ]]>
                <title>Multi-Chamber Business After Hours at Cancer Support Center 3.2.23</title>
                <description>pspan stylefontsize 105pt fontfamily Arialsansserif msofareastfontfamily Calibri msofareastthemefont minorlatin color black msoansilanguage ENUS msofareastlanguage ENUS msobidilanguage ARSAMultiChamber Business After Hours at spanspan stylefontsize 90pt fontfamily Arialsansserif msofareastfontfamily Calibri msofareastthemefont minorlatin color 403f42 msoansilanguage ENUS msofareastlanguage ENUS msobidilanguage ARSAa targetblank hrefhttpsr20rs6nettnjspf001mlnhEDrMQRfDYZtskmjSiOA4DjuvqFg7CQgXiagzhVIMeclmLNB0gCI8D2E35rm9wm4dszfXR3YMvu3JSbiu0djlcSbawfjaES7mHScvmEqZjrHyx07Vq3rO602Kk9BHSmSAVwAWcFaRLouFmgKkQydywngYwQampcGvI30qkqDIb3Nl2b0QiDitwEHwak856IFTbbfZtatXLYrxDOKEQampch0AzDEbkyZCcpxxKCfw1iXhef3xdgkf8clJXXAXtlC0C2j4HdTk5Kg relnoopenerstrongspan stylefontsize 105ptCancer Support Centerspanstrongaspanspan stylefontsize 105pt fontfamily Arialsansserif msofareastfontfamily Calibri msofareastthemefont minorlatin color black msoansilanguage ENUS msofareastlanguage ENUS msobidilanguage ARSA 19645 LaGrange Road Mokena Enjoy food drinks and a brief cooking demo by the Centers nutrition and wellness manager Chris Rosandich Free networking event in conjunction with our friends at the Frankfort Chamber of Commercespanppspan stylefontsize 105pt fontfamily Arialsansserif msofareastfontfamily Calibri msofareastthemefont minorlatin color black msoansilanguage ENUS msofareastlanguage ENUS msobidilanguage ARSAspanppspan stylefontsize 105pt fontfamily Arialsansserif msofareastfontfamily Calibri msofareastthemefont minorlatin color black msoansilanguage ENUS msofareastlanguage ENUS msobidilanguage ARSAimg altCancer Support BAH 3223 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023cancersupportbah3223png spanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">17@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/multi-chamber-business-after-hours-at-cancer-support-center-3223</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; color: black; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Multi-Chamber Business After Hours at </span><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; color: #403f42; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><a target="_blank" href="https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mlnhEDrMQRfDYZtskmjSiOA4DjuvqFg7CQgXiagzhVIMeclmLNB0gCI8D2E35rm9wm4dszfXR3YMvu3JSbiu0djlc_SbawfjaES7mHScvmEqZjrHyx07Vq3rO602Kk9BHSmSAVwAWcFaRLouFmgKkQydywngYwQ-&amp;c=GvI30qkqDIb3Nl2b0Q_i-DitwEH-wak856IFTbbfZtatXLYrxDOKEQ==&amp;ch=0AzDEbkyZCcpxxKCfw1iXhef3xdgkf8clJXXAX-tlC0C2j4HdTk5Kg==" rel="noopener"><strong><span style="font-size: 10.5pt;">Cancer Support Center</span></strong></a></span><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; color: black; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">, 19645 LaGrange Road, Mokena. Enjoy food, drinks and a brief cooking demo by the Center's nutrition and wellness manager Chris Rosandich. Free networking event in conjunction with our friends at the Frankfort Chamber of Commerce. </span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; color: black; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; color: black; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><img alt="Cancer Support BAH 3.2.23" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/cancer-support-bah-3223.png" /></span></p> ]]>
                <title>Business After Hours at An English Garden Flowers &amp; Gifts 3.9.23</title>
                <description>pFree networking eventp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">18@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/business-after-hours-at-an-english-garden-flowers-gifts-3923</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Free networking event. </p> ]]>
                <title>Chamber Board of Directors Meeting 3.29.23</title>
                <description>pBoard of Directors Meetingp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">19@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/chamber-board-of-directors-meeting-32223</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Board of Director's Meeting</p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting March 2023</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor 000000 fontfamily Arial Verdana Helvetica sansserif whitespace prewrapimg class altMarch 2023 Membership Meeting Facebook Event srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023march2023membershipmeetingfacebookeventpng width1874 height1054 spanppspan stylecolor 000000 fontfamily Arial Verdana Helvetica sansserif whitespace prewrapThere is a 10 fee to attend which includes food golf simulators networking and one member in attendance will receive a FREE Sponsorship at our Annual Chamber Golf Outing on June 14 2023 Receive exclusive sponsorship opportunities and discounts for the Golf Outing THIS NIGHT ONLY only Everyone will still have the opportunity to present their 30second elevator pitch for their businessspanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">20@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/monthly-membership-meeting-feb-2023-20</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #000000; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; white-space: pre-wrap;"><img class="" alt="March 2023 Membership Meeting Facebook Event" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/march-2023-membership-meeting-facebook-event.png" width="1874" height="1054" /></span></p>
<p><span style="color: #000000; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; white-space: pre-wrap;">There is a $10 fee to attend which includes food, golf simulators, networking, and one member in attendance will receive a FREE Sponsorship at our Annual Chamber Golf Outing on June 14, 2023. Receive exclusive sponsorship opportunities and discounts for the Golf Outing THIS NIGHT ONLY only!!! Everyone will still have the opportunity to present their 30-second elevator pitch for their business.</span></p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting April 2023</title>
                <description>pspan stylefontfamily Arial Verdana Helvetica sansserif whitespace prewrap color 000000 19th Hole spanspan stylecolor 403f42 fontfamily Arial Verdana Helvetica sansserif whitespace prewrap9418 W 191st Street spanFree networking eventppSpeaker Lincoln Way Toastmasters Topic How to Become a Better CommunicatorppThank you to our sponsor a hrefhttpsangledronesolutionscomspan styletextdecoration underlineAngle Drone Solutions Incspana img altApril 2023 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover 2 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber112membershipmeetingsapril2023membershipmeetingfacebookeventcover2png p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">21@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/monthly-membership-meeting-feb-2023-20-21</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; white-space: pre-wrap; color: #000000;"> 19th Hole, </span><span style="color: #403f42; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; white-space: pre-wrap;">9418 W. 191st Street. </span>Free networking event. </p>
<p>Speaker: Lincoln Way Toastmasters. Topic: How to Become a Better Communicator. </p>
<p>Thank you to our sponsor <a href="https://angledronesolutions.com/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Angle Drone Solutions, Inc.</span></a> <img alt="April 2023 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover (2)" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/membership-meetings/april-2023-membership-meeting-facebook-event-cover-2.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting May 2023</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxGuest speaker Gwendolyn Sterk of The Sterk Family Law Group PC Topic Creating Experiences FREE networking event Everyone in attendance will be given the opportunity to give their 30second elevator pitchspanbr stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px span stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxTwo 100 sponsorship opportunities are available Sponsors are given 5 minutes to presentspanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">23@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/monthly-membership-meeting-feb-2023-20-21-23</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Guest speaker: Gwendolyn Sterk of The Sterk Family Law Group P.C. Topic: Creating Experiences. FREE networking event. Everyone in attendance will be given the opportunity to give their 30-second elevator pitch.</span><br style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;" /><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Two $100 sponsorship opportunities are available. Sponsors are given 5 minutes to present.</span></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office and Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongppbr strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b targetblank relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomabr br strongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp usa hrefhttpssharkshreddingcomtakeabiteoutofhunger datackesavedhrefhttpssharkshreddingcomtakeabiteoutofhungerTake a Bite Out of Hungera Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">24@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-and-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. </p>
<p><br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a><br /><br /><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us <a href="https://sharkshredding.com/take-a-bite-out-of-hunger/" data-cke-saved-href="https://sharkshredding.com/take-a-bite-out-of-hunger/">Take a Bite Out of Hunger</a>! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Customer Appreciation Sale at Moody Blues Jean Boutique</title>
                <description>pYour support means everything to me so I put a lot of thought into how I wanted to show you my appreciation This will be a one day event full of giveaways treats and discounts Id love to see you all catch up have some laughs and enjoy good companyppWhenbr Saturday March 11thbr 10am4pmppWhatbr 25 OFF your entire purchase yes that includes our clearance rack and new arrivals saved just for this eventbr Well also have tasty treats by Fabulously Sweet Creations amp Sweet Swirls Bakery and a mocktail bar from 124ppGiveawaysbr 5 different prizesbr 100 cash money can I enterbr 50 cash money yes pleasebr 1 Hour massage we all need onebr 25 gift card for Health Nutz because health food is happinessbr 25 gift card for 3 Corners Bar amp Grill one of my favoritesppEvery purchase is entered to win Want to up your odds Tag a friend in our Facebook andor Instagram post going out Tuesday and get an extra entry for every friend tagged Easy peasy Winners will be drawn and contacted on Monday March 13th Prizes must be picked up in storeppLastly take home a coupon to be used at your next visit We went all out just for youppbr Discount excludes gift cards amp cannot be combined with other offers or rewards Prizes must be picked up in storep</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">25@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/customer-appreciation-sale</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Your support means everything to me so I put a lot of thought into how I wanted to show you my appreciation. This will be a one day event full of giveaways, treats and discounts! I’d love to see you all, catch up, have some laughs and enjoy good company.</p>
<p>When:<br />Saturday, March 11th<br />10am-4pm</p>
<p>What:<br />25% OFF your entire purchase, yes that includes our clearance rack and new arrivals saved just for this event!<br />We’ll also have tasty treats by Fabulously Sweet Creations &amp; Sweet Swirls Bakery and a mocktail bar from 12-4🍿πŸͺ🍹</p>
<p>Giveaways:<br />5 different prizes!<br />*$100 cash money (can I enter?)<br />*$50 cash money (yes please)<br />*1 Hour massage (we all need one)<br />*$25 gift card for Health Nutz (because health food is happiness)<br />*$25 gift card for 3 Corners Bar &amp; Grill (one of my favorites)</p>
<p>Every purchase is entered to win. Want to up your odds? Tag a friend in our Facebook and/or Instagram post (going out Tuesday) and get an extra entry for every friend tagged. Easy peasy. Winners will be drawn and contacted on Monday, March 13th. Prizes must be picked up in store.</p>
<p>Lastly, take home a coupon to be used at your next visit! We went all out just for you:)</p>
<p><br />Discount excludes gift cards &amp; cannot be combined with other offers or rewards. Prizes must be picked up in store.</p> ]]>
                <title>Mokena Woman&#039;s Club Holli-Daze Art and Craft Show 2023</title>
                <description>p stylecolor 000000 fontfamily Arial fontsize medium textalign centerPlease join the GFWC Mokena Womans Clubs HolliDaze Arts amp Craft Show on October 28 amp 29 2023pp stylecolor 000000 fontfamily Arial fontsize medium textalign center classMsoNormalstrongspan stylefontsize 13ptSATspanstrongstrongspan stylefontsize 12ptspanstrongspan stylefontsize 13pt900 AM  300 PMspanpp stylecolor 000000 fontfamily Arial fontsize medium textalign center classMsoNormalstrongspan stylefontsize 13ptSUNspanstrongspan stylefontsize 13pt900 AM  300 PMbr br span styletextdecorationline underlineThe event will be taking place atspanbr strong stylefontsize 173333pxLincolnWay East High School Field Housestrongbr strong201 Colorado Ave Frankfort ILstrongbr emspan stylefontsize 14pxEntry From East amp Northwest Parking Lotsspanembr spanspan stylefontsize 13ptbr spanspan stylefontsize 12ptAges 12 and over  500   br br Any questions please contact Mary at 815 3707751 orstrongspan styletextdecorationline underlinemwchollidazeyahoocomspanstrongspanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">26@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/mokena-womans-club-holli-daze-art-and-craft-show-2023</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p style="color: #000000; font-family: Arial; font-size: medium; text-align: center;">Please join the GFWC Mokena Woman's Club's Holli-Daze Arts &amp; Craft Show on October 28 &amp; 29, 2023! </p>
<p style="color: #000000; font-family: Arial; font-size: medium; text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><strong><span style="font-size: 13pt;">SAT:</span></strong><strong><span style="font-size: 12pt;">  </span></strong><span style="font-size: 13pt;">9:00 AM – 3:00 PM</span></p>
<p style="color: #000000; font-family: Arial; font-size: medium; text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><strong><span style="font-size: 13pt;">SUN:  </span></strong><span style="font-size: 13pt;">9:00 AM – 3:00 PM<br /><br /><span style="text-decoration-line: underline;">The event will be taking place at:</span><br /><strong style="font-size: 17.3333px;">Lincoln-Way East High School Field House</strong><br /><strong>201 Colorado Ave, Frankfort, IL.</strong><br /><em><span style="font-size: 14px;">Entry From East &amp; Northwest Parking Lots</span></em><br /></span><span style="font-size: 13pt;"><br /></span><span style="font-size: 12pt;">Ages 12 and over ….. $5.00       <br /><br />Any questions, please contact Mary at (815) 370-7751 or  <strong><span style="text-decoration-line: underline;">mwcholli.daze@yahoo.com</span></strong></span></p> ]]>
                <title>May 2023 Chamber Board of Directors Meeting</title>
                <description>pBOD Meetingp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">29@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/may-2023-chamber-board-of-directors-meeting</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>BOD Meeting</p> ]]>
                <title>Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Open House at Lauren Marie Boutique</title>
                <description>pJoin usp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">31@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/ribbon-cutting-ceremony-and-open-house-at-lauren-marie-boutique</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us!</p> ]]>
                <title>Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Open House at Lauren Marie Boutique</title>
                <description>pJoin usp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">32@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/ribbon-cutting-ceremony-and-open-house-at-lauren-marie-boutique-0</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us!</p> ]]>
                <title>Grand Opening at SunKissed Greenz!</title>
                <description>div classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xdj266rHello Mokenabr Please join us as we celebrate our new laboratory locationdivdiv classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sWe are super excited to announce that we will be OPEN starting MONDAY 43 at our new Mokena location span classx3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xhhsvwb xat24cr xgzva0m xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg alt srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9tb115161f929png width16 height16 spandivdiv classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sPlease join us on SATURDAY APRIL 8th for our GRAND OPENING celebrationdivdiv classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sMokena Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting Raffles Sugar Shack Cookies Samples amp Scratch Offsdivdiv classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sRibbon Cutting at 1000amdivdiv classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sWe look forward to seeing you all in person againspan classx3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xhhsvwb xat24cr xgzva0m xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg alt srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9t4315161f970png width16 height16 spandivdiv classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sStop by amp check out the new place 19121 Wolf Rd in Mokenadiv</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">33@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/grand-opening</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xdj266r">Hello Mokena!!<br />Please join us as we celebrate our new laboratory location</div>
<div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">We are super excited to announce that we will be OPEN starting MONDAY 4/3 at our new Mokena location !!! <span class="x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xhhsvwb xat24cr xgzva0m xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img alt="🀩" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/tb1/1.5/16/1f929.png" width="16" height="16" /></span></div>
<div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">Please join us on SATURDAY APRIL 8th for our GRAND OPENING celebration-</div>
<div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">Mokena Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting, Raffles, Sugar Shack Cookies, Samples, &amp; Scratch Off's</div>
<div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">Ribbon Cutting at 10:00am.</div>
<div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">We look forward to seeing you all in person again! <span class="x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xhhsvwb xat24cr xgzva0m xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img alt="πŸ₯°" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t43/1.5/16/1f970.png" width="16" height="16" /></span></div>
<div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">Stop by &amp; check out the new place- 19121 Wolf Rd in Mokena.</div> ]]>
                <title>Intuitive Eating 101- Stop Dieting &amp; Start Living - SunKissed Greenz</title>
                <description>ulli20 minute Bodyweight Tabata Workout Tabata is fun amp great for all fitness levels Beginners welcomelili30 minute Interactive Nutritional Workshop All about Intuitive Eating Incorporating healthier eating amp lifestyle habitsliliYou will be entered into our raffle that is only for participants of this workshop Your odds are awesome since this class does have a max Raffle includes 1 initial session with your host Dawn a 120 value 50 off 21 day real foodhealth habits challenge that starts in May CBD goodies from SunKissed GreenzliliGoodie Bags amp Treats Each guest will receive a good bag with healthy treats CBG oil for gut health amp handouts to keep you on trackliliWe will also be serving Chlorophyll Not sure what it is We will tell you more about this green drink that your body will loveliulpGrab your friends and come out for some good healthy fun Space is limited Save your spot todayp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">34@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/intuitive-eating-101-stop-dieting-start-living</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <ul>
<li>20 minute Bodyweight Tabata Workout- Tabata is fun &amp; great for all fitness levels. Beginners welcome</li>
<li>30 minute Interactive Nutritional Workshop- All about Intuitive Eating/ Incorporating healthier eating &amp; lifestyle habits</li>
<li>You will be entered into our raffle that is only for participants of this workshop. Your odds are awesome since this class does have a max. Raffle includes: 1 initial session with your host ,Dawn (a $120 value), 50% off 21 day real food/health habits challenge that starts in May, CBD goodies from SunKissed Greenz.</li>
<li>Goodie Bags &amp; Treats- Each guest will receive a good bag with healthy treats, CBG oil for gut health, &amp; handouts to keep you on track</li>
<li>We will also be serving Chlorophyll- Not sure what it is? We will tell you more about this green drink that your body will love.</li>
<p>Grab your friends and come out for some good healthy fun! Space is limited- Save your spot today!</p> ]]>
                <title>Crystals &amp; Cannabinoids at SunKissed Greenz</title>
                <description>pDo you love crystals Have you always been interested in crystals but you are not quite sure where to startppPlease join SunKissed Greenz amp Crystals for a fun night out filled with CBD Crystals Knowledge amp FunppppLampW Crystals will be here to educate you about the power of crystals the benefits and how to properly shop for them They will have an amazing inventory of crystals amp handmade jewlery for your shopping pleasure They also carry spheres towers wands amp moreppppSunKissed Greenz will also be launching our new CBD crystal drinks this day Be the first to try our new CBD infused drinks Other CBD goodies will be served tooppppHave a specific question for our crystal specialist drop us a note and we will be sure your questions are answered at this eventppWe hope to see youp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">35@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/crystals-cannabinoids</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Do you love crystals? Have you always been interested in crystals but you are not quite sure where to start?</p>
<p>Please join SunKissed Greenz &amp; Crystals for a fun night out filled with CBD, Crystals, Knowledge, &amp; Fun!</p>
<p> </p>
<p>L&amp;W Crystals will be here to educate you about the power of crystals, the benefits, and how to properly shop for them. They will have an amazing inventory of crystals &amp; handmade jewlery for your shopping pleasure. They also carry spheres, towers, wands &amp; more!</p>
<p> </p>
<p>SunKissed Greenz will also be launching our new CBD crystal drinks this day! Be the first to try our new CBD infused drinks. Other CBD goodies will be served too. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Have a specific question for our crystal specialist- drop us a note and we will be sure your questions are answered at this event. </p>
<p>We hope to see you! </p> ]]>
                <title>Wellness Wednesday- FREE CBD Coffee &amp; Energy Donuts - SunKissed Greenz</title>
                <description>pFREE CBD Coffee amp Energy Donuts for our AMAZING customersppIn store shopping only One per customer pleasep</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">36@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/wellness-wednesday-free-cbd-coffee-energy-donuts</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>FREE CBD Coffee &amp; Energy Donuts for our AMAZING customers! </p>
<p>In store shopping only- One per customer please </p> ]]>
                <title>Reiki Self-Care Workshop with Eve Tomlianovich</title>
                <description>pReiki for self care workshop Creating a New selfcare Plan that nourishes whole of who you are Mindbodyspiritpp Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation reducing stress amp anxiety through gentle touch improving the flow and balance of your energy tosupport healing A Japanese method of energy healing that supports the body innate or natural healing abilitiesppSome of the BenefitsppRelieving stress tension amp anxietyppStrengths immune systemppIncreased blood flow and circulationppaids in relaxation amp improves sleepppemotional amp mental blocksppdepressionppselfawarenessppIn this workshop you will receive a Reiki attunement learn the traditional Reiki self treatment hand placements brief history and what it is introductionto chakras handouts of what is covered in workshop and the many ways to bring reiki into your daily self care routinepp90 minutesppinvestment 50ppEve Tomlianovich Reiki master practitioner yoga amp meditation teacher massage therapist amp bodyworkerppRegister httpscheckoutsquaresitebuyB4DTNUATIFOC32VG4OFCU25Yp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">37@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/reiki-self-care-workshop-with-eve-tomlianovich</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Reiki for self care workshop Creating a New self-care Plan that nourishes whole of who you are Mind,body,spirit</p>
<p> * Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation reducing stress &amp; anxiety through gentle touch, improving the flow and balance of your energy tosupport healing. A Japanese method of energy healing that supports the body innate or natural healing abilities.</p>
<p>Some of the Benefits </p>
<p>Relieving stress, tension &amp; anxiety </p>
<p>Strengths immune system </p>
<p>Increased blood flow and circulation </p>
<p>aids in relaxation &amp; improves sleep </p>
<p>emotional &amp; mental blocks </p>
<p>depression </p>
<p>self-awareness </p>
<p>In this workshop you will receive a Reiki attunement, learn the traditional Reiki self treatment hand placements, brief history and what it is, introductionto chakras, handouts of what is covered in workshop, and the many ways to bring reiki into your daily self care routine</p>
<p>90 minutes</p>
<p>investment $50 </p>
<p>Eve Tomlianovich, Reiki master practitioner, yoga &amp; meditation teacher, massage therapist &amp; bodyworker</p>
<p>Register: https://checkout.square.site/buy/B4DTNUATIFOC32VG4OFCU25Y</p> ]]>
                <title>Pachamama Earth Day Grounding Workshop and Flow with Kelsey</title>
                <description>pIn honor of Earth Day we will be celebrating Pachamama Pachamama is our Earth Mother who blesses us with love abundance and fertilityppKelsey will begin by connecting us to Pachamama releasing our heaviness and anxiety as we practice grounding techniques and recenterppWe will Honor and Celebrate Pachamama as we flow through a beginner friendly grounding yoga flow to ground any energies we no longer need and awaken abundanceppLearn about grounding techniques and the importance of being in nature and ways to show gratitude and work with Mother Earth and the elements We will also be moving through a short beginner friendly grounding yoga flow to ground any energies we no longer needppCost 30ppemThurs 420 6308pmemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">38@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/pachamama-earth-day-grounding-workshop-and-flow-with-kelsey</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>In honor of Earth Day, we will be celebrating Pachamama. Pachamama is our Earth Mother who blesses us with love, abundance and fertility.</p>
<p>Kelsey will begin by connecting us to Pachamama releasing our heaviness and anxiety as we practice grounding techniques and recenter.</p>
<p>We will Honor and Celebrate Pachamama as we flow through a beginner friendly grounding yoga flow to ground any energies we no longer need and awaken abundance.</p>
<p>Learn about grounding techniques and the importance of being in nature, and ways to show gratitude and work with Mother Earth and the elements. We will also be moving through a short beginner friendly grounding yoga flow to ground any energies we no longer need.</p>
<p>Cost $30</p>
<p><em>Thurs 4/20 6:30-8pm</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Mindfulness and Coloring Workshop with Kelsey</title>
                <description>pAll ages Families welcomeppAre you seeking friendship support connection and community Kelsey is hosting this event as an opportunity to build friendships and community through light and easy artistic expressionppThis workshop is in honor of National Crayola Day We will begin with a mindful meditation exercise to promote relaxation and creativity We will then channel our inner child by spending an hour coloring and listening to music Coloring mandalas coloring book pages blank paper and coloring materials will be provided Feel free to bring a snack or beverage of your choice and have fun Enjoy chats with new faces and old soulsThis workshop is in honor of National Crayola DayppemTues 425 630745pmemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">39@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/mindfulness-and-coloring-workshop-with-kelsey</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>All ages! Families welcome!</p>
<p>Are you seeking friendship, support, connection and community? Kelsey is hosting this event as an opportunity to build friendships and community through light and easy artistic expression.</p>
<p>This workshop is in honor of National Crayola Day. We will begin with a mindful meditation exercise to promote relaxation and creativity. We will then channel our inner child by spending an hour coloring and listening to music. Coloring mandalas, coloring book pages, blank paper, and coloring materials will be provided. Feel free to bring a snack or beverage of your choice and have fun! Enjoy chats with new faces and old souls.This workshop is in honor of National Crayola Day.</p>
<p><em>Tues 4/25 6:30-7:45pm</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Yoga Mat Cleaner or Disinfectant Spray Workshop with Lea</title>
                <description>pCome make your own 2 oz yoga mat cleaning spray to take home All natural and made with essential oilsppYou will get the recipe to take home as well as a free giftppLearn about simple swaps to cut out daily toxinsppApril 27th 6308pmppCost 25p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">40@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/yoga-mat-cleaner-or-disinfectant-spray-workshop-with-lea</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>•Come make your own 2 oz yoga mat cleaning spray to take home! All natural and made with essential oils.</p>
<p>•You will get the recipe to take home as well as a free gift.</p>
<p>•Learn about simple swaps to cut out daily toxins</p>
<p>April 27th 630-8pm</p>
<p>Cost $25</p> ]]>
                <title>Make a Mother&#039;s Day Bouquet at Wood Street Cabinet</title>
                <description>pSee Flyerp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">41@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/make-a-mothers-day-bouquet</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>See Flyer</p> ]]>
                <title>Earth Day at SunKissed Greenz</title>
                <description>pHelp us celebrate Earth Day today with some free goodiesp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">42@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/earth-day</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Help us celebrate Earth Day today with some free goodies. </p> ]]>
                <title>Just Breathe- A DIY Allergy Workshop at SunKissed Greenz</title>
                <description>pAllergy season can be a big disturbance to everyday outdoor activites Please join us as we take a natural approach to combatting your allergy symptomsppEach guest will make there own essential oil inhaler and have CBD soothing salve samples to take homep</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">44@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/just-breathe-a-diy-allergy-workshop</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Allergy season can be a big disturbance to everyday outdoor activites. Please join us as we take a natural approach to combatting your allergy symptoms. </p>
<p>Each guest will make there own essential oil inhaler and have CBD soothing salve samples to take home. </p> ]]>
                <title>Yoga &amp; CBD Tea at SunKissed Greenz</title>
                <description>div classSKIqU7 pUrXIs ZQLSml datahookaboutsectiondiv classCUFA8G gt7OJM ideventsdetailspageaboutwrapper datahookaboutsectionwrapperdiv classMPJmjG ideventsdetailspageaboutinner datahookaboutsectiontextdivpGrab your friends and come out for a night of self loveppThis event includes one hour of yoga based around breathe work core work toning amp stress relief for all skill levels After yoga we will relax with some CBD temple massages and CBD tea and desertsppSpace is limited Save your spot todaypdivdivdivdivdivdivdiv classqaYN1H datahookticketspickerdivdiv classUmzZsE re3WTu HjKW3p datahookticketspickertitlesdiv classdy2wHk lYSaoB CWHE8z qm25yv FeNmRvh2 classW202f qm25yv FeNmRv datahookheadertitleh2divdivdivdiv</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">46@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/yoga-cbd-tea</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <div class="SKIqU7 pUrXIs ZQLSml" data-hook="about-section">
<div class="CUFA8G gt7OJM" id="events-details-page-about-wrapper" data-hook="about-section-wrapper">
<div class="MPJmjG" id="events-details-page-about-inner" data-hook="about-section-text">
<p>Grab your friends and come out for a night of self love. </p>
<p>This event includes one hour of yoga based around breathe work, core work, toning &amp; stress relief for all skill levels. After yoga we will relax with some CBD temple massages and CBD  tea and deserts. </p>
<p>Space is limited- Save your spot today! </p>
<div> </div>
<div class="qaYN1H" data-hook="tickets-picker">
<div class="UmzZsE re3WTu HjKW3p" data-hook="tickets-picker-titles">
<div class="dy2wHk lYSaoB CWHE8z qm25yv FeNmRv">
<h2 class="W202f_ qm25yv FeNmRv" data-hook="header-title"> </h2>
</div> ]]>
                <title>Sage &amp; Smokables Workshop at SunKissed Greenz</title>
                <description>pCreate your own smudge burning dish and then wrap your own sage bundleppEach guest will also get to take home a SunKissed Greenz wildflower smokable Our wildflower doobie is packed with Delta 8 CBD  and medicinal herbs wildflowers Each doobie comes in a tube filled with wildflower seeds for you to replantppWe will also serve light CBD deserts amp drinksSpace is limited we encourage you to sign up soon as this is an event that is expected to sell outppWe look forward to seeing you there p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">48@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/sage-smokables-workshop</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Create your own smudge burning dish and then wrap your own sage bundle. </p>
<p>Each guest will also get to take home a SunKissed Greenz wildflower smokable. Our wildflower doobie is packed with Delta 8, CBD , and medicinal herbs/ wildflowers. Each doobie comes in a tube filled with wildflower seeds for you to replant. </p>
<p>We will also serve light CBD deserts &amp; drinks. Space is limited- we encourage you to sign up soon as this is an event that is expected to sell out. </p>
<p>We look forward to seeing you there ! </p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>h3span stylecolor ff0000emstrongCall For Pricing and to Book Your Appointment 7083880011strongemspanh3pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongppstrongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011ppTo find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomappstrongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp us Take a Bite Out of Hunger Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">49@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <h3><span style="color: #ff0000;"><em><strong>Call For Pricing and to Book Your Appointment 708-388-0011</strong></em></span></h3>
<p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. </p>
<p><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.</p>
<p>To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p>
<p><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us Take a Bite Out of Hunger! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>4th of July Parade 2023</title>
                <description>p styletextalign center classMsoNormalspan stylefontsize 200pt fontfamily Cambriaserif color red2023 Theme Ask not what your community can do for youopopspanpp styletextalign center classMsoNormalspan stylefontsize 200pt fontfamily Cambriaserif color redbut what you can do for your communityopopspanpp styletextalign center classMsoNormalemspan stylefontsize 180pt fontfamily Cambriaserif color blueHonor your dedicated volunteersspanempp styletextalign center classMsoNormalstrongspan stylefontsize 120pt color red msoansilanguage EN langENSTEP OFF TIME spanstrongspan stylefontsize 180pt color red msoansilanguage EN langEN10 am July 4 2023spanstrongspan stylefontsize 80pt color blue msoansilanguage EN langENopopspanstrongpp styletextalign center classMsoNormalstrong stylemsobidifontweight normalspan stylefontsize 120pt msoansilanguage EN langENOur local parade is a great way to celebrate with the community amp promote your businessorganizationcause to the thousands of people that attend the parade and the thousands more that watch it as it is replayed many times on Mokenas Cable Channel 6 and onlineopopspanstrongpp styletextalign center classMsoNormalspan stylefontsize 140pt msoansilanguage EN langENParade Entry is uspan stylebackground yellow msohighlight yellowFREEspanuspanspan stylefontsize 140pt msoansilanguage EN langEN to Mokena Chamber of Commerce Members amp NonProfitsspanpp styletextalign center classMsoNormalspan stylefontsize 140pt background yellow msohighlight yellow msoansilanguage EN langENThere is a strong125strong entry feespanspan stylefontsize 140pt msoansilanguage EN langEN for spanstrongspan stylefontsize 140pt color windowtext msoansilanguage EN langENnonchamber members amp political entriesspanstrongspan stylefontsize 140pt color windowtext msoansilanguage EN langEN Please make check payable to st1personnameMokenast1personname Chamber of Commerce or pay online at a hrefhttpswwwmokenacompaymentsspan stylecolor 0000ffmokenacompaymentsspanaopopspanpp styletextalign center classMsoNormalspan stylefontsize 120pt msoansilanguage EN langENSubmit completed formpayment by stronguspan stylebackground yellow msohighlight yellowJUNE 23 2023spanu strongEmail to chambermokenacom or fax to 7084797144opopspanpp classMsoNormalstrongspan stylefontsize 60pt msobidifontsize 90pt msoansilanguage EN langENspanstrongpp styletextalign center classMsoNormalstrongspan stylefontsize 120pt msoansilanguage EN langENBy span stylebackground yellow msohighlight yellowJuly 1span your staging packet with your entry number staging time amp location opopspanstrongpp styletextalign center classMsoNormalstrongspan stylefontsize 120pt msoansilanguage EN langENand infomap will be sent to you via email opopspanstrongpp styletextalign center classMsoNormalpp styletextalign center classMsoNormalstrongspan stylefontsize 120pt msoansilanguage EN langEN See sponsorship opportunities below for special lineup placement optionsspanstrongpp styletextalign center classMsoNormalspan stylefontsize 16pxstrongPlatinum Parade Sponsor 1000 strongPreferred placement in parade lineup receive mention from Channel 6 commentators during parade business name on banner displayed during parade flyer or promo insert in 1500 candy bags business name included in all advertising on chambers website and social media 30second commercial for your business created by chamber member marketing company optional Facebook Live interview on chamber page during July 4th Parade lineupspanspan stylefontsize 16pxspanpp styletextalign center classMsoNormalspan stylefontsize 16pxstrongGold Parade Sponsor 500 strongPreferred placement in parade lineup mention on Channel 6 broadcast business name on banner displayed during parade business name included in all advertising on chambers website and social mediaspanspan stylefontsize 16pxspanpp styletextalign center classMsoNormalspan stylefontsize 120pt msoansilanguage EN langENspanpp styletextalign center classMsoNormalspan stylefontsize 16pxstrongFriends of the Parade Any Amount strongThis annual paradetradition is run by volunteers with a budget based on donations We are grateful and thankful for any donation amount You will be mentioned on livestream and Channel 6 during the parade and on a Facebook postspanpp styletextalign center classMsoNormalspan stylefontsize 16pxClick the lime green sponsorship opportunity button below on the left side of the pagespanpp styletextalign centerp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">50@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/4th-of-july-parade-2023</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 20.0pt; font-family: 'Cambria',serif; color: red;">2023 Theme: “Ask not what your community can do for you,<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 20.0pt; font-family: 'Cambria',serif; color: red;">but what you can do for your community.”<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><em><span style="font-size: 18.0pt; font-family: 'Cambria',serif; color: blue;">'Honor your dedicated volunteers.'</span></em></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><strong><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; color: red; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN">STEP OFF TIME: </span></strong><span style="font-size: 18.0pt; color: red; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN">10 a.m. July 4, 2023</span><strong><span style="font-size: 8.0pt; color: blue; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN"><o:p> </o:p></span></strong></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN">Our local parade is a great way to celebrate with the community &amp; promote your business/organization/cause to the thousands of people that attend the parade and the thousands more that watch it as it is replayed many times on Mokena’s Cable Channel 6 and online!<o:p></o:p></span></strong></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN">Parade Entry is <u><span style="background: yellow; mso-highlight: yellow;">FREE</span></u></span><span style="font-size: 14.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN"> to Mokena Chamber of Commerce Members &amp; Non-Profits!</span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14.0pt; background: yellow; mso-highlight: yellow; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN">There is a <strong>$125</strong> entry fee</span><span style="font-size: 14.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN"> for </span><strong><span style="font-size: 14.0pt; color: windowtext; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN">non-chamber members &amp; political entries</span></strong><span style="font-size: 14.0pt; color: windowtext; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN">. Please make check payable to <st1:personname>Mokena</st1:personname> Chamber of Commerce or pay online at <a href="https://www.mokena.com/payments/"><span style="color: #0000ff;">mokena.com/payments</span></a>.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN">Submit completed form/payment by <strong><u><span style="background: yellow; mso-highlight: yellow;">JUNE 23, 2023.</span></u> </strong>Email to chamber@mokena.com or fax to 708-479-7144.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><strong><span style="font-size: 6.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 9.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN"> </span></strong></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><strong><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN">By <span style="background: yellow; mso-highlight: yellow;">July 1</span> your staging packet with your entry number, staging time &amp; location, <o:p></o:p></span></strong></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><strong><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN">and info/map will be sent to you via email. <o:p></o:p></span></strong></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><strong><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN">*** See sponsorship opportunities below for special line-up placement options***</span></strong></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 16px;"><strong>Platinum Parade Sponsor $1000: </strong>Preferred placement in parade line-up, receive mention from Channel 6 commentators during parade, business name on banner displayed during parade, flyer or promo insert in 1,500 candy bags, business name included in all advertising on chamber’s website and social media, 30-second commercial for your business created by chamber member marketing company, optional Facebook Live interview on chamber page during July 4th Parade line-up.</span><span style="font-size: 16px;"></span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 16px;"><strong>Gold Parade Sponsor $500: </strong>Preferred placement in parade line-up, mention on Channel 6 broadcast, business name on banner displayed during parade, business name included in all advertising on chamber’s website and social media.</span><span style="font-size: 16px;"></span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN"></span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 16px;"><strong>Friends of the Parade: (Any Amount) </strong>This annual parade/tradition is run by volunteers, with a budget based on donations. We are grateful and thankful for any donation amount!! You will be mentioned on livestream and Channel 6 during the parade and on a Facebook post.</span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 16px;">Click the lime green "sponsorship opportunity" button below on the left side of the page.</span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"></p> ]]>
                <title>Intro to Chakras &amp; Reiki at Wholistic Wellness</title>
                <description>p stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxCurious about taking a Reiki Practitioner Training Have you always wanted to learn more about Chakras amp energy healing This is the perfect workshop to begin to explore Reiki energy healing amp chakraspp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxIn this workshop you willpul stylebackground transparent border 0px margin 16px 0px outline 0px padding 0px 0px 0px 40px verticalalign baseline liststyleposition initial liststyleimage initial color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxli stylebackground transparent border 0px margin 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baselineReceive a Reiki attunementlili stylebackground transparent border 0px margin 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baselineLearn about energy healing and some techniqueslili stylebackground transparent border 0px margin 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baselineLearn the traditional Reiki self treatment hand placementslili stylebackground transparent border 0px margin 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baselineLearn the brief history of chakras amp reikilili stylebackground transparent border 0px margin 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baselineHandouts will be providedlili stylebackground transparent border 0px margin 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baselineLearn the many ways to bring reiki into your daily self care routineliulp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxReiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation reducing stress amp anxiety through gentle touch improving the flow and balance of your energy to support healing A Japanese method of energy healing that supports the body innate or natural healing abilitiespp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxpp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxThe function of the chakras is to spin and draw in this energy tostrong stylebackground transparent border 0px margin 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baselinekeep the spiritual mental emotional and physical health of the body in balancestrongem stylebackground transparent border 0px margin 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baselineChakraemem stylebackground transparent border 0px margin 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baselinecakraemin Sanskrit means wheel and refers to energy points in your body They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay open and aligned as they correspond to bundles of nerves major organs and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical wellbeingpp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxpp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxSome of the Benefitspp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxRelieving stress tension amp anxietypp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxStrengths immune systempp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxIncreased blood flow and circulationpp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxaids in relaxation amp improves sleeppp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxemotional amp mental blockspp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxdepressionpp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxselfawarenesspp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxpp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16px90 minutes Investment 50pp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxpp stylebackground transparent border 0px marginbottom 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baseline minheight 15em color 2a2f36 fontfamily futuraltw01light futuraltw05light sansserif fontsize 16pxstrong stylebackground transparent border 0px margin 0px outline 0px padding 0px verticalalign baselineEve Tomlianovichstrong Reiki Master practitioner yoga amp meditation teacher massage therapist amp bodyworker Eve completed a 300hour Meditation teacher training at Meditation Learning Center with Shane Wilson and completed her Reiki energy practitioner classes at MSI with Billie Topa Tate and Eve completed her Lightworker Mentorship with Dana Massat Eve is a very advanced and gifted Lightworker her to teach and share her skills and gifts with the community We are all natural born healersp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">51@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/intro-to-chakras-reiki-at-wholistic-wellness</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Curious about taking a Reiki Practitioner Training? Have you always wanted to learn more about Chakras &amp; energy healing? This is the perfect workshop to begin to explore Reiki, energy healing &amp; chakras.</p>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">In this workshop you will:</p>
<ul style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin: 16px 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 40px; vertical-align: baseline; list-style-position: initial; list-style-image: initial; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">
<li style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">Receive a Reiki attunement</li>
<li style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">Learn about energy healing; and some techniques</li>
<li style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">Learn the traditional Reiki self treatment hand placements</li>
<li style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">Learn the brief history of chakras &amp; reiki</li>
<li style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">Handouts will be provided</li>
<li style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">Learn the many ways to bring reiki into your daily self care routine</li>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation reducing stress &amp; anxiety through gentle touch, improving the flow and balance of your energy to support healing. A Japanese method of energy healing that supports the body innate or natural healing abilities.</p>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;"></p>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">The function of the chakras is to spin and draw in this energy to <strong style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">keep the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health of the body in balance</strong>. <em style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">Chakra</em> (<em style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">cakra</em> in Sanskrit) means “wheel” and refers to energy points in your body. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.</p>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;"></p>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Some of the Benefits:</p>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Relieving stress, tension &amp; anxiety</p>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Strengths immune system</p>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Increased blood flow and circulation</p>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">aids in relaxation &amp; improves sleep</p>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">emotional &amp; mental blocks</p>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">depression</p>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">self-awareness</p>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;"></p>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">90 minutes. Investment $50</p>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;"></p>
<p style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; min-height: 1.5em; color: #2a2f36; font-family: futura-lt-w01-light, futura-lt-w05-light, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;"><strong style="background: transparent; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">Eve Tomlianovich</strong>, Reiki Master practitioner, yoga &amp; meditation teacher, massage therapist &amp; bodyworker. Eve completed a 300-hour Meditation teacher training at Meditation Learning Center with Shane Wilson; and completed her Reiki energy practitioner classes at MSI with Billie Topa Tate; and Eve completed her Lightworker Mentorship with Dana Massat. Eve is a very advanced and gifted Lightworker, her to teach and share her skills and gifts with the community. "We are all natural born healers".</p> ]]>
                <title>Body Fountain Ribbon Cutting and Open House 5.13.23</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxFREE Open House from 10 am to 1 pm Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 11 am Free service raffles and service demos Mothers Day gift certificate sale Introducing new services such as IPL Photo Facial Treatment virtually painless laser hair removal tattoo removal vascular lesion and spider vein reduction span styletextdecoration underlinea hrefhttpsfbmee7Rd2hQ8hIView Facebook Event hereaspanspanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">52@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/body-fountain-ribbon-cutting-and-open-house-51323</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">FREE Open House from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 11 a.m. Free service raffles and service demos. Mother's Day gift certificate sale. Introducing new services such as IPL Photo Facial Treatment, virtually painless laser hair removal, tattoo removal, vascular lesion and spider vein reduction. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="https://fb.me/e/7Rd2hQ8hI">View Facebook Event here.</a></span></span></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>h3span stylecolor ff0000emstrongCall For Pricing and to Book Your Appointment 7083880011strongemspanh3pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongppstrongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011ppTo find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomappstrongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp us Take a Bite Out of Hunger Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">53@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <h3><span style="color: #ff0000;"><em><strong>Call For Pricing and to Book Your Appointment 708-388-0011</strong></em></span></h3>
<p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. </p>
<p><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.</p>
<p>To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p>
<p><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us Take a Bite Out of Hunger! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office and Personal Shredding Appointments</title>
                <description>h3span stylecolor ff0000emstrongCall For Pricing and to Book Your Appointment 7083880011strongemspanh3pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongppstrongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011ppTo find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomappstrongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp us Take a Bite Out of Hunger Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">54@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-and-personal-shredding-appointments</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <h3><span style="color: #ff0000;"><em><strong>Call For Pricing and to Book Your Appointment 708-388-0011</strong></em></span></h3>
<p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. </p>
<p><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.</p>
<p>To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p>
<p><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us Take a Bite Out of Hunger! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office and Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>h3span stylecolor ff0000emstrongCall For Pricing and to Book Your Appointment 7083880011strongemspanh3pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongppstrongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011ppTo find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomappstrongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp us Take a Bite Out of Hunger Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">55@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-and-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <h3><span style="color: #ff0000;"><em><strong>Call For Pricing and to Book Your Appointment 708-388-0011</strong></em></span></h3>
<p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. </p>
<p><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.</p>
<p>To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p>
<p><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us Take a Bite Out of Hunger! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office and Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>h3span stylecolor ff0000emstrongCall For Pricing and to Book Your Appointment 7083880011strongemspanh3pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongppstrongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011ppTo find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomappstrongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp us Take a Bite Out of Hunger Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">56@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-and-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <h3><span style="color: #ff0000;"><em><strong>Call For Pricing and to Book Your Appointment 708-388-0011</strong></em></span></h3>
<p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. </p>
<p><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.</p>
<p>To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p>
<p><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us Take a Bite Out of Hunger! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Public Input Meeting For Renovation Plans for the Yunker Splash Park Barn</title>
                <description>pThe community is invited and encouraged to attend the meeting to add your input about the project The purpose of the renovation is to transform the barn into a yearround facility to add much needed program and meeting spaceMokena Community Park District is seeking over 1000000 in grants to help fund the renovationp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">57@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/public-input-meeting-for-renovation-plans-for-the-yunker-splash-park-barn</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>The community is invited and encouraged to attend the meeting to add your input about the project. The purpose of the renovation is to transform the barn into a year-round facility to add much needed program and meeting space. Mokena Community Park District is seeking over $1,000,000 in grants to help fund the renovation. </p> ]]>
                <title>Tranquil at Track Farms</title>
                <description>pJoin SunKissed Greenz CBD Yoga with Sam amp Track Farms for a morning or self love relaxation amp natureppGrab your friends for a morning of tranquility on the beautiful Track Farms propertyppYour ticket includes 45 minutes of yoga all levels yoga CBD tea and treats and a farm tour where you can see where the hemp amp wildflowers are bornppThere will also be grab and go bouquets amp premade produce boxes for saleppPlease bring a matt amp water bottle If you do not have a yoga matt we do have some extras or you may bring a towelppEach guest will receive coupons good toward future purchases at Track Farms and SunKissed Greenz CBDppWe cant wait to see you therep</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">58@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/tranquil-at-track-farms</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join SunKissed Greenz CBD, Yoga with Sam, &amp; Track Farms for a morning or self love, relaxation, &amp; nature. </p>
<p>Grab your friends for a morning of tranquility on the beautiful Track Farms property.</p>
<p>Your ticket includes 45 minutes of yoga (all levels yoga), CBD tea and treats, and a farm tour where you can see where the hemp &amp; wildflowers are born.</p>
<p>There will also be grab and go bouquets  &amp; premade produce boxes for sale.</p>
<p>Please bring a matt &amp; water bottle. If you do not have a yoga matt we do have some extras or you may bring a towel. </p>
<p>Each guest will receive coupons good toward future purchases at Track Farms and SunKissed Greenz CBD. </p>
<p>We cant wait to see you there! </p> ]]>
                <title>Yoga &amp; CBD Treats at Gost Coffee</title>
                <description>pJoin SunKissed Greenz and Yoga with Sam for a morning of self love amp relaxation at Gost Coffee in New LenoxppGrab your matts amp meet us on the grassy area at Gost CoffeeppThis event is for one hour of all levels yoga Following yoga we will be serving some CBD infused treatsppCoffee amp treats are also available for additional purchase at Gost Coffee This coffee does not disappoint Its nothing short of amazing amp we hope you will feel the same about this eventppIf you do not have a matt we do have extras You can also bring a towel if you wishppSee you therep</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">59@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/yoga-cbd-treats-at-gost-coffee</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join SunKissed Greenz and Yoga with Sam for a morning of self love &amp; relaxation at Gost Coffee in New Lenox.</p>
<p>Grab your matts &amp; meet us on the grassy area at Gost Coffee!</p>
<p>This event is for one hour of all levels yoga. Following yoga we will be serving some CBD infused treats. </p>
<p>Coffee &amp; treats are also available for additional purchase at Gost Coffee.  This coffee does not disappoint! Its nothing short of amazing &amp; we hope you will feel the same about this event. </p>
<p>If you do not have a matt we do have extras. You can also bring a towel if you wish. </p>
<p>See you there! </p> ]]>
                <title>Free Outdoor Movie  - Featuring Soul</title>
                <description>pTuesday June 13  Featuring Soulbr Movie begins at dusk approx 845pm Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the terraced grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell In case of inclement weather check our website or Facebook page for event updates For more information visit wwwmokenaparkcom or call 7083902401p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">60@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/free-outdoor-movie-featuring-soul</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Tuesday, June 13 - Featuring: Soul<br />Movie begins at dusk, approx. 8:45pm. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the terraced, grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell. In case of inclement weather, check our website or Facebook page for event updates. For more information, visit www.mokenapark.com or call 708-390-2401.</p> ]]>
                <title>Free Outdoor Movie - Featuring Space Jam</title>
                <description>pTuesday July 11  Featuring Space Jfambr Movie begins at dusk approx 845pm Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the terraced grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell In case of inclement weather check our website or Facebook page for event updates For more information visit wwwmokenaparkcom or call 7083902401p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">61@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/free-outdoor-movie-featuring-space-jam</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Tuesday, July 11 - Featuring: Space Jfam<br />Movie begins at dusk, approx. 8:45pm. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the terraced, grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell. In case of inclement weather, check our website or Facebook page for event updates. For more information, visit www.mokenapark.com or call 708-390-2401.</p> ]]>
                <title>Free Outdoor Movie - Featuring: Back to the Future</title>
                <description>pnbspppTuesday August 22  Featuring Back to the Futurebr Movie begins at dusk approx 845pm Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the terraced grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell In case of inclement weather check our website or Facebook page for event updates For more information visit wwwmokenaparkcom or call 7083902401p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">62@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/free-outdoor-movie-featuring-back-to-the-future</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>&nbsp;</p>
<p>Tuesday, August 22 - Featuring: Back to the Future<br />Movie begins at dusk, approx. 8:45pm. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the terraced, grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell. In case of inclement weather, check our website or Facebook page for event updates. For more information, visit www.mokenapark.com or call 708-390-2401.</p> ]]>
                <title>Free Outdoor Concert</title>
                <description>pstrongPaulie amp The Shakersstrong perform a variety of covers of the best music from seven decades including todays hitsBring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the terraced grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell In case of inclement weather check our website or Facebook page for event updates For more information visit wwwmokenaparkcom or call 7083902401p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">63@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/free-outdoor-concert</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><strong>Paulie &amp; The Shakers</strong> perform a variety of covers of the best music from seven decades, including today’s hits. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the terraced, grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell. In case of inclement weather, check our website or Facebook page for event updates. For more information, visit www.mokenapark.com or call 708-390-2401.</p> ]]>
                <title>Free Outdoor Concert</title>
                <description>pThe Stingers are a Chicagobased cover band that plays Rock Funk amp Soul and RampBConcert begins at 7pm Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the terraced grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell In case of inclement weather check our website or Facebook page for event updates For more information visit wwwmokenaparkcom or call 7083902401p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">64@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/free-outdoor-concert</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>The Stingers are a Chicago-based cover band that plays Rock, Funk &amp; Soul and R&amp;B. Concert begins at 7pm. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the terraced, grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell. In case of inclement weather, check our website or Facebook page for event updates. For more information, visit www.mokenapark.com or call 708-390-2401.</p> ]]>
                <description>pThe Canine Contest prize categories are Best Costume Best Trick and Yunker YelperppPet Parade prize categories are Best Dressed Best Fed Golden Oldie Most Exotic PetOwner LookALike and SmallestLargest pet All Animals are welcome in the paradeppBe sure to enter theemstrongWoofstock Social Media Star Contesstrongstrongtstrongem To enter send your dogs best photo to infomokenaparkcom by 4pm on June 14 The top ten photos will be chosen to go on our Facebook page Voting will be from June 15 to 4pm on June 22 The winner will be announced at Woofstock and will receive a prizeppFor the safety of your pets and all others pet vaccinations must be current and all dogs must be on a leash For more information go to a hrefhttpwwwmokenaparkcomwwwmokenaparkcoma or call 7083902401p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">65@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/woofstock</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>The Canine Contest prize categories are: Best Costume, Best Trick and Yunker Yelper.</p>
<p>Pet Parade prize categories are: Best Dressed, Best Fed, Golden Oldie, Most Exotic, Pet/Owner Look-A-Like, and Smallest/Largest pet. All Animals are welcome in the parade.</p>
<p>Be sure to enter the <em><strong>Woofstock Social Media Star Contes</strong><strong>t.</strong></em> To enter, send your dog's best photo to info@mokenapark.com by 4pm on June 14. The top ten photos will be chosen to go on our Facebook page. Voting will be from June 15 to 4pm on June 22. The winner will be announced at Woofstock and will receive a prize. </p>
<p>For the safety of your pets and all others, pet vaccinations must be current and all dogs must be on a leash. For more information, go to <a href="http://www.mokenapark.com">www.mokenapark.com</a> or call 708-390-2401.</p> ]]>
                <title>Mokena Chamber&#039;s 2023 Garden Walk</title>
                <description>div stylebackgroundcolor fff classfieldbanner fullwidthfielddiv classheaderfielddiv classbanner holdsbannertext frviewp styletextalign centerspan stylefontsize 14px color 000000Saturday July 15 2023spanpp styletextalign centerspan stylecolor 000000span stylefontsize 14px10 am to 4 pmspanspanpp styletextalign centerspan stylecolor 000000span stylefontsize 14px20 presale25 at the doorspanspanpp styletextalign centerspan stylecolor 000000span stylefontsize 14pxThank you for your interest in our 3rd Mokena Chamber Residential Garden Walkspanspanpp styletextalign centerstrongspan stylecolor 000000span stylefontsize 14pxOn the day of the event map pickup will be held at Aurelios Pizza of Mokena due to a car show taking place across from the Chamber Office Aurelios is located at 19836 Wolf Road We will be in the back banquet room on the south side of the buildingspanspanspan stylecolor 000000span stylefontsize 14pxPlease come here on July 15 to pick up your map to the gardens Pickup begins at 945 amspanspanstrongpp styletextalign centerspan stylecolor 000000span stylefontsize 14pxOur event takes place rain or shine Sorry no refunds Please make sure to wear comfortable shoesspanspanpp styletextalign centerspan stylecolor 000000span stylefontsize 14pxWe have 9 beautiful residential gardens on the Walk each with their own unique personalityspanspanpp styletextalign centerspan stylefontsize 14px color 000000Thank you for your purchasespanpdivdivdivpp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">66@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/2023-garden-walk</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <div style="background-color: #fff;" class="field-banner full-width-field">
<div class="header-field">
<div class="banner holds-banner-text fr-view">
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 14px; color: #000000;">Saturday, July 15, 2023</span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">10 a.m. to 4 p.m. </span></span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">$20 pre-sale/$25 at the door</span></span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">Thank you for your interest in our 3rd Mokena Chamber Residential Garden Walk!</span></span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><strong><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">On the day of the event, map pick-up will be held at Aurelio's Pizza of Mokena due to a car show taking place across from the Chamber Office. Aurelio's is located at 19836 Wolf Road. We will be in the back banquet room on the south side of the building. </span></span><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">Please come here on July 15 to pick up your map to the gardens. Pick-up begins at 9:45 a.m. </span></span></strong></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">Our event takes place rain or shine. Sorry no refunds. Please make sure to wear comfortable shoes! </span></span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">We have 9 beautiful residential gardens on the Walk, each with their own unique personality.</span></span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 14px; color: #000000;">Thank you for your purchase!</span></p>
<p></p> ]]>
                <title>Unplug and Chalk It Up</title>
                <description>pMokena Park District along with park districts across Illinois will be celebrating emUnplug Illinois Day emon Saturday July 15 2023 Celebrate with us at strongemUnplug and Chalk It Up emstrongema semidewalk chalk drawing contest from 11am1pm at Main Park 10925 W La Porte Road MokenappThe registration fee of 5 includes a set of sidewalk chalk 10 pieces Spots are limited so preregistration is recommended strongThe registration deadline is July 7strong All ages are welcome Groups or families can also enter maximum of four people per group Checkin time is 111130am Drawing begins at 1130am until 1230pm From 1230100pm judging and prizes will be announcedppParticipants should bring their own sidewalk chalk water sunscreen a hat and a towel or kneeler pad to kneel on Only sidewalk chalk can be used for the drawings Paints or other materials are not allowed General seating is not available Family members or friends can bring lawn chairs for seating For more information call 7083902401 or register at a hrefhttpssecurerec1comILmokenacommunityparkdistrictcatalogfilterc2VhcmNoPTI0OTk3NTMwwwmokenaparkcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">67@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/unplug-and-chalk-it-up</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Mokena Park District, along with park districts across Illinois, will be celebrating <em>Unplug Illinois Day </em>on Saturday, July 15, 2023. Celebrate with us at <strong><em>Unplug and Chalk It Up!, </em></strong><em>a s</em>idewalk chalk drawing contest from 11am­–1pm at Main Park, 10925 W. La Porte Road, Mokena.</p>
<p>The registration fee of $5, includes a set of sidewalk chalk (10 pieces). Spots are limited so preregistration is recommended. <strong>The registration deadline is July 7</strong>. All ages are welcome. Groups or families can also enter (maximum of four people per group). Check-in time is 11–11:30am. Drawing begins at 11:30am until 12:30pm. From 12:30–1:00pm judging and prizes will be announced.</p>
<p>Participants should bring their own sidewalk chalk, water, sunscreen, a hat, and a towel or kneeler pad to kneel on.  Only sidewalk chalk can be used for the drawings. Paints or other materials are not allowed. General seating is not available. Family members or friends can bring lawn chairs for seating. For more information, call 708-390-2401 or register at <a href="https://secure.rec1.com/IL/mokena-community-park-district/catalog?filter=c2VhcmNoPTI0OTk3NTM=">www.mokenapark.com</a>.</p> ]]>
                <title>Farm &amp; Barn Fest</title>
                <description>pFree parking and admissionppFrom strong125pm strongkids activities games Mechanical Bull Petting Zoo contests and stage entertainment The Splash Pad will be open from 10am530pm A 20 wristband is required for most kids activities Some activities have a separate fee Food concessions will be open from 9am10pm Beer concessions will be open from 11am10pmppstrongOUTDOOR FLEA MARKETbr strong9amNoon  Shoppers admitted freeppSell your old and new wares at this annual Flea Market We welcome fresh produce new and used crafts clothing tools etc Early Bird Vendor Registration fee 30R35NR After June 26 add 5 fee Registration deadline Aug 2 Vendors must preregister There is no dayofevent registration For vendor information or to register visit a hrefhttpssecurerec1comILmokenacommunityparkdistrictcatalogfilterc2VhcmNoPTI1NjI3ODUwwwmokenaparkcomappstrongstrongstrongCOUNTRY CONCERTbr strongYunker Farm Bandshell  Free AdmissionppJoin us for a night of Country Music with these great bands Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the music on the terraced grass seating at the bandshell Food beverages and beer will be available for purchase Children are allowed at the concert with parental supervisionppstrong6730pm Woulda Coulda Shouldastrongppstrong810pm strongstrongHillbilly RockstarzstrongppFor festival information call 7083902401 or visit a hrefhttpswwwmokenaparkcomnewsandeventsfarmandbarnaspxwwwmokenaparkcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">68@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/farm-barn-fest</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Free parking and admission. </p>
<p>From <strong>12­–5pm, </strong>kid’s activities, games, Mechanical Bull, Petting Zoo, contests, and stage entertainment. The Splash Pad will be open from 10am–5:30pm. A $20 wristband is required for most kids’ activities. Some activities have a separate fee. Food concessions will be open from 9am–­10pm. Beer concessions will be open from 11am–10pm.</p>
<p><strong>OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET<br /></strong>9am–Noon  ●  Shoppers admitted free!</p>
<p>Sell your old and new wares at this annual Flea Market. We welcome fresh produce, new and used crafts, clothing, tools, etc. Early Bird Vendor Registration fee: $30R/$35NR. After June 26, add $5 fee. Registration deadline: Aug 2. Vendors must preregister. There is no day-of-event registration. For vendor information or to register, visit <a href="https://secure.rec1.com/IL/mokena-community-park-district/catalog?filter=c2VhcmNoPTI1NjI3ODU=">www.mokenapark.com.</a></p>
<p><strong> </strong><strong>COUNTRY CONCERT<br /></strong>Yunker Farm Bandshell ● Free Admission</p>
<p>Join us for a night of Country Music with these great bands. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the music on the terraced, grass seating at the bandshell. Food, beverages and beer will be available for purchase. Children are allowed at the concert with parental supervision.  </p>
<p><strong>6–7:30pm, Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda</strong></p>
<p><strong>8–10pm, </strong><strong>Hillbilly Rockstarz</strong></p>
<p>For festival information, call 708-390-2401 or visit <a href="https://www.mokenapark.com/news-and-events/_-farmandbarn.aspx">www.mokenapark.com</a>.</p> ]]>
                <title>Intro into Ayurvedic Doshas with Lea</title>
                <description>div classdtcbody dtccard datav2f882e04div classproductdescription datav2f882e04pJoin natural product expert Lea as she guides you to create the perfect essential oil mix for your DoshappDoshas are responsible for a persons physiological mental amp emotional health which is why its so important to keep them in balance During this workshop learn your Doshas the basics of Ayurvedic practices amp traditions Then make an essential roller to help balance your DoshasppTigers Eye Naturals is a small business focused onusing natural products to heal and restore Formed by a girl and her cat Lea started Tigers Eye to incorporate her love of clean natural ingredients with everyday products We realize the importance of quality when choosing where to purchase your products and are glad you found usppSat Aug 5th 1011am Cost 25ppWholistic Wellness has a tea bar for your convenience and enjoymentpdivdiv</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">69@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/intro-into-ayurvedic-doshas-with-lea</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <div class="dtc__body dtc__card" data-v-2f882e04="">
<div class="product-description" data-v-2f882e04="">
<p>Join natural product expert Lea as she guides you to create the perfect essential oil mix for your Dosha!</p>
<p>Doshas are responsible for a person's physiological, mental, &amp; emotional health, which is why it's so important to keep them in balance. During this workshop learn your Doshas, the basics of Ayurvedic practices &amp; traditions. Then make an essential roller to help balance your Doshas.</p>
<p>Tiger’s Eye Naturals is a small business focused on using natural products to heal and restore. Formed by a girl and her cat, Lea started Tiger’s Eye to incorporate her love of clean, natural ingredients with everyday products. We realize the importance of quality when choosing where to purchase your products and are glad you found us.</p>
<p>Sat, Aug 5th 10-11am, Cost $25</p>
<p>Wholistic Wellness has a tea bar for your convenience and enjoyment!</p>
</div> ]]>
                <title>Become Empowered by your Triggers Workshop with Dana Massat</title>
                <description>pDana Massat is giving you an opportunity to release the human limitations amp fully align your Evolved SelfppStep out of Survival into ThrivingppRelease victim Consciousness amp embrace a Growth MindsetppLearn toppWe will find the core of our triggers beliefs systems family generational patterns and past traumappWe will utilize the trigger as an opportunity to grow and shift our thoughts and patternsppI will guide the group to release the cords and wounds connected to the triggers and embrace freedom liberation and joyppstrongDana is the Founder of Wholistic Wellness a Cranial Sacral Therapist Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor Healer Spiritual Teacher and Shaman with 15 years of Shamanic Integrative Healing and Holistic Modalities Dana journeys beyond ordinary to work with the multidimensional trauma and its effects on human behavior Dana is an expert at releasing human limitations and living from the Evolved SelfstrongppstrongMon Aug 7th 6730pm 44strongppstrongLocation Wholistic Wellness strong20550 S LaGrange Road  210 Frankfort IL 60423p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">70@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/become-empowered-by-your-triggers-workshop-with-dana-massat</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Dana Massat is giving you an opportunity to release the human limitations &amp; fully align your Evolved Self!</p>
<p>Step out of Survival into Thriving!</p>
<p>Release victim Consciousness &amp; embrace a Growth Mind-set!</p>
<p>Learn to:</p>
<p>We will find the core of our triggers: beliefs systems, family generational patterns and past trauma.</p>
<p>We will utilize the trigger as an opportunity to grow and shift our thoughts and patterns</p>
<p>I will guide the group to release the cords and wounds connected to the triggers and embrace freedom, liberation, and joy!</p>
<p><strong>Dana is the Founder of Wholistic Wellness, a Cranial Sacral Therapist, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Shaman with 15 years of Shamanic Integrative Healing and Holistic Modalities. Dana journeys beyond ordinary to work with the multi-dimensional trauma and it's effects on human behavior. Dana is an expert at releasing human limitations and living from the Evolved Self.</strong></p>
<p><strong>Mon, Aug 7th 6-730pm, $44</strong></p>
<p><strong>Location: Wholistic Wellness : </strong>20550 S LaGrange Road # 210, Frankfort, IL 60423</p> ]]>
                <title>Women&#039;s Circle Series with Kelsey Brasic &amp; Kierstin Wnek</title>
                <description>pSeeking your tribe New connections Community SisterhoodppJoin other conscious women in your area for this womens only event We will create sacred space to build relationships open our hearts and share our thoughts and ideas with other women Each session will include discussion meditation and a varying topicactivityppem3rd Thursdays of the month during summer with potential to keep going upcoming dates 518 615 720 817 630830pmemppuDONATION BASEDupp720 Stresspp817Speaking our Truthsp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">71@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/womens-circle-series-with-kelsey-brasic-kierstin-wnek</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Seeking your tribe? New connections? Community? Sisterhood?</p>
<p>Join other conscious women in your area for this women's only event. We will create sacred space to build relationships, open our hearts, and share our thoughts and ideas with other women. Each session will include discussion, meditation, and a varying topic/activity.</p>
<p><em>3rd Thursdays of the month during summer (with potential to keep going) upcoming dates 5/18, 6/15, 7/20, 8/17 6:30-8:30pm</em></p>
<p><u>DONATION BASED</u></p>
<p>7/20- Stress</p>
<p>8/17- Speaking our Truths </p> ]]>
                <title>Spirit Animal Sound Healing + Reiki + Cocktails</title>
                <description>div classproductdescription datav2f882e04pKids are getting back to school and Moms are getting back to refocusing on their own health amp healing Begin the evening with Sound Healing  Reiki and then enjoy a Specialty Summer CocktailMocktailppEly will guide to during the Sound Healing to connect with your Spirit Animal and use its medicine and guidance to heal and realign with your highest selfppKierstin Wnek will be offering Tarot Oracle and Intuitive Readings 15 minutes for 20ppYour guides for the eveningstrongSound Healers Diana Voith Kierstin Wnek Energy Healers Cathy Rohan  Ely GarciastrongppWhen you check out choose if you want a Mocktail or Cocktail for the evening and a dinner reservation following the eventppWHAT TO BRING A yoga mat any props you desire to be comfortable and a blanket if you desireppstrongSummer CocktailMocktailstrongSunny Daze pallani limoncello st george basil liqueur lemon and elderflower vodka lemon juice simple syrupppLocation Dancing Marlin 20590 South La Grange Road Frankfort IL 60423ppMon Aug 28th  5307pmppCost 40ppIf you want an intuitive or tarot card reading from Kierstin following the Sound Healing Ceremony select that option when you check outpdivdiv datav63e4972f datav2f882e04div classformitem datav63e4972fdivdiv</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">73@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/spirit-animal-sound-healing-reiki-cocktails</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <div class="product-description" data-v-2f882e04="">
<p>Kids are getting back to school and Mom's are getting back to refocusing on their own health &amp; healing! Begin the evening with Sound Healing + Reiki, and then enjoy a Specialty Summer Cocktail/Mocktail.</p>
<p>Ely will guide to during the Sound Healing to connect with your Spirit Animal and use it's medicine and guidance to heal and realign with your highest self.</p>
<p>Kierstin Wnek will be offering Tarot, Oracle, and Intuitive Readings. 15 minutes for $20!</p>
<p>Your guides for the evening: <strong>Sound Healers: Diana Voith+ Kierstin Wnek; Energy Healers: Cathy Rohan + Ely Garcia</strong></p>
<p>When you check out, choose if you want a Mocktail or Cocktail for the evening; and a dinner reservation following the event.</p>
<p>WHAT TO BRING: A yoga mat, any props you desire to be comfortable and a blanket if you desire.</p>
<p><strong>Summer Cocktail/Mocktail: </strong>Sunny Daze: pallani limoncello, st george basil liqueur, lemon and elderflower vodka, lemon juice, simple syrup.</p>
<p>Location: "Dancing Marlin" 20590 South La Grange Road, Frankfort, IL 60423</p>
<p>Mon, Aug 28th @ 530-7pm</p>
<p>Cost $40</p>
<p>If you want an intuitive or tarot card reading from Kierstin following the Sound Healing Ceremony, select that option when you check out.</p>
<div data-v-63e4972f="" data-v-2f882e04="">
<div class="form-item" data-v-63e4972f=""> </div>
</div> ]]>
                <title>Ribbon Cutting &amp; Business After Hours at Ascend Wealth Planning 8.3.23</title>
                <description>pimg altRibbon Cutting Facebook Event Ascend Wealth Planning 8323 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber112membershipmeetingsribboncuttingfacebookeventascendwealthplanning8323png p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">74@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/ribbon-cutting-business-after-hours-at-ascend-wealth-planning-8323</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><img alt="Ribbon Cutting Facebook Event Ascend Wealth Planning 8.3.23" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/membership-meetings/ribbon-cutting-facebook-event-ascend-wealth-planning-8323.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Intuition: What Is It, How Can We Improve It with Mark the Midwest Medium</title>
                <description>div classproductheader datav1c088e0c datav2f882e04div classproducttitle datav38a83a30 datav1c088e0cdivh3 classtextcomponent productpricewrapper productprice 1901uGevg 1901NNp1l datav54fd6eb4 datav20fbec6f datav1c088e0cspan stylefontsize 16pxJoin Mark as he shares what Intuition is the difference between impulse and intuition as well as how it can improve our life Mark will also guide you through a meditation Mark will also have a short Q amp A at the endspanh3divdiv classproductdescription datav2f882e04pBioppAugust 28th at 630730pm 30pp20 yrs experienceppMark is a Chicago native that provides Spiritual guidance to many around the world in the form of readings or teaching on topics such as Healing Psychic Mediumship and Astrology Known as Mark The Midwest Medium Mark has made appearances on television and radio most recently returning to the television show VH1s Black Ink Crew Chicago demonstrating his Mediumship giftost social media outlets as he believes passing down the knowledge to the next generation of Spiritual seekers is important to help them on their spiritual journey Mark believes that it is the Lightworkers of today that will be instrumental in restoring peace and harmony on earth once again for generations to comepdivpnbspppRegister httpscheckoutsquaresitebuyONOO6SDIRDT7OVHNIV7VALXQp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">76@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/intuition-what-is-it-how-can-we-improve-it-with-mark-the-midwest-medium</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <div class="product-header" data-v-1c088e0c="" data-v-2f882e04="">
<div class="product-title" data-v-38a83a30="" data-v-1c088e0c=""> </div>
<h3 class="text-component product-price__wrapper product-price πŸ“š19-0-1uGevg πŸ“š19-0-1NNp1l" data-v-54fd6eb4="" data-v-20fbec6f="" data-v-1c088e0c=""><span style="font-size: 16px;">Join Mark as he shares what Intuition is, the difference between impulse and intuition, as well as how it can improve our life. Mark will also guide you through a meditation. Mark will also have a short Q &amp; A at the end.</span></h3>
<div class="product-description" data-v-2f882e04="">
<p>August 28th at 630-730pm $30</p>
<p>20+ yrs experience!! </p>
<p>Mark is a Chicago native that provides Spiritual guidance to many around the world in the form of readings or teaching on topics such as Healing, Psychic, Mediumship and Astrology. Known as "Mark The Midwest Medium," Mark has made appearances on television and radio, most recently returning to the television show VH1's "Black Ink Crew: Chicago," demonstrating his Mediumship giftost social media outlets, as he believes passing down the knowledge to the next generation of Spiritual seekers is important to help them on their spiritual journey. Mark believes that it is the Lightworkers of today that will be instrumental in restoring peace and harmony on earth once again for generations to come.</p>
<p>Register: https://checkout.square.site/buy/ONOO6SDIRDT7OVHNIV7VALXQ</p> ]]>
                <title>Mommy + Me Mindfulness Workshop</title>
                <description>pAN INTRODUCTION TO MINDFULNESS WITH TIPS TO INCORPORATE MINDFULNESS TECHNIQUES INTO DAILY LIFE THIS WORKSHOP IS BOTH INTERACTIVE AND HEALING FOR ALL AGESppMINDFULNESS CRAFT FOR KIDDOSppCREATE YOUR OWN AFFIRMATIONppMINI MEDITATION KID FRIENDLYpp35 PER MOMMYCHILD PAIRppTigers Eye Naturals is a small business focused onusing natural products to heal and restore Formed by a girl and her cat Lea started Tigers Eye to incorporate her love of clean natural ingredients with everyday products We realize the importance of quality when choosing where to purchase your products and are glad you found usppSat Sept 16th 1011am Cost 35ppWholistic Wellness has a tea bar for your convenience and enjoymentp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">77@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/mommy-me-mindfulness-workshop-9-16-23</guid>
<p>Tiger’s Eye Naturals is a small business focused on using natural products to heal and restore. Formed by a girl and her cat, Lea started Tiger’s Eye to incorporate her love of clean, natural ingredients with everyday products. We realize the importance of quality when choosing where to purchase your products and are glad you found us.</p>
<p>Sat, Sept 16th 10-11am, Cost $35</p>
<p>Wholistic Wellness has a tea bar for your convenience and enjoyment!</p> ]]>
                <title>Full Moon Sound Healing Journey with Diana Voith &amp; Kelsey Brasic</title>
                <description>pFull Moon Sound Healing Journey with Diana Voith amp Kelsey BrasicppJoin Diana Voith amp Kelsey Brasic for a Full Moon Ceremony which includes a release ceremony Sound Journey Reiki amp Meditation A Full Moon is a time of letting go and releasing to make room for the new energies in the Universe that are there to help you grow heal and EvolveppCost 22ppThurs Aug 31st 630730PMp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">78@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/full-moon-sound-healing-journey-with-diana-voith-kelsey-brasic-8-31-23</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Full Moon Sound Healing Journey with Diana Voith &amp; Kelsey Brasic</p>
<p>Join Diana Voith &amp; Kelsey Brasic for a Full Moon Ceremony; which includes a release ceremony, Sound Journey, Reiki &amp; Meditation. A Full Moon is a time of letting go and releasing, to make room for the new energies in the Universe that are there to help you grow, heal and Evolve.</p>
<p>Cost $22</p>
<p>Thurs Aug 31st 630-730PM</p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office and Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pstrongJoin Us August 30th for a SPECIAL Shop Shred DayHelp us reach our goal to fill our Box Truck for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry Bring a bag of food to donate during your Shop Shred Visit and receive 500 Offspan stylecolor ff0000APPOINTMENTS REQUIREDspan Call for pricing and to book your appointment 7083880011strongp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">79@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-and-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena-1aug-2023</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><strong>Join Us August 30th for a SPECIAL Shop Shred Day. Help us reach our goal to fill our Box Truck for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry. Bring a bag of food to donate during your Shop Shred Visit and receive $5.00 Off. <span style="color: #ff0000;">APPOINTMENTS REQUIRED</span> - Call for pricing and to book your appointment: 708-388-0011</strong></p> ]]>
                <title>Peace &amp; Pumpkin Spice at Track Farms</title>
                <description>pJoin SunKissed Greenz CBD Yoga with Sam amp Track Farms for a sunset evening of self love relaxation amp natureppGrab your friends and meet us on the beautiful Track Farms property at the most beautiful time of daysunsetppYour ticket includes 45 minutes of yoga all levels yoga CBD pumpkin treats  and a farm tour where you can see where the hemp amp wildflowers are bornppThere will also be you pick flowers amp premade produce boxes for saleppPlease bring a matt amp water bottle If you do not have a yoga matt we do have some extras or you may bring a towelppEach guest will receive coupons good toward future purchases at Track Farms and SunKissed Greenz CBDppWe cant wait to see you therep</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">81@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/peace-pumpkin-spice-at-track-farms</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join SunKissed Greenz CBD, Yoga with Sam, &amp; Track Farms for a sunset evening of self love, relaxation, &amp; nature.</p>
<p>Grab your friends and meet us on the beautiful Track Farms property at the most beautiful time of day...sunset.</p>
<p>Your ticket includes 45 minutes of yoga (all levels yoga), CBD pumpkin treats , and a farm tour where you can see where the hemp &amp; wildflowers are born.</p>
<p>There will also be you pick flowers &amp; premade produce boxes for sale.</p>
<p>Please bring a matt &amp; water bottle. If you do not have a yoga matt we do have some extras or you may bring a towel.</p>
<p>Each guest will receive coupons good toward future purchases at Track Farms and SunKissed Greenz CBD.</p>
<p>We cant wait to see you there!</p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting - Sept. 2023</title>
                <description>pimg altNEW  Sept 2023 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023newsept2023membershipmeetingfacebookeventcoverpng p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">82@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/monthly-membership-meeting-sept-23</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><img alt="NEW - Sept. 2023 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/new-sept-2023-membership-meeting-facebook-event-cover.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Downward Dog Yoga Adoption Event</title>
                <description>pDid you knowA study revealed that those who spent more time with dogs experienced a 300 percent increase in oxytocin levels A whopping 87 of Americans were reported as happier than the average person because of owning a petppPlease join us for a dog filled day as we end the dog days of summerThis is a morning of relaxation yoga dogs shopping and sunshineppWe will kick this morning off with DOG YOGA Yes you read that right Youve heard of goat yogaWell now we have DOG YOGA and its for a truly amazing cause Meet us and some marvelous dogs on your yoga matts Pet snuggle amp fall in love with the dogs of NAWS animal shelter in Mokena  Sam froma hrefhttpswwwroseraehaircomyoga targetblank relnoopenerYoga with Samawill be leading the class This is an all levels yoga class so everyone is welcomeppemAlthough this is a dog friendly event  we ask that only the dogs up for adoption with NAWS participate in the yoga portion of this event emppFrom there you will be able to mingle amp shop with local pet businesses and chat with NAWS about pet adoptions If you should decide to adopt your new best friend at this event you will also go home with a swag bag of goodies which includes treats amp CBD products from each of our vendorsppWe are also collecting donation on this day for the animals at NAWS Clicka hrefhttpsstoragegoogleapiscomwzukusersuser19285910documents3706147518d642e3831db59bebf89385NAWS20Wish20List202023pdf targetblank relnoopenerHEREafor the NAWS wishlist Wishlist items include cleaning supplies cat litter amp pans paper towels amp even your gently used towels and blanketsppThe cost for yoga is 20 per person Half of all yoga ticket sales purchased will be donated to NAWS animal shelter ppPlease bring yoga matts If you do not have one feel free to bring a towel or you may borrow one of our matts See you there p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">83@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/downward-dog-yoga-adoption-event</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Did you know?.....A study revealed that those who spent more time with dogs experienced a 300 percent increase in oxytocin levels. A whopping 87% of Americans were reported as happier than the average person because of owning a pet.</p>
<p>Please join us for a dog filled day as we end the dog days of summer. This is a morning of relaxation, yoga, dogs, shopping and sunshine! </p>
<p>We will kick this morning off with DOG YOGA! Yes, you read that right. You've heard of goat yoga....Well now we have DOG YOGA and its for a truly amazing cause. Meet us (and some marvelous dogs) on your yoga matts. Pet, snuggle &amp; fall in love with the dogs of NAWS animal shelter in Mokena . Sam from <a href="https://www.roseraehair.com/yoga" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Yoga with Sam</a> will be leading the class. This is an all levels yoga class so everyone is welcome. </p>
<p><em>Although this is a dog friendly event , we ask that only the dogs up for adoption with NAWS participate in the yoga portion of this event.  </em></p>
<p>From there you will be able to mingle &amp; shop with local pet businesses and chat with NAWS about pet adoptions. If you should decide to adopt your new best friend at this event you will also go home with a swag bag of goodies which includes treats &amp; CBD products from each of our vendors. </p>
<p>We are also collecting donation on this day for the animals at NAWS. Click <a href="https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-19285910/documents/3706147518d642e3831db59bebf89385/NAWS%20Wish%20List%202023.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HERE</a> for the NAWS wishlist. Wishlist items include cleaning supplies, cat litter &amp; pans, paper towels, &amp; even your gently used towels and blankets. </p>
<p>The cost for yoga is $20 per person. Half of all yoga ticket sales purchased will be donated to NAWS animal shelter.  </p>
<p>Please bring yoga matts, If you do not have one feel free to bring a towel or you may borrow one of our matts.  See you there ! </p> ]]>
                <title>Witches Night Out</title>
                <description>pIts spooky season amp there is no better way to have fun with your friends than to join us for a Witches Night OutppThis event is BYOB amp costumes are encouraged but not requiredppYour ticket includes the followingpulliMeet Bridget from Hippie Hood Tarot for intuitive tarot and oracle readings Bridget has been practicing for over 25 years and is not for the faint of heart Youll love her Your ticket includes a 15 minute reading additional minutes are available for additional cost at the time of the eventliliWe will also be doing a DIY crystal roll on project with essential oils amp CBD oil These roll ons are great to toss in a bag and have with you any time you are feeling stressed tired headaches allergies fatigue and morePick from different crystals amp essential oils to create your very ownlilia hrefhttpswwwfivepointhermeticscomaskauntiekatie targetblank relnoopenerAsk Auntie Katieawill also be here to lead a mojo bag diy Auntie Katie is a tarot card reader amp dream oracle among many other things Mojo bags are often called prayer bags or spell bags Auntie Katie will be assisting with mojo bags for luck love or protection and these bags consist of crystals herbs amp a petitionliliWrap your own sage bundle Wildflowers will be provided bya hrefhttpswwwtrackfarmscom targetblank relnoopenerTrack Farmsaamp each guest will wrap there own sage bundle We will also teach you about smudging so dont worry if your not sure what this is all aboutliliCome hungrya hrefhttprichspizzajointtogocom targetblank relnoopenerRichs Pizzaawill be providing pizzas there CBD infused pizza is killer and we will be providing crystal CBD drinks nonalcoholliulpstrongSpace is limited amp early registration is encouragedstrongppEnjoy 10 off all SunKissed Greenz purchases during this eventp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">84@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/witches-night-out</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>It's spooky season &amp; there is no better way to have fun with your friends than to join us for a Witches Night Out.</p>
<p>This event is BYOB &amp; costumes are encouraged but not required. </p>
<p>Your ticket includes the following: </p>
<li>Meet Bridget from Hippie Hood Tarot for intuitive tarot and oracle readings. Bridget has been practicing for over 25 years and is not for the faint of heart. You'll love her! Your ticket includes a 15 minute reading, additional minutes are available for additional cost at the time of the event. </li>
<li>We will also be doing a DIY crystal roll on project with essential oils &amp; CBD oil. These roll ons are great to toss in a bag and have with you any time you are feeling stressed, tired, headaches, allergies, fatigue and more. Pick from different crystals &amp; essential oils to create your very own. </li>
<li><a href="https://www.fivepointhermetics.com/ask-auntie-katie" target="_blank" rel="noopener">"Ask Auntie Katie"</a> will also be here to lead a mojo bag diy. Auntie Katie is a tarot card reader &amp; dream oracle among many other things. Mojo bags are often called prayer bags or spell bags. Auntie Katie will be assisting with mojo bags for luck, love, or protection and these bags consist of crystals, herbs, &amp; a petition. </li>
<li>Wrap your own sage bundle- Wildflowers will be provided by <a href="https://www.track-farms.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Track Farms</a> &amp; each guest will wrap there own sage bundle. We will also teach you about smudging so dont worry if your not sure what this is all about. </li>
<li>Come hungry- <a href="http://richspizzajointtogo.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Rich's Pizza</a> will be providing pizzas (there CBD infused pizza is killer!) and we will be providing crystal CBD drinks (non-alcohol).</li>
<p><strong>Space is limited &amp; early registration is encouraged. </strong></p>
<p>Enjoy 10% off all SunKissed Greenz purchases during this event. </p> ]]>
                <title>Mokena Park District&#039;s Friday Night Drive-In Movie 9.8.23</title>
                <description>pDont miss the Mokena Park District Fall Drivein Movies Movies are shown at The Oaks Recreation amp Fitness Center parking lot 10847 La Porte Road Mokena 10 per vehicle when you preregister at a hrefhttpssecurerec1comILmokenacommunityparkdistrictcatalogindexf28c11271b664e04881cd545678c5d9ewwwmokenaparkcoma 15 per vehicle for onthespot registration if spots are available Movies begin approximately 8pm It must be as dark as possible to run the movie which could be later than 8pm Portajohns will be onsite No refundspulliSept 8  ElvisliliSept 22  Top Gun MaverickliliOct 13  Friday the 13thliliNov 3  Super Mario BrosliulpRegister at a hrefhttpssecurerec1comILmokenacommunityparkdistrictcatalogindexf28c11271b664e04881cd545678c5d9ewwwmokenaparkcoma For more information call 7083902401p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">85@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/friday-night-drive-in-movie</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Don’t miss the Mokena Park District Fall Drive-in Movies! Movies are shown at The Oaks Recreation &amp; Fitness Center, parking lot, 10847 La Porte Road, Mokena. $10 per vehicle when you preregister at <a href="https://secure.rec1.com/IL/mokena-community-park-district/catalog/index/f28c11271b664e04881cd545678c5d9e">www.mokenapark.com</a>. $15 per vehicle for on-the-spot registration (if spots are available). Movies begin approximately 8pm. It must be as dark as possible to run the movie which could be later than 8pm. Porta-johns will be on-site. No refunds.</p>
<li>Sept. 8 – Elvis</li>
<li>Sept. 22 - Top Gun Maverick</li>
<li>Oct. 13 - Friday the 13th</li>
<li>Nov. 3 - Super Mario Bros.</li>
<p>Register at <a href="https://secure.rec1.com/IL/mokena-community-park-district/catalog/index/f28c11271b664e04881cd545678c5d9e">www.mokenapark.com</a>. For more information call, 708-390-2401.</p> ]]>
                <title>Friday Night Drive-In Movie - Top Gun Maverick</title>
                <description>pDont miss the Mokena Park District Fall Drivein Movies Movies are shown at The Oaks Recreation amp Fitness Center parking lot 10847 La Porte Road Mokena 10 per vehicle when you preregister on our website 15 per vehicle for onthespot registration if spots are available Movies begin approximately 8pm It must be as dark as possible to run the movie which could be later than 8pm Portajohns will be onsite No refundspulliSept 22  Top Gun MaverickliliOct 13  Friday the 13thliliNov 3  Super Mario Brosliul</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">86@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/friday-night-drive-in-movie-top-gun-maverick</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Don’t miss the Mokena Park District Fall Drive-in Movies! Movies are shown at The Oaks Recreation &amp; Fitness Center, parking lot, 10847 La Porte Road, Mokena. $10 per vehicle when you preregister on our website. $15 per vehicle for on-the-spot registration (if spots are available). Movies begin approximately 8pm. It must be as dark as possible to run the movie which could be later than 8pm. Porta-johns will be on-site. No refunds.</p>
<li>Sept. 22 - Top Gun Maverick</li>
<li>Oct. 13 - Friday the 13th</li>
<li>Nov. 3 - Super Mario Bros.</li>
</ul> ]]>
                <title>Friday Night Drive-In Movie - Friday the 13th</title>
                <description>pDont miss the Mokena Park District Fall Drivein Movies Movies are shown at The Oaks Recreation amp Fitness Center parking lot 10847 La Porte Road Mokena 10 per vehicle when you preregister on our website 15 per vehicle for onthespot registration if spots are available Movies begin approximately 8pm It must be as dark as possible to run the movie which could be later than 8pm Portajohns will be onsite No refundspulliOct 13  Friday the 13thliliNov 3  Super Mario Brosliul</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">87@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/friday-night-drive-in-movie-friday-the-13th</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Don’t miss the Mokena Park District Fall Drive-in Movies! Movies are shown at The Oaks Recreation &amp; Fitness Center, parking lot, 10847 La Porte Road, Mokena. $10 per vehicle when you preregister on our website. $15 per vehicle for on-the-spot registration (if spots are available). Movies begin approximately 8pm. It must be as dark as possible to run the movie which could be later than 8pm. Porta-johns will be on-site. No refunds.</p>
<li>Oct. 13 - Friday the 13th</li>
<li>Nov. 3 - Super Mario Bros.</li>
</ul> ]]>
                <title>Friday Night Drive-In Movie - Super Mario Bros.</title>
                <description>pDont miss the Mokena Park District Fall Drivein Movies Movies are shown at The Oaks Recreation amp Fitness Center parking lot 10847 La Porte Road Mokena 10 per vehicle when you preregister at a hrefhttpssecurerec1comILmokenacommunityparkdistrictcatalogindexf28c11271b664e04881cd545678c5d9ewwwmokenaparkcoma 15 per vehicle for onthespot registration if spots are available Movies begin approximately 8pm It must be as dark as possible to run the movie which could be later than 8pm Portajohns will be onsite No refundspulliNov 3  Super Mario Brosliulpnbspp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">88@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/friday-night-drive-in-movie-super-mario-bros</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Don’t miss the Mokena Park District Fall Drive-in Movies! Movies are shown at The Oaks Recreation &amp; Fitness Center, parking lot, 10847 La Porte Road, Mokena. $10 per vehicle when you preregister at <a href="https://secure.rec1.com/IL/mokena-community-park-district/catalog/index/f28c11271b664e04881cd545678c5d9e">www.mokenapark.com</a>. $15 per vehicle for on-the-spot registration (if spots are available). Movies begin approximately 8pm. It must be as dark as possible to run the movie which could be later than 8pm. Porta-johns will be on-site. No refunds.</p>
<li>Nov. 3 - Super Mario Bros.</li>
<p>&nbsp;</p> ]]>
                <title>Board of Directors Meeting 8.23.23</title>
                <description>pBoard of Directors Meeting 82323pp9 am at the chamber office 11104 Front Street Mokenap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">89@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/board-of-directors-meeting-82323</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Board of Directors Meeting 8.23.23</p>
<p>9 am at the chamber office, 11104 Front Street, Mokena.</p> ]]>
                <title>October 2023 Board of Directors Meeting</title>
                <description>pOctober 2023 Board of Directors MeetingppWednesday October 25 at 9 am at the Chamber Office 11104 Front Street Mokenap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">91@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/october-2023-board-of-directors-meeting</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>October 2023 Board of Directors Meeting</p>
<p>Wednesday, October 25 at 9 a.m. at the Chamber Office, 11104 Front Street, Mokena.</p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office and Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor ff0000strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrongspanstrongemCall for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011emstrongbr To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcom datackesavedhrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomabr br strongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp usTake a Bite Out of Hunger Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">92@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-and-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena-9-13</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong></span>. <strong><em>Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.</em></strong><br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/" data-cke-saved-href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a><br /><br /><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us Take a Bite Out of Hunger! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office and Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor ff0000strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrongspanstrongemCall for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011emstrongbr To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcom datackesavedhrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomabr br strongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp usTake a Bite Out of Hunger Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">93@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-and-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena-9-27-23</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong></span>. <strong><em>Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.</em></strong><br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/" data-cke-saved-href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a><br /><br /><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us Take a Bite Out of Hunger! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Halloween Hollow 2023</title>
                <description>pstrongHALLOWEEN HOLLOWstrongstrongFRIDAYSUNDAY OCTOBER 68 2023br strongYunker Park 10824 W La Porte Road MokenaParking 5 per vehicleppstrongEvent hoursstrong Friday 510pm  Saturday 1210pm  Sunday 15pm carnival onlybr Sunday 11am1230pm Special needs carnival hour emform requiredemppstronguFRIDAY OCT 6br ustrongstrongCARNIVAL 510pmbr strongstrongBANDS BEER and FOOD CONCESSIONS 510pm br strongEnjoy food and beer concessions and great entertainment at the Yunker Park Bandshellpulli6730pm  Dick Diamond and the Dusterslili810pm  Semple BandliulpstronguSATURDAY OCT 7br ustrongstrongCARNIVAL 1210pmbr strongstrongKIDS ACTIVITIES AND GAMES  Saturday 125pm br strongBuildYourOwnScarecrow Pumpkin Painting and more An Activity Wristband 20 is required for most kids activities The Activity Wristband includes Inflatables face painting pony rides petting zoo Haunted Maze and games Activities are subject to change Some activities have a separate feeppstrongMONSTER MARKET  Saturday 125pmstrongbr Theres something for everyone in the Monster Marketstrongstrong Vendors will be selling a variety of bootiful items such as plants home dcor Halloween items and moreppstrongFREE COSTUME CONTEST  Saturday 4pmstrongbr The Costume Contest is held at the Yunker Park Bandshell Open to all ages Register for the contest at the Bandshell by 3pm Contest begins at 4pm Costumes will be judged in four 4 categories Group Funniest Scariest and Most Original Prizes will be awarded in each category and one Best Overall winnerppstrongBANDS BEER and FOOD CONCESSIONS 1210pm br strongEnjoy food and beer concessions and great evening entertainment at the Yunker Park Bandshell from 1210pm on Saturdaypulli6730pm  The Beatelleslili810pm  InfinityliulpstronguSUNDAY OCT 8  Carnival only 15pmbr ustrongSpecial needs Carnival hours are 11am1230pm emform required emForms are available at your Special Recreation Association or SchoolppSome activities have a fee and are offered while supplies last Schedules and activities are subject to changeppThank you to the following Halloween Hollow sponsors US Army Berkots Super Foods and Ozinga For more information visit a hrefhttpwwwmokenaparkcomwwwmokenaparkcoma or call 7083902401p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">95@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/halloween-hollow-2023</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><strong>HALLOWEEN HOLLOW, </strong><strong>FRIDAY­–SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6­–8, 2023<br /></strong>Yunker Park, 10824 W. La Porte Road, Mokena. Parking: $5 per vehicle.</p>
<p><strong>Event hours:</strong> Friday, 5–10pm / Saturday, 12–10pm / Sunday, 1–5pm (carnival only), <br />Sunday, 11am–12:30pm, Special needs carnival hour (<em>form required).</em></p>
<p><strong><u>FRIDAY, OCT. 6<br /></u></strong><strong>CARNIVAL, 5–10pm.<br /></strong><strong>BANDS, BEER and FOOD CONCESSIONS, 5–10pm <br /></strong>Enjoy food and beer concessions and great entertainment at the Yunker Park Bandshell.</p>
<li>6-7:30pm - Dick Diamond and the Dusters</li>
<li>8-10pm - Semple Band</li>
<p><strong><u>SATURDAY, OCT. 7<br /></u></strong><strong>CARNIVAL, 12­–10pm.<br /></strong><strong>KID’S ACTIVITIES AND GAMES - Saturday 12–5pm. <br /></strong>Build-Your-Own-Scarecrow, Pumpkin Painting and more! An Activity Wristband ($20) is required for most kid’s activities. The Activity Wristband includes: Inflatables, face painting, pony rides, petting zoo, Haunted Maze and games. Activities are subject to change. Some activities have a separate fee.</p>
<p><strong>MONSTER MARKET – Saturday, 12–5pm.</strong><br />There’s something for everyone in the Monster Market<strong>.</strong> Vendors will be selling a variety of boo-tiful items such as plants, home décor, Halloween items and more.</p>
<p><strong>FREE COSTUME CONTEST – Saturday, 4pm.</strong><br />The Costume Contest is held at the Yunker Park Bandshell. Open to all ages. Register for the contest at the Bandshell by 3pm. Contest begins at 4pm. Costumes will be judged in four (4) categories: Group, Funniest, Scariest and Most Original. Prizes will be awarded in each category and one Best Overall winner.</p>
<p><strong>BANDS, BEER and FOOD CONCESSIONS, 12–10pm <br /></strong>Enjoy food and beer concessions and great evening entertainment at the Yunker Park Bandshell from 12–10pm on Saturday</p>
<li>6-7:30pm - The Beatelles</li>
<li>8-10pm - Infinity</li>
<p><strong><u>SUNDAY, OCT. 8 – Carnival only, 1–5pm.<br /></u></strong>Special needs Carnival hours are 11am–12:30pm <em>(form required). </em>Forms are available at your Special Recreation Association or School.</p>
<p>Some activities have a fee and are offered while supplies last. Schedules and activities are subject to change.</p>
<p>Thank you to the following Halloween Hollow sponsors: US Army, Berkots Super Foods, and Ozinga. For more information, visit <a href="http://www.mokenapark.com">www.mokenapark.com</a> or call 708-390-2401. </p> ]]>
                <title>Downtown Mokena Parade of Lights 2023</title>
                <description>pimg altParade of Lights 2023 Application srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023paradeoflights2023applicationpng p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">96@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/downtown-mokena-parade-of-lights-2023</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><img alt="Parade of Lights 2023 Application" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/parade-of-lights-2023-application.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Multi-Chamber Business After Hours at Tesla of Orland Park 9.22.23</title>
                <description>pMultiChamber Business After Hours with the Orland Park Area Chamber of Commerceppimg altOrland Tesla BAH 92223 chamber logos1 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023orlandteslabah92223chamberlogospng p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">97@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/multi-chamber-business-after-hours-at-tesla-of-orland-park-92223</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Multi-Chamber Business After Hours with the Orland Park Area Chamber of Commerce! </p>
<p><img alt="Orland Tesla BAH 9.22.23 chamber logos-1" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/orland-tesla-bah-92223-chamber-logos.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Oct. 2023 Monthly Membership Meeting &amp; Kona Ice Ribbon Cutting</title>
                <description>pimg classactive altOct 2023 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023oct2023membershipmeetingfacebookeventcoverpng p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">98@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/oct-2023-monthly-membership-meeting-kona-ice-ribbon-cutting</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><img class="active" alt="Oct. 2023 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/oct-2023-membership-meeting-facebook-event-cover.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office and Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor ff0000strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrongstrongemCall for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011emstrongspanbr To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcom datackesavedhrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomabr br strongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp usTake a Bite Out of Hunger Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">99@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-and-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. <strong><em>Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.</em></strong></span><br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/" data-cke-saved-href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a><br /><br /><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us Take a Bite Out of Hunger! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office and Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor ff0000strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrongstrongemCall for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011emstrongspanbr To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcom datackesavedhrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomabr br strongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp usTake a Bite Out of Hunger Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">100@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-and-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. <strong><em>Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.</em></strong></span><br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/" data-cke-saved-href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a><br /><br /><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us Take a Bite Out of Hunger! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Lorenz Appliance Multi-Chamber Business After Hours 2023</title>
                <description>pimg altLorenz Appliance BAH 102523 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023lorenzappliancebah102523png p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">101@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/lorenz-appliance-multi-chamber-business-after-hours-2023</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><img alt="Lorenz Appliance BAH 10.25.23" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/lorenz-appliance-bah-102523.png" /> </p> ]]>
                <title>Tesla of Orland Park Frunk or Treat 2023</title>
                <description>pimg altTesla Frunk Or Treat Orland Park 102823 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023teslafrunkortreatorlandpark102823png p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">102@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/tesla-of-orland-park-frunk-or-treat-2023</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><img alt="Tesla Frunk Or Treat Orland Park 10.28.23" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/tesla-frunk-or-treat-orland-park-102823.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting 11.14.23</title>
                <description>pimg altNov 2023 Membership Meeting flyer final srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023nov2023membershipmeetingflyerfinalpng p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">104@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/monthly-membership-meeting-111423</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><img alt="Nov. 2023 Membership Meeting flyer final" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/nov-2023-membership-meeting-flyer-final.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Cocktails &amp; Convos- Improving Women&#039;s Wellbeing at Work</title>
                <description>pJoin us for wine charcuterie boards CBD chocolates and exciting giveawaysppThis is a FREE event dedicated to womens wellness in the workplaceppHosted by SunKissed Greenz CBD Laboratoriesa hrefhttpsrelivetherapycomlocationphysicaltherapymokenail targetblank relnoopenerReLive Physical Therapyaa hrefhttpswwwchicagostemcelltherapycom targetblank relnoopenerPain Management Instituteaa hrefhttpswwwsimplynourishconsultingcom targetblank relnoopenerSimply Nourish Consultinga ampa hrefhttphkglegalcom targetblank relnoopenerThe Law Offices of Hayley K GrahamappMingle amp chat with 5 womanled local wellness businesses about how to improve your health amp wellbeing while having a fun night out with friendsppPlease RSVP for this event so that we are able to gather a head count We hope to see you therep</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">105@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/cocktails-convos-improving-womens-wellbeing-at-work</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for wine, charcuterie boards. CBD chocolates, and exciting giveaways!!</p>
<p>This is a FREE event dedicated to women's wellness in the workplace.</p>
<p>Hosted by SunKissed Greenz CBD Laboratories, <a href="https://relivetherapy.com/location/physical-therapy-mokena-il/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ReLive Physical Therapy</a>, <a href="https://www.chicagostemcelltherapy.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Pain Management Institute</a>, <a href="https://www.simplynourishconsulting.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Simply Nourish Consulting</a>, &amp; <a href="http://hkglegal.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Law Offices of Hayley K Graham</a>.</p>
<p>Mingle &amp; chat with 5 woman-led local wellness businesses about how to improve your health &amp; wellbeing while having a fun night out with friends.</p>
<p>Please RSVP for this event so that we are able to gather a head count. We hope to see you there!!</p> ]]>
                <title>Self Love &amp; Serenity De-Stress Event</title>
                <description>pPlease join us for a relaxing evening dedicated to selflove and peace The holidays are approaching which can often bring on stress This event is all about you amp destressing your mind and bodyppWe will have Yoga with Sam here to host a 45minute yoga class along with Anointed Hands Physical Therapy with their massage bus You read that correctly Anointed Hands will be providing 10minute private massages on their beautiful massage bus Each guest will receive a SunKissed Greenz Soothing Salve sample to take home and continue your destressing along with CBD treats that will be served during the eventppSpace is very limited so early registration is recommendedppGrab your friends amp family and meet us on your mats You dont have to continue living with stress let us help you unwindp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">106@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/self-love-serenity-de-stress-event-11062023</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Please join us for a relaxing evening dedicated to self-love and peace. The holidays are approaching which can often bring on stress. This event is all about you &amp; de-stressing your mind and body. </p>
<p>We will have Yoga with Sam here to host a 45-minute yoga class along with Anointed Hands Physical Therapy with their massage bus. You read that correctly... Anointed Hands will be providing 10-minute private massages on their beautiful massage bus. Each guest will receive a SunKissed Greenz Soothing Salve sample to take home and continue your de-stressing along with CBD treats that will be served during the event. </p>
<p>Space is very limited so early registration is recommended. </p>
<p>Grab your friends &amp; family and meet us on your mats! You don't have to continue living with stress, let us help you unwind. </p> ]]>
                <title>Baked With A Book</title>
                <description>pPlease welcome special guesta targetblank hrefhttpsbookshoporgshopprintedfbclidIwAR0JFCDAJGHf9fXsCAH1yM4bYPlhlceF6pmckG6aV6SptOmVrOyVNZWonl8 relnoopenerPrinted Bookshopa for a morning dedicated to book lovers Printed Bookshop is a local independent bookstore serving Frankfort Mokena New Lenox and Manhattan communitiesppPrinted Bookshop has HUNDREDS of titles by authors such as Sarah j Maas Colleen Hoover Jennifer Armentrout Rebecca Yarros Jodi Picoult John Scalzi Jennifer Weiner Ruth Ware Lisa Jewell Anthony Horrowitz Sally Hempworth Jennifer lynn Barnes and MUCH MOREppWe will spend the morning among books CBD baked goods mimosas amp coffee Your ticket includes all of this along with a paperback or hardcover at 20 off you pick the book during the event Please choose your ticket accordingly as there are two different options You will also have the option to purchase additional books and CBD products during the event as wellppWe look forward to seeing you thereppLooking for something specific Feel free to reach out to Printed Bookshopa targetblank hrefhttpswwwfacebookcomPrintedBookshop relnoopenerHEREaany timeppReading is to the mind what exercise is to the body  Richard Steelep</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">107@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/baked-with-a-book</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Please welcome special guest, <a target="_blank" href="https://bookshop.org/shop/printed?fbclid=IwAR0JFCDAJGHf9fXsCAH1yM4bYPlhlceF6pmckG6aV6SptOmVrOyVNZWonl8" rel="noopener">Printed Bookshop</a>, for a morning dedicated to book lovers. Printed Bookshop is a local independent bookstore serving Frankfort, Mokena, New Lenox, and  Manhattan communities. </p>
<p>Printed Bookshop has HUNDREDS of titles by authors such as: Sarah j Maas, Colleen Hoover, Jennifer Armentrout, Rebecca Yarros, Jodi Picoult,  John Scalzi, Jennifer Weiner, Ruth Ware, Lisa Jewell,  Anthony Horrowitz,  Sally Hempworth, Jennifer lynn Barnes, and MUCH MORE. </p>
<p>We will spend the morning among books, CBD baked goods, mimosas, &amp; coffee. Your ticket includes all of this along with a paperback or hardcover at 20% off (you pick the book during the event). Please choose your ticket accordingly as there are two different options. You will also have the option to purchase additional books and CBD products during the event as well. </p>
<p>We look forward to seeing you there!</p>
<p>Looking for something specific? Feel free to reach out to Printed Bookshop <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/PrintedBookshop" rel="noopener">HERE</a> any time. </p>
<p>“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” – Richard Steele</p> ]]>
                <title>LWABWO Holiday Auction</title>
                <description>pOur main focus of our members is to raise money to fund scholarships for young women in our community Thank you to our local businesses for your generous donations throughout the year and keeping this tradition going LWABWO is a 501c6 Club For more information on how you can participate or donate please visit wwwlwabwoorgp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">108@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/lwabwo-holiday-auction</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Our main focus of our members is to raise money to fund scholarships for young women in our community. Thank you to our local businesses for your generous donations throughout the year and keeping this tradition going. LWABWO is a 501(c)(6) Club. For more information on how you can participate or donate, please visit www.lwabwo.org.</p> ]]>
                <title>Soul, Sound &amp; Reiki Group Session</title>
                <description>pCome gather with others in a small group of 4 sip some tea open up and relax You will each have your own affirmation card and crystal pull  to take home with you And then be led through a soothing sound bath with individualized reiki Once completed there will be a short closing circleppCome connect and heal in a relaxing safe environment with othersp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">110@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/soul-sound-reiki-group-session-11623</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Come gather with others in a small group of 4, sip some tea, open up and relax. You will each have your own affirmation card and crystal pull ( to take home with you!) And then be led through a soothing sound bath with individualized reiki. Once completed there will be a short closing circle. </p>
<p>Come connect and heal in a relaxing safe environment with others. </p> ]]>
                <title>Soul, Sound and Reiki</title>
                <description>pCome Gather in a small group of four relax open up and sip some tea pull your own affirmation card and Crystal to take home with you settle in for a soothing sound bath meditation with individualized oneonone ReikippNourish your soulp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">111@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/soul-sound-and-reiki</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Come Gather in a small group of four, relax open up and sip some tea, pull your own affirmation card and Crystal to take home with you, settle in for a soothing sound bath meditation with individualized one-on-one Reiki. </p>
<p>Nourish your soul. </p> ]]>
                <title>Parent &amp; Child Sound Session</title>
                <description>pCome bring in your little one for some mindful meditation and sound play You and your child will pick an affirmation card in Crystal to start and then shake out some energy together and play some music for each other With money instruments to offer such as sound bowls chimes drums rainsticks and more Once we release some energy you can get snuggled in for a short soothing sound bath meditation togetherp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">112@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/parent-child-sound-session</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Come bring in your little one for some mindful meditation and sound play. You and your child will pick an affirmation card in Crystal to start and then shake out some energy together, and play some music for each other. With money instruments to offer such as sound bowls, chimes, drums, rainsticks and more! Once we release some energy you can get snuggled in for a short soothing sound bath meditation together!</p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office and Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr span stylecolor ff0000strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011spanbr To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b targetblank relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomabr br strongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp usa hrefhttpssharkshreddingcomtakeabiteoutofhunger datackesavedhrefhttpssharkshreddingcomtakeabiteoutofhungerTake a Bite Out of Hungera Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">115@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-and-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena-0</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.</span><br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a><br /><br /><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us <a href="https://sharkshredding.com/take-a-bite-out-of-hunger/" data-cke-saved-href="https://sharkshredding.com/take-a-bite-out-of-hunger/">Take a Bite Out of Hunger</a>! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr span stylecolor ff0000strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011spanbr To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b targetblank relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomabr br strongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp usa hrefhttpssharkshreddingcomtakeabiteoutofhunger datackesavedhrefhttpssharkshreddingcomtakeabiteoutofhungerTake a Bite Out of Hungera Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">116@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.</span><br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a><br /><br /><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us <a href="https://sharkshredding.com/take-a-bite-out-of-hunger/" data-cke-saved-href="https://sharkshredding.com/take-a-bite-out-of-hunger/">Take a Bite Out of Hunger</a>! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr span stylecolor ff0000strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011spanbr To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b targetblank relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomabr br strongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp usa hrefhttpssharkshreddingcomtakeabiteoutofhunger datackesavedhrefhttpssharkshreddingcomtakeabiteoutofhungerTake a Bite Out of Hungera Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">117@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena-0</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.</span><br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a><br /><br /><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us <a href="https://sharkshredding.com/take-a-bite-out-of-hunger/" data-cke-saved-href="https://sharkshredding.com/take-a-bite-out-of-hunger/">Take a Bite Out of Hunger</a>! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr span stylecolor ff0000strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011spanbr To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b targetblank relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomabr br strongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp usa hrefhttpssharkshreddingcomtakeabiteoutofhunger datackesavedhrefhttpssharkshreddingcomtakeabiteoutofhungerTake a Bite Out of Hungera Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">118@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena-1</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.</span><br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a><br /><br /><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us <a href="https://sharkshredding.com/take-a-bite-out-of-hunger/" data-cke-saved-href="https://sharkshredding.com/take-a-bite-out-of-hunger/">Take a Bite Out of Hunger</a>! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>LWABWO Monthly Meeting</title>
                <description>pWe meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month except July August and December 18person includes dinner and dessert Yearly membership dues are 30 You do no have to be a business owner Checkin begins at 545pm with dinner at 6pm Meeting program and act of kindness to followp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">119@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/lwabwo-monthly-meeting</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month except July, August and December.  $18/person includes dinner and dessert. Yearly membership dues are $30. You do no have to be a. business owner. Check-in begins at 5:45pm with dinner at 6pm. Meeting, program and act of kindness to follow. </p> ]]>
                <title>Open House Turning Point Counseling</title>
                <description>ulliMeet and Greet the teamliliCheck out our soothing spaceliliComplimentary Sound Bath with Samantha at 2pmliliComplimentary Oracle Card Readings with SamanthaliliRefreshments and SnacksliliGift Bagsliul</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">121@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/open-house-turning-point-counseling</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <ul>
<li>Meet and Greet the team </li>
<li>Check out our soothing space</li>
<li>Complimentary Sound Bath with Samantha at 2pm</li>
<li>Complimentary Oracle Card Readings with Samantha </li>
<li>Refreshments and Snacks </li>
<li>Gift Bags</li>
</ul> ]]>
                <title>Family Superhero Night!</title>
                <description>pstrongFAMILY SUPERHERO NIGHTbr strongJoin us for an actionpacked night filled with crafts activities and a chance to meet your favorite superheroes Dont forget to wear your favorite Superhero costume Age 2 and overpulliMonday January 15 2024 6730pmliliPreregistration fee RNR 1015 per person After January 5 RNR 1520 per personliliPay at the door 20 per personliliLocation The Oaks Recreation amp Fitness Center 10847 La Porte Road MokenaliulpRegister at a hrefhttpssecurerec1comILmokenacommunityparkdistrictcatalogfilterc2VhcmNoPTI2NTAzMDgwwwmokenaparkcoma or call Mokena Park District at 7083902401 for more informationp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">122@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/family-superhero-night</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><strong>FAMILY SUPERHERO NIGHT!<br /></strong>Join us for an action-packed night filled with crafts, activities and a chance to meet your favorite superheroes! Don’t forget to wear your favorite Superhero costume! Age 2 and over.</p>
<li>Monday, January 15, 2024, 6–7:30pm.</li>
<li>Preregistration fee R/NR: $10/$15, per person. After January 5, R/NR: $15/$20 per person.</li>
<li>Pay at the door: $20 per person.</li>
<li>Location: The Oaks Recreation &amp; Fitness Center, 10847 La Porte Road, Mokena.</li>
<p>Register at <a href="https://secure.rec1.com/IL/mokena-community-park-district/catalog?filter=c2VhcmNoPTI2NTAzMDg=">www.mokenapark.com</a> or call Mokena Park District at 708-390-2401 for more information.</p> ]]>
                <title>December Membership Meeting &amp; Holiday Party 2023</title>
                <description>p stylemarginbottom 0px padding 0px color 403f42 fontfamily Arial Verdana Helvetica sansserif fontsize 12px textalign centerspan stylefontsize 14px color 258d23Join us for a Holiday Party featuring an Ugly Sweater Contest and Gift Exchangespanpp stylemarginbottom 0px padding 0px color 403f42 fontfamily Arial Verdana Helvetica sansserif fontsize 12px textalign centerspan stylefontsize 14px color 258d23Wear your ugliest sweater and compete for a prizespanpp stylemarginbottom 0px padding 0px color 403f42 fontfamily Arial Verdana Helvetica sansserif fontsize 12px textalign centerspan stylefontsize 14px color 258d23Purchase a gift up to 20 to exchange preferably one that symbolizes your businessspanspan stylefontsize 14px color 000000Please no promotional materials ie items with your logo or business name on itspanpp stylemarginbottom 0px padding 0px color 403f42 fontfamily Arial Verdana Helvetica sansserif fontsize 12px textalign centerspan stylefontsize 14px color 000000NOTE  The 19th Hole will be hosting a private party in the front of the facility during our meeting Please park and enterexit on the east side of the buildings side doorspanpp stylemarginbottom 0px padding 0px color 403f42 fontfamily Arial Verdana Helvetica sansserif fontsize 12px textalign centerspan stylefontsize 14px color 000000Heavy appetizers will be served Cash barspanpp stylemarginbottom 0px padding 0px color 403f42 fontfamily Arial Verdana Helvetica sansserif fontsize 12px textalign centerspan stylefontsize 14px color 000000img altDec 2023 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023dec2023membershipmeetingfacebookeventcoverpng spanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">125@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/december-membership-meeting-holiday-party-2023</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p style="margin-bottom: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #403f42; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 14px; color: #258d23;">Join us for a Holiday Party featuring an Ugly Sweater Contest and Gift Exchange.</span></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #403f42; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 14px; color: #258d23;">Wear your ugliest sweater and compete for a prize!</span></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #403f42; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 14px; color: #258d23;">Purchase a gift up to $20 to exchange, preferably one that symbolizes your business! </span><span style="font-size: 14px; color: #000000;">(Please no promotional materials. ie: items with your logo or business name on it).</span></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #403f42; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 14px; color: #000000;">*NOTE - The 19th Hole will be hosting a private party in the front of the facility during our meeting. Please park and enter/exit on the east side of the building's side door.</span></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #403f42; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 14px; color: #000000;">Heavy appetizers will be served. Cash bar.</span></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #403f42; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 14px; color: #000000;"><img alt="Dec. 2023 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/dec-2023-membership-meeting-facebook-event-cover.png" /></span></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office and Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr br span stylecolor ff0000strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011spanbr To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcom datackesavedhrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">126@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-and-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena-1</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><br /><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.</span><br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/" data-cke-saved-href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office and Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr br span stylecolor ff0000strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011spanbr To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcom datackesavedhrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">127@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-and-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena-2</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><br /><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.</span><br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/" data-cke-saved-href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office and Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr br span stylecolor ff0000strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011spanbr To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcom datackesavedhrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">128@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-and-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena-3</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><br /><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.</span><br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/" data-cke-saved-href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Soul, Sound, and Reiki Group Session</title>
                <description>pCome sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space You will be offered tea and a healthy snack We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session You will then cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation sound bath with numerous instruments and a short but sweet individualized Reiki energy release and movement per person I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle Maximum for this event is 4 to keep it small intimate and special If struggling with financial hardship please reach out for special discountsp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">129@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/soul-sound-and-reiki-group-session</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Come sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space. You will be offered tea and a healthy snack. We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge, to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life. We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal, in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session. You will then cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy, comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation, sound bath with numerous instruments and a short but sweet individualized Reiki energy release and movement per person. I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle. Maximum for this event is 4 to keep it small, intimate and special. If struggling with financial hardship, please reach out for special discounts.</p> ]]>
                <title>Soul, Sound, and Reiki Group Session</title>
                <description>pCome sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space You will be offered tea and a healthy snack We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session You will then cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation sound bath with numerous instruments and a short but sweet individualized Reiki energy release and movement per person I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle Maximum for this event is 4 to keep it small intimate and special If struggling with financial hardship please reach out for special discountsp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">130@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/soul-sound-and-reiki-group-session-0</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Come sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space. You will be offered tea and a healthy snack. We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge, to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life. We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal, in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session. You will then cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy, comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation, sound bath with numerous instruments and a short but sweet individualized Reiki energy release and movement per person. I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle. Maximum for this event is 4 to keep it small, intimate and special. If struggling with financial hardship, please reach out for special discounts.</p> ]]>
                <title>Parent &amp; Child Soul, Sound, and Play Group Session</title>
                <description>pCome sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session Then you and your child will be able to play with all the different instruments in the room crystal bowls drums windchimes rain sticks and more We will then wiggle dance stretch and move our bodies to release energy and emotions Then it will be time to cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation sound bath with numerous instruments I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle Maximum for this event is 4 pairs to keep it small intimate and special If struggling with financial hardship please reach out for special discounts If you would like to bring an additional child it is 10 per additional childp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">131@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/parent-child-soul-sound-and-play-group-session</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Come sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space.  We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge, to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life. We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal, in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session. Then you and your child will be able to play with all the different instruments in the room, crystal bowls, drums, windchimes, rain sticks and more! We will then wiggle, dance, stretch and move our bodies to release, energy and emotions.  Then it will be time to cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy, comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation, sound bath with numerous instruments. I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle. Maximum for this event is 4 pairs to keep it small, intimate and special. If struggling with financial hardship, please reach out for special discounts. If you would like to bring an additional child, it is $10 per additional child. </p> ]]>
                <title>2024 Board Installation &amp; Premier Member Awards Annual Dinner</title>
                <description>pJoin us for our annual Installation Dinner We will be honoring our 2023 Premier Members and installing our 2024 Board of Directors Come and join our Board of Directors and local dignitaries for a delightful evening of dinner drinks and networkingpp40 per person  includes dinner Cash bar Business casual attireppHeld at Balagio Ristorante Mokenas Banquet RoomppSponsorship OpportunitiesppstrongPresenting Sponsor  300 Only 1 availablestrong Receive 2 complimentary tickets to the event your company logo on all digital marketingsocial media your company logo displayed on the sponsor board and your company formally recognized throughout the eventppstrongTable Sponsor  100 Only 3 availablestrong Your company logo on digital marketingsocial media and displayed on each tablebar and your company formally recognized throughout the eventppimg alt2024 Installation Dinner Invitation Facebook Event Cover srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber11220232024installationdinnerinvitationfacebookeventcoverpng p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">132@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/2024-board-installation-premier-member-awards-annual-dinner</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for our annual Installation Dinner. We will be honoring our 2023 Premier Members and installing our 2024 Board of Directors. Come and join our Board of Directors and local dignitaries for a delightful evening of dinner, drinks, and networking. </p>
<p>$40 per person - includes dinner. Cash bar. Business casual attire. </p>
<p>Held at Balagio Ristorante Mokena's Banquet Room.</p>
<p>Sponsorship Opportunities:</p>
<p><strong>Presenting Sponsor - $300. Only 1 available.</strong> Receive 2 complimentary tickets to the event, your company logo on all digital marketing/social media, your company logo displayed on the sponsor board, and your company formally recognized throughout the event.</p>
<p><strong>Table Sponsor - $100. Only 3 available.</strong> Your company logo on digital marketing/social media and displayed on each table/bar, and your company formally recognized throughout the event.</p>
<p><img alt="2024 Installation Dinner Invitation (Facebook Event Cover)" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/2024-installation-dinner-invitation-facebook-event-cover.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Sound Healing &amp; CBD</title>
                <description>pJoin us for a remarkable and one of a kind sound healing amp CBD eventppPlease help us welcome Sam of Space For Balance as she leads the evening and helps calm your body mind amp soulppSam will start the class with gentle yoga before the sound bath begins Allow yourself to be immersed in the healing frequencies of a personalized selection of singing bowls chimes gongs and bells brought to serve youppAfter class stick around for CBD treats and conversation Your CBD treats will be the perfect way to cap off your relaxing eveningppCBD has been known to help with stress anxiety sleep pain inflammation and so much more And best of all its naturalppPlease bring yoga mats We do have extras if you do not have oneppGrab your friends amp meet us on your mats Early registration is encouraged as space is limitedp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">133@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/sound-healing-cbd</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for a remarkable and one of a kind sound healing &amp; CBD event. </p>
<p>Please help us welcome Sam of Space For Balance as she leads the evening and helps calm your body, mind &amp; soul.</p>
<p>Sam will start the class with gentle yoga before the sound bath begins.  Allow yourself to be immersed in the healing frequencies of a personalized selection of singing bowls, chimes, gongs,  and bells brought to serve you.</p>
<p>After class stick around for CBD treats and conversation. Your CBD treats will be the perfect way to cap off your relaxing evening.</p>
<p>CBD has been known to help with stress, anxiety, sleep, pain, inflammation, and so much more. And best of all.... it's natural. </p>
<p>Please bring yoga mats. We do have extras if you do not have one. </p>
<p>Grab your friends &amp; meet us on your mats! Early registration is encouraged as space is limited. </p> ]]>
                <title>Soul, Sound, and Reiki Group Session</title>
                <description>div dirltrCome sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space You will be offered tea and a healthy snack We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session You will then cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation sound bath with numerous instruments and a short but sweet individualized Reiki energy release and movement per person I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle Maximum for this event is 4 to keep it small intimate and special If struggling with financial hardship please reach out for special discountsdivdiv dirltrdivdiv dirltrServe your soul with relaxation nurturing selfinquiry and compassionate carediv</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">134@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/soul-sound-and-reiki-group-session-1</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <div dir="ltr">Come sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space. You will be offered tea and a healthy snack. We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge, to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life. We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal, in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session. You will then cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy, comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation, sound bath with numerous instruments and a short but sweet individualized Reiki energy release and movement per person. I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle. Maximum for this event is 4 to keep it small, intimate and special. If struggling with financial hardship, please reach out for special discounts.</div>
<div dir="ltr"> </div>
<div dir="ltr">Serve your soul with relaxation, nurturing, self-inquiry and compassionate care.</div> ]]>
                <title>Parent &amp; Child Soul, Sound, and Play Group Session</title>
                <description>pCome sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session Then you and your child will be able to play with all the different instruments in the room crystal bowls drums windchimes rain sticks and more We will then wiggle dance stretch and move our bodies to release energy and emotions Then it will be time to cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation sound bath with numerous instruments I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle Maximum for this event is 4 pairs to keep it small intimate and special If struggling with financial hardship please reach out for special discounts If you would like to bring an additional child it is 10 per additional childp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">135@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/parent-child-soul-sound-and-play-group-session-0</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Come sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space.  We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge, to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life. We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal, in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session. Then you and your child will be able to play with all the different instruments in the room, crystal bowls, drums, windchimes, rain sticks and more! We will then wiggle, dance, stretch and move our bodies to release, energy and emotions.  Then it will be time to cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy, comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation, sound bath with numerous instruments. I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle. Maximum for this event is 4 pairs to keep it small, intimate and special. If struggling with financial hardship, please reach out for special discounts. If you would like to bring an additional child, it is $10 per additional child. </p> ]]>
                <title>Teen Sound and Soul Group Connection Session at Turning Point Counseling</title>
                <description>pCome sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space You will be offered tea and a healthy snack We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session You will then cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation sound bath with numerous instruments and a short but sweet individualized Reiki energy release and movement per person I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle Maximum for this event is 4 to keep it small intimate and special If struggling with financial hardship please reach out for special discountsp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">136@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/teen-sound-and-soul-group-connection-session-1-2924</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Come sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space. You will be offered tea and a healthy snack. We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge, to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life. We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal, in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session. You will then cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy, comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation, sound bath with numerous instruments and a short but sweet individualized Reiki energy release and movement per person. I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle. Maximum for this event is 4 to keep it small, intimate and special. If struggling with financial hardship, please reach out for special discounts.</p> ]]>
                <title>Soul, Sound, and Reiki Group Session</title>
                <description>pCome sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space You will be offered tea and a healthy snack We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session You will then cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation sound bath with numerous instruments and a short but sweet individualized Reiki energy release and movement per person I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle Maximum for this event is 4 to keep it small intimate and special If struggling with financial hardship please reach out for special discountsp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">137@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/soul-sound-and-reiki-group-session-4</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Come sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space. You will be offered tea and a healthy snack. We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge, to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life. We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal, in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session. You will then cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy, comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation, sound bath with numerous instruments and a short but sweet individualized Reiki energy release and movement per person. I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle. Maximum for this event is 4 to keep it small, intimate and special. If struggling with financial hardship, please reach out for special discounts.</p> ]]>
                <title>Soul, Sound, and Reiki Group Session</title>
                <description>div dirltrCome sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space You will be offered tea and a healthy snack We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session You will then cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation sound bath with numerous instruments and a short but sweet individualized Reiki energy release and movement per person I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle Maximum for this event is 4 to keep it small intimate and special If struggling with financial hardship please reach out for special discountsdiv</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">138@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/soul-sound-and-reiki-group-session-3</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <div dir="ltr">Come sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space. You will be offered tea and a healthy snack. We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge, to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life. We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal, in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session. You will then cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy, comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation, sound bath with numerous instruments and a short but sweet individualized Reiki energy release and movement per person. I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle. Maximum for this event is 4 to keep it small, intimate and special. If struggling with financial hardship, please reach out for special discounts.</div> ]]>
                <title>Teen Sound and Soul Group Connection Session</title>
                <description>div dirltrCome sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space You will be offered tea and a healthy snack We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session You will then cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation sound bath with numerous instruments and a short but sweet individualized Reiki energy release and movement per person I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle Maximum for this event is 4 to keep it small intimate and special If struggling with financial hardship please reach out for special discountsdiv</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">139@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/teen-sound-and-soul-group-connection-session-0</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <div dir="ltr">Come sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space. You will be offered tea and a healthy snack. We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge, to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life. We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal, in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session. You will then cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy, comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation, sound bath with numerous instruments and a short but sweet individualized Reiki energy release and movement per person. I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle. Maximum for this event is 4 to keep it small, intimate and special. If struggling with financial hardship, please reach out for special discounts.</div> ]]>
                <title>Parent &amp; Child Soul, Sound, and Play Group Session</title>
                <description>pCome sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session Then you and your child will be able to play with all the different instruments in the room crystal bowls drums windchimes rain sticks and more We will then wiggle dance stretch and move our bodies to release energy and emotions Then it will be time to cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation sound bath with numerous instruments I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle Maximum for this event is 4 pairs to keep it small intimate and special If struggling with financial hardship please reach out for special discounts If you would like to bring an additional child it is 10 per additional childp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">140@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/parent-child-soul-sound-and-play-group-session-1-32324</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Come sit and relax in a soothing and welcoming space.  We will start with an opening circle and verbal purge, to release whatever you feel is holding you down and set intentions for what you want to call into your life. We will then pull affirmation cards and crystal, in which you will keep and take these with you as a token of the session. Then you and your child will be able to play with all the different instruments in the room, crystal bowls, drums, windchimes, rain sticks and more! We will then wiggle, dance, stretch and move our bodies to release, energy and emotions.  Then it will be time to cocoon in on a yoga mat with fuzzy, comfy blankets and get nestled in for a guided mediation, sound bath with numerous instruments. I will then call your soul back to your body for closing circle. Maximum for this event is 4 pairs to keep it small, intimate and special. If struggling with financial hardship, please reach out for special discounts. If you would like to bring an additional child, it is $10 per additional child. </p> ]]>
                <title>Alice in Winter Wonderland Adult Book Fair</title>
                <description>pPlease welcome special guesta hrefhttpsbookshoporgshopprintedfbclidIwAR0JFCDAJGHf9fXsCAH1yM4bYPlhlceF6pmckG6aV6SptOmVrOyVNZWonl8 targetblank relnoopenerPrinted Bookshopa for a morning dedicated to book lovers Printed Bookshop is a local independent bookstore serving Frankfort Mokena New Lenox and Manhattan communitiesppPrinted Bookshop has HUNDREDS of titles by authors such as Sarah j Maas Colleen Hoover Jennifer Armentrout Rebecca Yarros Jodi Picoult John Scalzi Jennifer Weiner Ruth Ware Lisa Jewell Anthony Horrowitz Sally Hempworth Jennifer lynn Barnes and MUCH MOREppWe will spend the morning among books Alice in Wonderland inspired CBD treats Mushroom Coffee amp Tea Your ticket includes all of this along with a paperback or hardcover at 20 off you pick the book during the event Please choose your ticket accordingly as there are two different options You will also have the option to purchase additional books and CBD products during the event as wellppWe look forward to seeing you thereppLooking for something specific Feel free to reach out to Printed Bookshopa hrefhttpswwwfacebookcomPrintedBookshop targetblank relnoopenerHEREaany timeppReading is to the mind what exercise is to the body  Richard Steelep</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">142@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/alice-in-winter-wonderland-adult-book-fair-0</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Please welcome special guest, <a href="https://bookshop.org/shop/printed?fbclid=IwAR0JFCDAJGHf9fXsCAH1yM4bYPlhlceF6pmckG6aV6SptOmVrOyVNZWonl8" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Printed Bookshop</a>, for a morning dedicated to book lovers. Printed Bookshop is a local independent bookstore serving Frankfort, Mokena, New Lenox, and  Manhattan communities.</p>
<p>Printed Bookshop has HUNDREDS of titles by authors such as: Sarah j Maas, Colleen Hoover, Jennifer Armentrout, Rebecca Yarros, Jodi Picoult,  John Scalzi, Jennifer Weiner, Ruth Ware, Lisa Jewell,  Anthony Horrowitz,  Sally Hempworth, Jennifer lynn Barnes, and MUCH MORE.</p>
<p>We will spend the morning among books, Alice in Wonderland inspired CBD treats, Mushroom Coffee, &amp; Tea. Your ticket includes all of this along with a paperback or hardcover at 20% off (you pick the book during the event). Please choose your ticket accordingly as there are two different options. You will also have the option to purchase additional books and CBD products during the event as well.</p>
<p>We look forward to seeing you there!</p>
<p>Looking for something specific? Feel free to reach out to Printed Bookshop <a href="https://www.facebook.com/PrintedBookshop" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HERE</a> any time.</p>
<p>“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” – Richard Steele</p> ]]>
                <title>Signs And Synchronicities From Spirit with Mark</title>
                <description>pJoin Mark as he shares what signs amp synchronicities are how to identify them why our spirit loved ones use them as well as how they can improve our life Mark will also guide you through a meditation to further enhance your connection with Spirit loved ones Mark will also have a short Q amp A at the endpp20  years experience Mark is a Chicago native that provides Spiritual guidance to many around the world in the form of readings or teaching on topics such as Healing Psychic Mediumship and Astrology Known as Mark McGowan Mark has made appearances on television and radio most recently returning to the television show VH1s Black Ink Crew Chicago demonstrating his Mediumship gifts on social media outlets as he believes passing down the knowledge to the next generation of Spiritual seekers is important to help them on their spiritual journey Mark believes that it is the Lightworkers of today that will be instrumental in restoring peace and harmony on earth once again for generations to comep</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">143@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/signs-and-synchronicities-from-spirit-with-mark</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join Mark as he shares what signs &amp; synchronicities are, how to identify them, why our spirit loved ones use them, as well as how they can improve our life. Mark will also guide you through a meditation to further enhance your connection with Spirit loved ones. Mark will also have a short Q &amp; A at the end.</p>
<p>20 + years experience! Mark is a Chicago native that provides Spiritual guidance to many around the world in the form of readings or teaching on topics such as Healing, Psychic, Mediumship and Astrology. Known as "Mark McGowan," Mark has made appearances on television and radio, most recently returning to the television show VH1's "Black Ink Crew: Chicago," demonstrating his Mediumship gifts on social media outlets, as he believes passing down the knowledge to the next generation of Spiritual seekers is important to help them on their spiritual journey. Mark believes that it is the Lightworkers of today that will be instrumental in restoring peace and harmony on earth once again for generations to come. </p> ]]>
                <title>New Moon Ceremony with Kierstin Wnek</title>
                <description>pJoin Kierstin Wnek for a Celebration of Life as she guides you through goal setting for the New Moon a time of manifesting and attracting Followed by a singing bowl meditation breathwork chanting reiki and New Moon CeremonyppWed Jan 10th at 630730pm 22ppYour Guide Kierstin Wnek is a RYT200 graduate of the Sattvic Sage Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training at Soderworld Wellness Centerrecently graduating in the class October of 2021 Kierstin just completed an 8 week Lightworker Mentorship with Dana Massat a program that focused on Shamanism and Ascension Her main passion lies in holding space for others through yoga and crystal healing She is a Certified Crystal Practitioner through the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy She is also a Reiki 2 practitioner loves to pull tarot and oracle cards read astrology charts and is an aspiring massage therapist Kierstin has just started on her journey but she has a wealth of knowledge passion and charismap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">144@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/new-moon-ceremony-with-kierstin-wnek</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join Kierstin Wnek, for a Celebration of Life, as she guide's you through goal setting for the New Moon, a time of manifesting and attracting. Followed by a singing bowl meditation, breath-work, chanting, reiki, and New Moon Ceremony.</p>
<p>Wed, Jan 10th at 630-730pm, $22</p>
<p>Your Guide: Kierstin Wnek is a RYT—200 graduate of the Sattvic Sage Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training at Soderworld Wellness Center—recently graduating in the class October of 2021. Kierstin just completed an 8 week Lightworker Mentorship with Dana Massat; a program that focused on Shamanism and Ascension. Her main passion lies in holding space for others through yoga and crystal healing. She is a Certified Crystal Practitioner through the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy. She is also a Reiki 2 practitioner, loves to pull tarot and oracle cards, read astrology charts and is an aspiring massage therapist! Kierstin has just started on her journey, but she has a wealth of knowledge, passion and charisma.</p> ]]>
                <title>*VIRTUAL* Manifest Your Best Year Ever with Cristen Grajeda</title>
                <description>pVIRTUAL EVENTpp2024 is your year It is time to step into your power and manifest your best life All manifestation techniques work but the key is to become a vibrational match to what you desire This workshop is an experiential opportunity to align your energy with your personal dreams After learning a basic understanding of energy frequency and vibration you will be guided through a series of exercises that will serve as a catalyst to create your new realityppThis workshop is for you ifppYou are seeking to be in alignment with your deepest desires and are ready to take inspired actionppYou want to use the Law of Attraction and Law of Vibration to manifest for your best year everppYou are interested in learning and practicing powerful manifestation techniquesppYou enjoy participating in guided exercises to promote spiritual development and healingppWed Jan 17th at 6308pm 22ppstrongCRISTEN R GRAJEDA MS CPRP CLC CPT EFTPstrongppCertified Integrative Wellness ProfessionalppReiki Master  Holistic EFT Practitioner  Bach Flower TherapyppCristen is a Certified Integrative Wellness Professional and Reiki Master with over 25 years of experience serving others as a teacher coach and healer She is a member of the Complementary Therapists Accredited Association and the International Association of Therapists specializing in Holistic EFT Bach Flower Therapy and energy healing with a deep connection to Shamanic practice The field of health and wellness has been her world for almost three decades and her work has evolved exponentially taking her on many paths personally academically and professionally Cristen is dedicated to holding space for others to be seen and heard promoting selfdiscovery inspiration growth and positive changep</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">145@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/virtual-manifest-your-best-year-ever-with-cristen-grajeda</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>**VIRTUAL EVENT**</p>
<p>2024 is your year! It is time to step into your power and manifest your best life. All manifestation techniques work, but the key is to become a vibrational match to what you desire. This workshop is an experiential opportunity to align your energy with your personal dreams. After learning a basic understanding of energy, frequency, and vibration, you will be guided through a series of exercises that will serve as a catalyst to create your new reality.</p>
<p>This workshop is for you if:</p>
<p>·        You are seeking to be in alignment with your deepest desires and are ready to take inspired action.</p>
<p>·        You want to use the Law of Attraction and Law of Vibration to manifest for your best year ever.</p>
<p>·        You are interested in learning and practicing powerful manifestation techniques.</p>
<p>·        You enjoy participating in guided exercises to promote spiritual development and healing.</p>
<p>Wed, Jan 17th at 630-8pm $22</p>
<p><strong>CRISTEN R. GRAJEDA, M.S., CPRP, CLC, CPT, EFTP</strong></p>
<p>Certified Integrative Wellness Professional</p>
<p>Reiki Master * Holistic EFT Practitioner * Bach Flower Therapy</p>
<p>Cristen is a Certified Integrative Wellness Professional and Reiki Master, with over 25 years of experience serving others as a teacher, coach, and healer. She is a member of the Complementary Therapists Accredited Association and the International Association of Therapists, specializing in Holistic EFT, Bach Flower Therapy, and energy healing with a deep connection to Shamanic practice. The field of health and wellness has been her world for almost three decades, and her work has evolved exponentially, taking her on many paths- personally, academically, and professionally. Cristen is dedicated to holding space for others to be seen and heard, promoting self-discovery, inspiration, growth, and positive change.</p> ]]>
                <title>Vision Board Workshop with Ely *BYOB*</title>
                <description>pJoin Ely for an evening of reflecting amp releasing 2023 resetting for 2024 with new goals and perspectives amp creating your clear vision with a vision board for the New Year All supplies provided BYOB feel free to bring a beer wine cocktail Mocktail and snacksppJan 24th 6308pm 35p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">146@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/vision-board-workshop-with-ely-byob</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join Ely for an evening of reflecting &amp; releasing 2023, resetting for 2024 with new goals and perspectives &amp; creating your clear vision with a vision board for the New Year!! All supplies provided. BYOB, feel free to bring a beer, wine, cocktail, Mocktail and snacks.</p>
<p>Jan 24th 630-8pm $35</p> ]]>
                <title>Full Moon Ceremony Sound Healing + Reiki with Diana &amp; Kelsey</title>
                <description>pstrongThe Full Moon THE WOLF FULL MOON in Leo pushes you to live deeper in your truth giving you the courage to try new things and step outside your comfort zone as you prepare to embark on a new strongppEnjoy healing frequencies from Singing Bowls rattles drums flutes gongs amp more We will embark on a Full Moon Ceremony amp meditation as the beautiful sounds wrapping you up allowing you to release what no longer serves youppThurs Jan 25th at 630730pm 22p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">147@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/full-moon-ceremony-sound-healing-reiki-with-diana-kelsey</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><strong>The Full Moon (THE WOLF FULL MOON) in Leo pushes you to live deeper in your truth, giving you the courage to try new things and step outside your comfort zone as you prepare to embark on a new …</strong></p>
<p>Enjoy healing frequencies from Singing Bowls, rattles, drums, flutes, gongs &amp; more. We will embark on a Full Moon Ceremony &amp; meditation as the beautiful sounds wrapping you up allowing you to release what no longer serves you!</p>
<p>Thurs Jan 25th at 630-730pm, $22</p> ]]>
                <title>Natural Product Workshop with Lea</title>
                <description>pJoin natural product expert Lea in learning the importance of maintaining a toxinfree household and learn tips to ditch commonly used chemicals Develop a plan to incorporate natural products into your everyday lifestyle Make your own natural cleanerppTigers Eye Naturals is a small business focused onusing natural products to heal and restore Formed by a girl and her cat Lea started Tigers Eye to incorporate her love of clean natural ingredients with everyday products We realize the importance of quality when choosing where to purchase your products and are glad you found usppSat Feb 10th 1130am1230pm 25p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">148@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/natural-product-workshop-with-lea</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join natural product expert Lea in learning the importance of maintaining a toxin-free household and learn tips to ditch commonly used chemicals. Develop a plan to incorporate natural products into your everyday lifestyle. Make your own natural cleaner!</p>
<p>Tiger’s Eye Naturals is a small business focused on using natural products to heal and restore. Formed by a girl and her cat, Lea started Tiger’s Eye to incorporate her love of clean, natural ingredients with everyday products. We realize the importance of quality when choosing where to purchase your products and are glad you found us.</p>
<p>Sat Feb 10th 1130am-1230pm $25</p> ]]>
                <title>January 2024 Meeting Lincoln-Way Area Business Women&#039;s Organization</title>
                <description>pimg altLWABWO January 2024 Meeting Invite srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023lwabwojanuary2024meetinginvitejpg p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">149@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/january-meeting-lincoln-way-area-business-womens-organization-2024</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><img alt="LWABWO January 2024 Meeting Invite" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/lwabwo-january-2024-meeting-invite.jpg" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Galentine&#039;s Day at Dancing Marlin</title>
                <description>div classxdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbsDancing Marlin amp SunKissed Greenz presentsdivdiv classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sGalentines Day at Dancing Marlindivdivdivdiv classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sThis event offers a unique and fun experience with a combination of shopping raffles tarot readings massage and B12 shots Stop in before or hang out after for dinner and drinks at Dancing Marlin too This event is free admissiondivdivdivdiv classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sIt is a great opportunity for women to pamper themselves and spend quality time with their girlfriends Dancing Marlin features great seafood steak and Americanstyle tapas And the cocktails are fantastic too The shopping aspect allows ladies to indulge in some retail therapy and find the perfect gifts for themselves or their loved ones The tarot readings add a touch of mystique and excitement while the massage  CBD and B12 shots provide relaxation and rejuvenation Overall Galentines event is a mustattend for any women looking to treat herself and have an awesome night out with her friendsdivdivdivdiv classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sCheck out the amazing businesses who are helping to make this event happen Stop at each of there tables to see what they have to offerdivdivdivdiv classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sSunKissed Greenz CBDbr Rose amp Rae Hair Studiobr ParkWest amp Co Womens Clothingbr High Ho Gems amp Crystalsbr Sugar Shack Cookie Cobr Two Birds amp Doe A Candle Cobr Dash of Glambr Express Med Spabr Auntie Katie Tarotbr Custom Massage Worksdivdivdivdiv classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sSee you therediv</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">152@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/galentines-day-at-dancing-marlin</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <div class="xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs">Dancing Marlin &amp; SunKissed Greenz presents:</div>
<div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">Galentine's Day at Dancing Marlin!! </div>
<div> </div>
<div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">This event offers a unique and fun experience with a combination of shopping, raffles, tarot readings, massage, and B12 shots. Stop in before or hang out after for dinner and drinks at Dancing Marlin too! This event is free admission.</div>
<div> </div>
<div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">It is a great opportunity for women to pamper themselves and spend quality time with their girlfriends. Dancing Marlin, features great seafood, steak and American-style tapas. And the cocktails are fantastic too! The shopping aspect allows ladies to indulge in some retail therapy and find the perfect gifts for themselves or their loved ones. The tarot readings add a touch of mystique and excitement, while the massage , CBD and B12 shots provide relaxation and rejuvenation. Overall, Galentines event is a must-attend for any women looking to treat herself and have an awesome night out with her friends.</div>
<div> </div>
<div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">Check out the amazing businesses who are helping to make this event happen! Stop at each of there tables to see what they have to offer.</div>
<div> </div>
<div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">SunKissed Greenz CBD<br />Rose &amp; Rae Hair Studio<br />ParkWest &amp; Co Womens Clothing<br />High Ho Gems &amp; Crystals<br />Sugar Shack Cookie Co<br />Two Birds &amp; Doe, A Candle Co.<br />Dash of Glam<br />Express Med Spa<br />Auntie Katie Tarot<br />Custom Massage Works</div>
<div> </div>
<div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">See you there!!</div> ]]>
                <title>Open House</title>
                <description>pNoonan Elementary Academy is an independent Catholic school in Mokena serving preschool through 8th grade Noonan also offers before and after school carebr Noonan provides its students with a rigorous and innovative educational program that is academically challenging and personally supportive Noonan is committed to developing the full potential of each student by fostering intellectual development strong character formation and spiritual growthbr Excellence begins with tailoring an individual educational plan for each student to assure a strong foundation in learning skills and the core subject areasp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">153@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/open-house</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Noonan Elementary Academy is an independent Catholic school in Mokena serving preschool through 8th grade. Noonan also offers before and after school care.<br />Noonan provides its students with a rigorous and innovative educational program that is academically challenging and personally supportive. Noonan is committed to developing the full potential of each student by fostering intellectual development, strong character formation, and spiritual growth.<br />Excellence begins with tailoring an individual educational plan for each student to assure a strong foundation in learning skills and the core subject areas.</p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr br span stylecolor ff0000strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrongspan Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcom datackesavedhrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomabr br strongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp usTake a Bite Out of Hunger Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">154@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-0</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><br /><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>.</span> Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/" data-cke-saved-href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a><br /><br /><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us Take a Bite Out of Hunger! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr br span stylecolor ff0000strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrongspan Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcom datackesavedhrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomabr br strongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp usTake a Bite Out of Hunger Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">155@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-1</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><br /><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong></span>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/" data-cke-saved-href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a><br /><br /><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us Take a Bite Out of Hunger! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointment</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr br span stylecolor ff0000strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrongspan Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcom datackesavedhrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomabr br strongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp usTake a Bite Out of Hunger Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">156@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointment</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><br /><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong></span>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/" data-cke-saved-href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a><br /><br /><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us Take a Bite Out of Hunger! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr br span stylecolor ff0000strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrongspan Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcom datackesavedhrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomabr br strongWhy Use Shark ShreddingstrongpulliWitness the shredding amp see your documents destroyedliliPart of your communityliliFast and easy process  Appointments take aboutstrong5strongminutesliliEmployees lift and handle all material  We do all of the liftingliliCost effectiveliliCertificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receiptliulpemHelp usTake a Bite Out of Hunger Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you 5 off your total visitemp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">157@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-2-32724</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><br /><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong></span>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/" data-cke-saved-href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a><br /><br /><strong>Why Use Shark Shredding:</strong></p>
<li>Witness the shredding &amp; see your documents destroyed</li>
<li>Part of your community</li>
<li>Fast and easy process – Appointments take about <strong>5</strong> minutes</li>
<li>Employees lift and handle all material – We do all of the lifting</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<li>Certificate of Destruction issued for proof of destruction as your receipt</li>
<p><em>Help us Take a Bite Out of Hunger! Bring in a donation for the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and we will give you $5 off your total visit.</em></p> ]]>
                <title>Preschool Open House and Fall Registration</title>
                <description>pParents and children are invited to Mokena Park Districts Preschool Open House and Fall 2024 Registration on Saturday February 17 2024 from 911am at the Program Center 10925 W La Porte Road Mokena south end of Main ParkppOur successful and longrunning programs include academic skills physical activity arts and crafts story time and songs Our programs stress the social development of young children and the importance of learning through playtime music art projects and more Prereading and premath activities will help to develop logical thinking and prepare children for kindergarten Children must be able to separate from their parents for an extended period of time and they must be toilet trainedpullistrongPrep Schoolstrong 3yearolds Tuesday and Thursday 91130amlilistrongPreschoolstrong 4yearolds Monday Wednesday and Friday 91130amlilistrongKinderbridgestrong4yearolds MondayFriday 12303pmliulpRequired at registrationpulliCopy of birth certificate and Proof of immunizationsliliNonrefundable deposit of 50 plus first months tuition for first child 0 deposit plus first months tuition for 2nd child or more Monthly tuition varies by program Entire amount is nonrefundableliulpFor more information call Mokena Park District at 7083902401 or visita hrefhttpswwwmokenaparkcomearlychildhoodeducationpreschoolwwwmokenaparkcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">158@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/preschool-open-house-and-fall-registration-0</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Parents and children are invited to Mokena Park District's Preschool Open House and Fall 2024 Registration on Saturday, February 17, 2024 from 9–11am at the Program Center, 10925 W. La Porte Road, Mokena (south end of Main Park)</p>
<p>Our successful and long-running programs include academic skills, physical activity, arts and crafts, story time and songs. Our programs stress the social development of young children, and the importance of learning through playtime, music, art projects, and more. Pre-reading and pre-math activities will help to develop logical thinking and prepare children for kindergarten. Children must be able to separate from their parents for an extended period of time and they must be toilet trained.</p>
<li><strong>Prep School</strong>, 3-year-olds, Tuesday and Thursday, 9-11:30am</li>
<li><strong>Preschool</strong>, 4-year-olds, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9-11:30am</li>
<li><strong>Kinderbridge,</strong> 4-year-olds, Monday–Friday, 12:30–3pm</li>
<p>Required at registration:</p>
<li>Copy of birth certificate and Proof of immunizations.</li>
<li>Non-refundable deposit of $50 plus first month’s tuition for first child. $0 deposit plus first month’s tuition for 2nd child or more. Monthly tuition varies by program. Entire amount is non-refundable.</li>
<p>For more information, call Mokena Park District at 708-390-2401 or visit <a href="https://www.mokenapark.com/early-childhood-education-preschool/">www.mokenapark.com</a>.</p> ]]>
                <title>Lunch Bunch &amp; Bingo</title>
                <description>pDont Miss Mokena Park Districts strongLunch Bunch amp Bingostrong on strongWednesday March 6 2024strong from 11am1pm at The Oaks Recreation amp Fitness Center 10847 La Porte Road Mokena Bring your friends or make new ones while you enjoy a delicious buffetstyle lunch and several rounds of bingo Fee includes lunch drinks dessert and bingo cards Age 55 and over strongPreregistration is requiredstrong Registration Fee RNR 1214 strongRegistration deadline October 16 strongRegister at a hrefhttpssecurerec1comILmokenacommunityparkdistrictcatalogfilterc2VhcmNoPTMxOTg2Nzk targetblank relnoopenerwwwmokenaparkcoma or call 7083902401 for more informationp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">159@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/lunch-bunch-bingo-0</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Don’t Miss Mokena Park District’s <strong>Lunch Bunch &amp; Bingo</strong> on <strong>Wednesday, March 6, 2024</strong> from 11am–1pm at The Oaks Recreation &amp; Fitness Center, 10847 La Porte Road, Mokena. Bring your friends or make new ones while you enjoy a delicious buffet-style lunch and several rounds of bingo. Fee includes lunch, drinks, dessert, and bingo cards. Age 55 and over. <strong>Preregistration is required</strong>. Registration Fee R/NR: $12/$14. <strong>Registration deadline: October 16. </strong>Register at <a href="https://secure.rec1.com/IL/mokena-community-park-district/catalog?filter=c2VhcmNoPTMxOTg2Nzk=" target="_blank" rel="noopener">www.mokenapark.com</a> or call 708-390-2401 for more information.</p> ]]>
                <title>Adult Egg Hunt</title>
                <description>pWhy should the kids have all the fun Join us at Mokena Park District on Thursday strongMarch 21 2024strong from 7830pm at Yunker Park 10824 La Porte Road Mokena Adults age 21 amp over will enjoy games an Easter Egg Hunt and a light buffet dinner Early Bird Registration fee RNR 3035 After March 7 additional fee applies No refundsstrong Registration deadline is March 14strong Register online ata hrefhttpwwwmokenaparkcomwwwmokenaparkcoma or call 7083902401 for more informationp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">160@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/adult-egg-hunt</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Why should the kids have all the fun? Join us at Mokena Park District on Thursday, <strong>March 21, 2024</strong> from 7–8:30pm at Yunker Park, 10824 La Porte Road, Mokena. Adults age 21 &amp; over will enjoy games, an Easter Egg Hunt, and a light buffet dinner. Early Bird Registration fee, R/NR: $30/$35. After March 7, additional fee applies. No refunds<strong>. Registration deadline is March 14</strong>. Register online at <a href="http://www.mokenapark.com">www.mokenapark.com</a> or call 708-390-2401 for more information.</p> ]]>
                <title>Donuts with the Bunny</title>
                <description>pThe Easter Bunny is coming to Mokena Park District on strongSaturday March 23strong from 9301030am at the Yunker Farm Barn 10824 La Porte Road Mokena All ages are invited for donuts coffee crafts and the opportunity to meet the Bunny Fee RNR 1520 per person No refundsstrong Registration deadline is March 16strong Register online ata hrefhttpwwwmokenaparkcomwwwmokenaparkcoma or call 7083902401 for more informationp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">161@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/donuts-with-the-bunny-0</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>The Easter Bunny is coming to Mokena Park District on <strong>Saturday, March 23</strong> from 9:30­–10:30am at the Yunker Farm Barn, 10824 La Porte Road, Mokena. All ages are invited for donuts, coffee, crafts and the opportunity to meet the Bunny. Fee R/NR: $15/$20 per person. No refunds<strong>. Registration deadline is March 16.</strong> Register online at <a href="http://www.mokenapark.com">www.mokenapark.com</a> or call 708-390-2401 for more information.</p> ]]>
                <title>Flashlight Egg Hunt</title>
                <description>pMokena Park District is offering a strongFLASHLIGHT EGG HUNTstrong on Thursday March 28 2024 from 78pm at Yunker Park 10824 La Porte Road Mokena Bring your flashlight and a bag to search for hidden eggs on Yunker Farm Lucky winners that find the Golden Eggs will get a prize basket from local sponsors Ages 813 Early Bird Registration fee RNR 2025 After March 14 additional fee applies No refunds strongRegistration deadline is March 21strong Register online ata hrefhttpssecurerec1comILmokenacommunityparkdistrictcatalogfilterc2VhcmNoPTI4MzkyODcwwwmokenaparkcomaor call 7083902401 for more informationp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">164@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/flashlight-egg-hunt</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Mokena Park District is offering a <strong>FLASHLIGHT EGG HUNT</strong> on Thursday, March 28, 2024 from 7–8pm at Yunker Park, 10824 La Porte Road, Mokena. Bring your flashlight and a bag to search for hidden eggs on Yunker Farm. Lucky winners that find the Golden Eggs will get a prize basket from local sponsors. Ages 8–13. Early Bird Registration fee, R/NR: $20/$25. After March 14, additional fee applies. No refunds. <strong>Registration deadline is March 21.</strong> Register online at <a href="https://secure.rec1.com/IL/mokena-community-park-district/catalog?filter=c2VhcmNoPTI4MzkyODc=">www.mokenapark.com</a> or call 708-390-2401 for more information.</p> ]]>
                <title>What Happens When Cookies Disappear? A live panel discussion 2.20.24</title>
                <description>pThe Cookieless world is almost hereis your business readyppAmplified Digital is hosting a livepanel webinar in partnership with the experts at Borrell amp Associates and the Local Media Consortium to discuss the impact this change will have on your digital advertising Weve packed a ton of thoughtprovoking content into this 60minute event and look forward to sharing our predictions and the opportunities this will present for your advertising outreachppnbspp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">165@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/what-happens-when-cookies-disappear-a-live-panel-discussion-22024</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>The “Cookieless” world is almost here…is your business ready? </p>
<p>Amplified Digital is hosting a live-panel webinar in partnership with the experts at Borrell &amp; Associates and the Local Media Consortium to discuss the impact this change will have on your digital advertising,  We’ve packed a ton of thought-provoking content into this 60-minute event and look forward to sharing our predictions, and the opportunities, this will present for your advertising outreach.</p>
<p>&nbsp;</p> ]]>
                <title>YOGA Flow at the CHIRO</title>
                <description>pEnjoy a gentle flow yoga class followed by progressive muscle relaxation The class ends with a sound bath including chimes bells a crystal bowl and a gong Youll gain a peaceful sense of calm within your body and mind Bring a mat and towelp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">166@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/yoga-flow-at-the-chiro-22824</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Enjoy a gentle flow yoga class, followed by progressive muscle relaxation. The class ends with a sound bath including chimes, bells, a crystal bowl, and a gong. You'll gain a peaceful sense of calm within your body and mind. Bring a mat and towel.</p> ]]>
                <title>POSTPONED Business After Hours at Cancer Support Center 2024</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxPostponed until further noticespanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">167@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/business-after-hours-at-cancer-support-center-2024</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Postponed until further notice.</span></p> ]]>
                <title>Ribbon Cutting and Business After Hours at Chicago Vein Center 3.21.24</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxBusiness After Hours 5 to 7 pmspanbr stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px span stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxRibbon Cutting Ceremony 530 pmspanbr stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px span stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxRefreshments and networking Free eventspanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">168@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/ribbon-cutting-and-business-after-hours-at-chicago-vein-center-32124</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Business After Hours: 5 to 7 p.m.</span><br style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;" /><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: 5:30 p.m.</span><br style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;" /><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Refreshments and networking. Free event!</span></p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting Feb. 2024</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxJoin us for our FREE monthly membership meeting open to all Mokena Chamber Members Considering joining the chamber in 2024 Come to the meeting and check us out Guest speaker is Will County Executive Jennifer BertinoTarrant She will be giving a State of Will County Updatespanbr stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px span stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxEveryone in attendance will also be given the opportunity to give their 30second introduction about themselves and their business Buffet dinner cash barspanbr stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px span stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxThank you to Chicago Vein Centers for sponsoring our February Meetingspanbr stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px span stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxWould you like to be a sponsor We have one more spot left for Februaryspanppspan stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pximg altFeb 2024 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023feb2024membershipmeetingfacebookeventcoverpng spanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">170@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/monthly-membership-meeting-feb-2024</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Join us for our FREE monthly membership meeting, open to all Mokena Chamber Members. Considering joining the chamber in 2024? Come to the meeting and check us out! Guest speaker is Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant. She will be giving a State of Will County Update.</span><br style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;" /><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Everyone in attendance will also be given the opportunity to give their 30-second introduction about themselves and their business. Buffet dinner, cash bar.</span><br style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;" /><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Thank you to Chicago Vein Centers for sponsoring our February Meeting!</span><br style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;" /><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Would you like to be a sponsor? We have one more spot left for February.</span></p>
<p><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;"><img alt="Feb. 2024 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/feb-2024-membership-meeting-facebook-event-cover.png" /></span></p> ]]>
                <title>Blooms &amp; Balance</title>
                <description>pSpring is in the air amp this event just screams spring and me timeppWe will kick off the evening with 45 minutes of all levels yoga where we will focus on strength balance amp stress reliefppAt the end of yoga relax with some CBD temple massages then enjoy CBD infused treatsppThis event also includes a DIY activity where each guest will create their own floral essential oil amp live botanical roll on to bring home Each roll on will contain your own blend of essential oils and live flowersppPlease bring your yoga mats If you do not have one we do have extrasppGrab your friends and meet us out for this blooming good timep</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">171@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/blooms-balance</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Spring is in the air &amp; this event just screams spring and "me time"!</p>
<p>We will kick off the evening with 45 minutes of all levels yoga where we will focus on strength, balance, &amp; stress relief. </p>
<p>At the end of yoga relax with some CBD temple massages then enjoy CBD infused treats.</p>
<p>This event also includes a DIY activity where each guest will create their own floral essential oil &amp; live botanical roll on to bring home. Each roll on will contain your own blend of essential oils and live flowers. </p>
<p>Please bring your yoga mats. If you do not have one we do have extras.</p>
<p>Grab your friends and meet us out for this blooming good time. </p> ]]>
                <title>Business After Hours at Tesla of Orland Park 2.22.24</title>
                <description>pUnleash the Future Experience the Refresh Tesla Model 3 Also see the new Tesla Cybertruck Demo drives food games prizes networking and entertainment Held at Tesla of Orland Park 8601 W 159th Street Orland Park IL Held in conjunction with the Orland Park Area Chamber of Commerceppimg altTesla OP BAH 22224 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023teslaopbah22224png p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">172@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/business-after-hours-at-tesla-of-orland-park-22223</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Unleash the Future: Experience the Refresh Tesla Model 3. Also, see the new Tesla Cybertruck! Demo drives, food, games, prizes, networking and entertainment! Held at Tesla of Orland Park, 8601 W. 159th Street, Orland Park, IL. Held in conjunction with the Orland Park Area Chamber of Commerce. </p>
<p><img alt="Tesla O.P. BAH 2.22.24" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/tesla-op-bah-22224.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Salon 110 Ribbon Cutting and Business After Hours 4.22.24</title>
                <description>pimg altSalon 110 Ribbon Cutting srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023salon110ribboncuttingjpg p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">173@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/salon-110-ribbon-cutting-and-business-after-hours-42224</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><img alt="Salon 110 Ribbon Cutting" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/salon-110-ribbon-cutting.jpg" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting March 2024</title>
                <description>pMonthly Membership Meetingppimg altMarch 2024 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023march2024membershipmeetingfacebookeventcoverpng p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">174@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/monthly-membership-meeting-march-2024</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Monthly Membership Meeting.</p>
<p><img alt="March 2024 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/march-2024-membership-meeting-facebook-event-cover.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Annual Mokena Chamber Golf Outing 2024</title>
                <description>pimg altGolf Outing 2024 Flyer srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber112golfouting2024flyerpng p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">175@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/annual-mokena-chamber-golf-outing-2024</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><img alt="Golf Outing 2024 Flyer" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/golf-outing-2024-flyer.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>FREE Mushroom Coffee Tastings</title>
                <description>pstrongSaturday March 9th from 9am until 2pmstrongppCurious about what our mushroom coffee tastes like br Want to try before you buy br Not sure why you need mushroom coffee in your lifeCome on out for FREE mushroom coffee tastingsppNo purchase necessary While Supplies Lastp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">176@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/free-mushroom-coffee-tastings</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><strong>Saturday March 9th from 9am until 2pm</strong></p>
<p>Curious about what our mushroom coffee tastes like? <br />Want to try before you buy? <br />Not sure why you need mushroom coffee in your life? Come on out for FREE mushroom coffee tastings!!</p>
<p>No purchase necessary. While Supplies Last.</p> ]]>
                <title>CELEBRATE 420 WITH US</title>
                <description>pJoin us in store for FREE SMALL PIZZAS from Richs Pizza amp FREE TShirts for all purchases over 50 We will also have samples and sales this day tooppPizzas are half baked pizzas from Richs and will need to be popped into your oven for an additional 1015 min And yes you receive an entire small pizzappCome out for the fun amp mingle While Supplies Last p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">177@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/celebrate-420-with-us</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us in store for FREE SMALL PIZZAS from Rich's Pizza &amp; FREE TShirts for all purchases over $50. We will also have samples and sales this day too!</p>
<p>Pizzas are half baked pizzas from Rich's and will need to be popped into your oven for an additional 10-15 min. And yes, you receive an entire small pizza!</p>
<p>Come out for the fun &amp; mingle.  While Supplies Last .</p> ]]>
                <title>A Bite of Mexico Ribbon Cutting and Open House 4.2.24</title>
                <description>pOpen House from 4 to 6 pmppRibbon Cutting Ceremony at 430 pmppAfter the event stay for dinner and sample their craft cocktails and extensive tequila barppimg altA Bite of Mexico Ribbon Cutting Facebook Event 4224 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023abiteofmexicoribboncuttingfacebookevent4224png p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">187@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/a-bite-of-mexico-ribbon-cutting-and-open-house-32624</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Open House from 4 to 6 p.m.</p>
<p>Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 4:30 p.m.</p>
<p>After the event, stay for dinner and sample their craft cocktails and extensive tequila bar. </p>
<p><img alt="A Bite of Mexico Ribbon Cutting Facebook Event 4.2.24" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/a-bite-of-mexico-ribbon-cutting-facebook-event-4224.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Charles Schwab Ribbon Cutting and Business After Hours 5.2.24</title>
                <description>pBusiness After Hours from 4 to 7 pm Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 5 pmppFree networking eventppimg altCharles Schwab Ribbon Cutting Facebook Event Image srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023charlesschwabribboncuttingfacebookeventimagepng p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">188@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/charles-schwab-ribbon-cutting-and-business-after-hours</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Business After Hours from 4 to 7 p.m. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 5 p.m.</p>
<p>Free networking event!</p>
<p><img alt="Charles Schwab Ribbon Cutting Facebook Event Image" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/charles-schwab-ribbon-cutting-facebook-event-image.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Simply Music Star Power Musical Theater Workshop Jr Summer Camp (Ages 5 - 8)</title>
                <description>pLooking for the perfect summer camp for your young performer Our allaround camp offers daily musical theater games crafts and the opportunity to learn and perform numbers from popular musicals and movies All levels of experience are welcome and your child will put on a show for their fans on the last day Enroll your child today and watch them grow in confidence and creativity creating memories that will last a lifetimeppJun 10  13 from 9  11 amppAges 5  8 yrspp125p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">189@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/simply-music-star-power-musical-theater-workshop-jr-summer-camp-ages-5-8</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Looking for the perfect summer camp for your young performer? Our all-around camp offers daily musical theater games, crafts, and the opportunity to learn and perform numbers from popular musicals and movies. All levels of experience are welcome, and your child will put on a show for their fans on the last day. Enroll your child today and watch them grow in confidence and creativity, creating memories that will last a lifetime.</p>
<p>Jun 10 - 13 from 9 - 11 am</p>
<p>Ages 5 - 8 yrs</p>
<p>$125</p> ]]>
                <title>Simply Music Vocal Boot Camp Jr (Ages 5 - 8 yrs)</title>
                <description>pJoin our vocal camp intensive and discover the secrets to perfecting your voice breathing posture and tone With music games and a final performance for your fans this is the perfect chance to showcase your skills Our ageappropriate songs cater to all levels from beginners to seasoned performers making it a fun and creative way to learn Dont wait sign up now and get ready to take your singing to the next levelppJun 10  13 5  7pmppAges 5  8 yrspp125ppnbspp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">190@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/simply-music-vocal-boot-camp-jr-ages-5-8-yrs</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join our vocal camp intensive and discover the secrets to perfecting your voice, breathing, posture, and tone. With music games and a final performance for your fans, this is the perfect chance to showcase your skills. Our age-appropriate songs cater to all levels, from beginners to seasoned performers, making it a fun and creative way to learn. Don't wait, sign up now and get ready to take your singing to the next level!</p>
<p>Jun 10 - 13: 5 - 7pm</p>
<p>Ages 5 - 8 yrs</p>
<p>&nbsp;</p> ]]>
                <title>Simply Music Star Power Musical Theater Workshop Summer Camp (Ages 9 - 16 yrs)</title>
                <description>pJoin our musical theater workshop to enhance your skills regardless of your experience level Our program includes audition techniques character development singing dancing and performance refinement We offer a mock audition and engaging theater games to reinforce concepts Youll get to showcase your skills at the end of camp with a performance for all your fans All levels are welcome Dont miss your chance to elevate your passion for the stage  sign up nowppJun 24  27 9  11amppAges 9  16 yrspp125p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">191@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/simply-music-star-power-musical-theater-workshop-summer-camp-ages-9-16-yrs</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join our musical theater workshop to enhance your skills, regardless of your experience level. Our program includes audition techniques, character development, singing, dancing, and performance refinement. We offer a mock audition and engaging theater games to reinforce concepts. You'll get to showcase your skills at the end of camp with a performance for all your fans. All levels are welcome. Don't miss your chance to elevate your passion for the stage - sign up now!</p>
<p>Jun 24 - 27: 9 - 11am</p>
<p>Ages 9 - 16 yrs</p>
<p>$125</p> ]]>
                <title>Simply Music Vocal Boot Camp (Ages 9 - 16 yrs)</title>
                <description>pDont miss out on this incredible opportunity to unleash your inner singer Join our vocal camp intensive and discover the secrets to perfecting your voice breathing posture and tone With music games and a final performance for your fans this is the perfect chance to showcase your skills Our ageappropriate songs cater to all levels from beginners to seasoned performers making it a fun and creative way to learn Dont wait sign up now and get ready to take your singing to the next levelppAges 9  16 yrsppJun 24  27 5  7pmpp125p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">192@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/simply-music-vocal-boot-camp-ages-9-16-yrs</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to unleash your inner singer! Join our vocal camp intensive and discover the secrets to perfecting your voice, breathing, posture, and tone. With music games and a final performance for your fans, this is the perfect chance to showcase your skills. Our age-appropriate songs cater to all levels, from beginners to seasoned performers, making it a fun and creative way to learn. Don't wait, sign up now and get ready to take your singing to the next level!</p>
<p>Ages 9 - 16 yrs</p>
<p>Jun 24 - 27: 5 - 7pm</p>
<p>$125</p> ]]>
                <title>Simply Music Presents Disney&#039;s High School Musical Jr</title>
                <description>pWere all in this together as Simply Musics Red Note Musical Theater Program presents Disneys High School Musical Jr This show is just what youve been looking for Our youth ensemble will bop to the top and assemble this modern Disney classic from auditions to final curtain while having fun learning growing making friends gaining confidence and all those great things that happen when students are in musicalsppSo dont stick to the status quogetcha head in the game and join us for our first Red Note Musical Theater seasonits the start of something newppAges 9  16 yrspp395pullipJuly 8  11 Rehearsal 9am  12pm  Simply Music New LenoxplilipJuly 15  18 Rehearsal 9am  12pm  Simply Music New LenoxplilipJuly 22  25 Rehearsal 9am  12pm  Simply Music New LenoxplilipJuly 29  Aug 1 Rehearsal 9am  12pm  Simply Music New LenoxplilipAug 5  8 Rehearsal 9am  12pm  Crossroads Church JolietplilipAugust 9 Performance 700 pm  Crossroads Church JolietplilipAugust 10 Performances 200 pm and 700 pm  Crossroads Church Jolietpliulpnbspp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">193@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/simply-music-presents-disneys-high-school-musical-jr-0</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>We’re all in this together as Simply Music's Red Note Musical Theater Program presents “Disney’s High School Musical Jr.”  This show is just what you’ve been looking for.  Our youth ensemble will bop to the top and assemble this modern Disney classic from auditions to final curtain while having fun, learning, growing, making friends, gaining confidence, and all those great things that happen when students are in musicals!</p>
<p>So don’t stick to the status quo…getcha head in the game and join us for our first Red Note Musical Theater season…it’s the start of something new!!</p>
<p>Ages 9 - 16 yrs</p>
<p>​July 8 - 11  Rehearsal  9am - 12pm @ Simply Music New Lenox</p>
<p>July 15 - 18  Rehearsal  9am - 12pm @ Simply Music New Lenox</p>
<p>July 22 - 25  Rehearsal 9am - 12pm @ Simply Music New Lenox</p>
<p>July 29 - Aug 1  Rehearsal 9am - 12pm @ Simply Music New Lenox</p>
<p>Aug 5 - 8  Rehearsal  9am - 12pm @ Crossroads Church, Joliet</p>
<p>August 9 Performance 7:00 p.m. @ Crossroads Church, Joliet</p>
<p>August 10 Performances 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. @ Crossroads Church, Joliet</p>
<p>&nbsp;</p> ]]>
                <title>Happy Hair Workshop</title>
                <description>pLearn how to grow thicker healthier hair at our Happy Hair WorkshopppJoin SunKissed Greenz amp Rose and Rae Hair for a laidback night thats all about growing some luscious locks of hairnaturallyppYour ticket includespulliHair Bingo with PrizesliliA DIY Natural Shampoo Bar where you will make your own natural shampoo to take homeliliCBD Temple MassagesliliA folder with natural hair tips amp tricks to take homeliulpGrab your friends and come out for a fun and educational night This event is BYOB so feel free to bring beverages Light non alcoholic beverages will be served Space is limited See you therep</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">197@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/happy-hair-workshop</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Learn how to grow thicker healthier hair at our Happy Hair Workshop!</p>
<p>Join SunKissed Greenz &amp; Rose and Rae Hair for a laid-back night that's all about growing some luscious locks of hair...naturally. </p>
<p>Your ticket includes:</p>
<li>Hair Bingo with Prizes</li>
<li>A DIY Natural Shampoo Bar where you will make your own natural shampoo to take home</li>
<li>CBD Temple Massages</li>
<li>A folder with natural hair tips &amp; tricks to take home</li>
<p>Grab your friends and come out for a fun and educational night! This event is BYOB so feel free to bring beverages. Light non alcoholic beverages will be served. Space is limited! See you there! </p> ]]>
                <title>Ladies Day Soirée: Unwind &amp; Indulge</title>
                <description>pJoin us for an unforgettable Ladies Afternoon Out where relaxation meets indulgence in the most delightful way possible Immerse yourself in a sanctuary of serenity and sophistication where every detail is designed to pamper and rejuvenateppIndulge your senses with a variety of CBDinfused treats carefully crafted to elevate your mood and enhance your wellbeing Experience the ultimate relaxation with soothing massages that will melt away tension and leave you feeling utterly refreshed Let the healing power of red light therapy revitalize your body and restore your glow from withinppEnhance your natural beauty with expert eyebrow waxing ensuring you leave looking and feeling your absolute best Immerse yourself in the beauty of floral arrangements adding a touch of elegance and charm to your dayppExpress your unique style with trendy trucker hats the perfect accessory to complete your look with flair And for those seeking a lasting memento of this special day discover stunning permanent jewelry options that will keep the memories alive for years to comeppJoin us for an afternoon of pure indulgence connection and relaxation Treat yourself and your friends to an experience like no other where every moment is designed to make you feel truly cherishedppYour ticket includes  CBD infused treats chair massage red light therapy floral arrangements eyebrow waxing a trucker hat with your choice of one patch additional accessories available for an additional cost and 10 off permanent jewelry same day purchases onlyppThis special event is brought to you by SunKissed Greenza hrefhttpswwwholliesmassagestudiocom targetblank relnoopenerHollies Massageaa hrefhttpsitsthemomentintimecom targetblank relnoopenerA Moment in Timeaa hrefhttpsshophustleandheartcompagesaboutus targetblank relnoopenerHustle amp Hearta ampa hrefhttpswwwlashologyskinandbeautybarcom targetblank relnoopenerLashology Skin amp Beauty BarappSpace is limited Grab your tickets todayp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">198@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/ladies-day-soiree-unwind-indulge</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for an unforgettable Ladies' Afternoon Out, where relaxation meets indulgence in the most delightful way possible. Immerse yourself in a sanctuary of serenity and sophistication, where every detail is designed to pamper and rejuvenate.</p>
<p>Indulge your senses with a variety of CBD-infused treats, carefully crafted to elevate your mood and enhance your well-being. Experience the ultimate relaxation with soothing massages that will melt away tension and leave you feeling utterly refreshed. Let the healing power of red light therapy revitalize your body and restore your glow from within.</p>
<p>Enhance your natural beauty with expert eyebrow waxing, ensuring you leave looking and feeling your absolute best. Immerse yourself in the beauty of floral arrangements adding a touch of elegance and charm to your day.</p>
<p>Express your unique style with trendy trucker hats, the perfect accessory to complete your look with flair. And for those seeking a lasting memento of this special day, discover stunning permanent jewelry options that will keep the memories alive for years to come.</p>
<p>Join us for an afternoon of pure indulgence, connection, and relaxation. Treat yourself and your friends to an experience like no other, where every moment is designed to make you feel truly cherished.</p>
<p>Your ticket includes : CBD infused treats, chair massage, red light therapy,  floral arrangements, eyebrow waxing, a trucker hat with your choice of one patch (additional accessories available for an additional cost), and $10 off permanent jewelry (same day purchases only) </p>
<p>This special event is brought to you by SunKissed Greenz, <a href="https://www.holliesmassagestudio.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Hollies Massage</a>, <a href="https://itsthemomentintime.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">A Moment in Time</a>, <a href="https://shophustleandheart.com/pages/about-us" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Hustle &amp; Heart</a>, &amp; <a href="https://www.lashologyskinandbeautybar.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Lashology Skin &amp; Beauty Bar</a></p>
<p>Space is limited- Grab your tickets today! </p> ]]>
                <title>SUNNY DAYZ LOCALZ MARKET</title>
                <description>pstrongDiscover the heartbeat of our community at our localz marketstrongppDive into a world of small businesses brimming with local treasures where each purchase supports our neighbors dreamsppGroove to the rhythm of live entertainment that fills the air adding a dash of excitement to your shopping experienceppAnd as you browse dont forget to contribute to our food pantry collection ensuring that no one in our community goes hungryppJoin us in celebrating local talent fostering connections and giving back in a market experience unlike any otherppVendor Line UppulliSunKissed Greenz CBD LaboratoriesliliTwo Birds amp A Doe Candle ColiliTRACK FarmsliliGratefully Dreaming  Handmade NatureInspired JewelryliliNinja Girl CoffeeliliBoscos All Natural Dog amp Cat Holistic StoreliliFckin Slick Bloody Mix Bloody Mary MixliliROcc Garden LLC MicrogreensliliWhimsey BeadworksliliMedicinal MushroomsliliMamma Kneads DoughliliSocial 45 Craft Kitchen by Jimmy OsliliKB Sweets ShopliliNavarro FarmsliulpThis list of local businesses is complete amp our event lineup is now full Stop by to see what each business has to offerppAdmission Please bring a nonperishable food item as we will be collecting for the Frankfort Food Pantry If you forget no worries Admission is FREE but we HUGELY appreciate the donationsp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">199@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/sunny-dayz-localz-market</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><strong>Discover the heartbeat of our community at our localz market! </strong></p>
<p>Dive into a world of small businesses brimming with local treasures, where each purchase supports our neighbors' dreams. </p>
<p>Groove to the rhythm of live entertainment that fills the air, adding a dash of excitement to your shopping experience. </p>
<p>And as you browse, don't forget to contribute to our food pantry collection, ensuring that no one in our community goes hungry. </p>
<p>Join us in celebrating local talent, fostering connections, and giving back in a market experience unlike any other!</p>
<p>Vendor Line Up:</p>
<li>SunKissed Greenz CBD Laboratories</li>
<li>Two Birds &amp; A Doe Candle Co.</li>
<li>TRACK Farms</li>
<li>Gratefully Dreaming // Handmade Nature-Inspired Jewelry</li>
<li>Ninja Girl Coffee</li>
<li>Boscos All Natural Dog &amp; Cat Holistic Store</li>
<li>F#ckin Slick Bloody Mix (Bloody Mary Mix)</li>
<li>ROcc Garden LLC Microgreens</li>
<li>Whimsey Beadworks</li>
<li>Medicinal Mushrooms</li>
<li>Mamma Kneads Dough</li>
<li>Social 45 Craft Kitchen by: Jimmy O's</li>
<li>KB Sweets Shop</li>
<li>Navarro Farms</li>
<p>This list of local businesses is complete &amp; our event lineup is now full. Stop by to see what each business has to offer. </p>
<p>Admission: Please bring a nonperishable food item as we will be collecting for the Frankfort Food Pantry. If you forget, no worries. Admission is FREE but we HUGELY appreciate the donations.</p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita targetblank hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">201@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-2-42424</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a target="_blank" href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita targetblank hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">202@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-3-5824</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a target="_blank" href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita targetblank hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">203@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-4-52224</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a target="_blank" href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita targetblank hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">204@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-5-6524</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a target="_blank" href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita targetblank hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">205@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-2-61924</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a target="_blank" href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Open House at High Ho Gems</title>
                <description>pspan stylefontsize 105pt fontfamily Arialsansserif msofareastfontfamily Aptos msofareastthemefont minorlatin color black msoansilanguage ENUS msofareastlanguage ENUS msobidilanguage ARSAHigh Ho Gems 19622 Wolf Road Mokena Ribbon Cutting at 12 pm Food entertainment and fun Free networking event img altFacebook Event High Ho Gems 51124 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber112facebookeventhighhogems51124png spanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">206@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/ribbon-cutting-ceremony-and-open-house-at-high-ho-gems</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: Aptos; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; color: black; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">High Ho Gems, 19622 Wolf Road, Mokena. Ribbon Cutting at 12 p.m. Food, entertainment, and fun. Free networking event. <img alt="Facebook Event High Ho Gems 5.11.24" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/facebook-event-high-ho-gems-51124.png" /></span></p> ]]>
                <title>Sterk Family Law Group&#039;s 1980&#039;s Multi-Chamber Business After Hours!</title>
                <description>pRSVP a hrefhttpsbitlysterk80httpsbitlysterk80appnbspppThis year will be an epic 80s themed business afterhours party Grab your best 1980s outfits tease up your hair and get ready for some tubular vibes networking food drinks and some rad musicppThis is a familyfriendly networking event so please feel free to bring the kiddosppnbspppnbspp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">207@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/sterk-family-law-groups-1980s-multi-chamber-business-after-hours</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>RSVP: <a href="https://bit.ly/sterk80">https://bit.ly/sterk80</a></p>
<p>This year will be an epic, 80's themed business after-hours party! Grab your best 1980's outfits, tease up your hair, and get ready for some tubular vibes, networking, food, drinks, and some rad music.</p>
<p>This is a family-friendly networking event so please feel free to bring the kiddos.</p>
<p>&nbsp;</p> ]]>
                <title>Holli-Daze Art and Craft Show 2024</title>
                <description>pSponsored by the GFWC Mokena Womans Clubp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">208@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/holli-daze-art-and-craft-show-2024</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Sponsored by the GFWC Mokena Woman's Club. </p> ]]>
                <title>Kash Kreations Floral &amp; Events Ribbon Cutting &amp; Business After Hours 5.17.24</title>
                <description>pRibbon Cutting Ceremony amp Business After Hoursppimg altKash Kreations Ribbon Cutting Facebook Event Image 51724 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023kashkreationsribboncuttingfacebookeventimage51724png p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">209@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/k</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Ribbon Cutting Ceremony &amp; Business After Hours.</p>
<p><img alt="Kash Kreations Ribbon Cutting Facebook Event Image 5.17.24" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/kash-kreations-ribbon-cutting-facebook-event-image-51724.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Kash Kreations Floral &amp; Events Ribbon Cutting &amp; Business After Hours 5.17.24</title>
                <description>pRibbon Cutting Ceremony amp Business After Hoursppimg altKash Kreations Ribbon Cutting Facebook Event Image 51724 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023kashkreationsribboncuttingfacebookeventimage51724png p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">210@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/k</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Ribbon Cutting Ceremony &amp; Business After Hours.</p>
<p><img alt="Kash Kreations Ribbon Cutting Facebook Event Image 5.17.24" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/kash-kreations-ribbon-cutting-facebook-event-image-51724.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Ribbon Cutting &amp; Business After Hours at HealthSource of Downtown Mokena</title>
                <description>pRibbon Cutting amp Business After Hoursppimg altHealthSource Ribbon Cutting Facebook Event Image 62024 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023healthsourceribboncuttingfacebookeventimage62024png p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">211@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/ribbon-cutting-business-after-hours-at-healthsource-of-downtown-mokena</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Ribbon Cutting &amp; Business After Hours.</p>
<p><img alt="HealthSource Ribbon Cutting Facebook Event Image 6.20.24" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/healthsource-ribbon-cutting-facebook-event-image-62024.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Mokena Festa Italiana</title>
                <description>pA day of Family Fun and Entertainment by local musicians a wide variety of Italian Food and Beverages Cost is 12 15 and under free Ticket price includes Admission into Fest and Raffle Entryp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">213@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/mokena-festa-italiana-0</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>A day of Family Fun and Entertainment by local musicians, a wide variety of Italian Food and Beverages.  Cost is $12 (15 and under free). Ticket price includes Admission into Fest and Raffle Entry.</p> ]]>
                <title>Mokena Chamber&#039;s 4th of July Parade 2024</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor 767676 fontfamily CTSans sansserif whitespacecollapse preserveStep off time at 10 am on July 4 2024 This years theme One Nation of Celebrations What will you celebrate this year Our parade is a great way to celebrate with the community and promote your businessorganization to thousands of people that attend the parade and many more that watch the replays on Mokenas Cable Channel 6 and online at mokenaorg spanppspan stylecolor 767676 fontfamily CTSans sansserif whitespacecollapse preserveParade Entry is FREE to Mokena Chamber Members amp NonProfits 125 entry fee for nonchamber members amp political entries spanppspan stylecolor 767676 fontfamily CTSans sansserif whitespacecollapse preservestrongspan stylecolor ff0000a stylecolor ff0000 hrefhttpslpconstantcontactpagescomevreg7wpyg95span styletextdecoration underlineREGISTER HERE BY JUNE 26 2024spanaspanstrong By JUNE 28 a packet with entry number staging timelocation map will be emailed to youspanppspan stylecolor 767676 fontfamily CTSans sansserif whitespacecollapse preserveimg altGraphic for CC Event page srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023graphicforcceventpagepng spanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">214@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/mokena-chambers-4th-of-july-parade-2024</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #767676; font-family: CTSans, sans-serif; white-space-collapse: preserve;">Step off time at 10 a.m. on July 4, 2024. This year's theme: "One Nation of Celebrations." What will you celebrate this year? Our parade is a great way to celebrate with the community and promote your business/organization to thousands of people that attend the parade and many more that watch the replays on Mokena’s Cable Channel 6 and online at mokena.org. </span></p>
<p><span style="color: #767676; font-family: CTSans, sans-serif; white-space-collapse: preserve;">Parade Entry is FREE to Mokena Chamber Members &amp; Non-Profits! $125 entry fee for non-chamber members &amp; political entries. </span></p>
<p><span style="color: #767676; font-family: CTSans, sans-serif; white-space-collapse: preserve;"><strong><span style="color: #ff0000;"><a style="color: #ff0000;" href="https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/7wpyg95"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">REGISTER HERE BY JUNE 26, 2024</span>.</a></span></strong> By JUNE 28, a packet with entry number, staging time/location, map will be emailed to you.</span></p>
<p><span style="color: #767676; font-family: CTSans, sans-serif; white-space-collapse: preserve;"><img alt="Graphic for CC Event page" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/graphic-for-cc-event-page.png" /></span></p> ]]>
                <title>Free Outdoor Concert - Featuring The Walk-Ins</title>
                <description>pThe WalkIns perform the Top 40 hits from every generation from the 60s to today br Concert Begins at 7pm Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the familyfriendly entertainment on the terraced grass seating at the Yunker Park Bandshell For inclement weather check our website or Facebook page for event updatesppVisit our website at wwwmokenaparkcom for the schedule of Free Outdoor Concerts and Movies this summerp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">215@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/free-outdoor-concert-featuring-the-walk-ins</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>The Walk-Ins perform the Top 40 hits from every generation from the 60's to today. <br />Concert Begins at 7pm. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the family-friendly entertainment on the terraced, grass seating at the Yunker Park Bandshell. For inclement weather, check our website or Facebook page for event updates. </p>
<p>Visit our website at www.mokenapark.com for the schedule of Free Outdoor Concerts and Movies this summer. </p> ]]>
                <title>Free Outdoor Movie - featuring Barbie</title>
                <description>pFree Outdoor Movie  featuring the movie Barbie emrated PG13em Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the familyfriendly entertainment on the terraced grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell For inclement weather check our website or Facebook page for event updates Visit our website at a hrefhttpswwwmokenaparkcomupcomingevents2 targetblank relnoopenerwwwmokenaparkcoma for the schedule of Free Outdoor Concerts and Movies this summer p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">216@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/free-outdoor-movie-featuring-barbie</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Free Outdoor Movie - featuring the movie Barbie <em>(rated PG-13)</em>. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the family-friendly entertainment on the terraced, grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell. For inclement weather, check our website or Facebook page for event updates. Visit our website at <a href="https://www.mokenapark.com/upcoming-events-2/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">www.mokenapark.com</a> for the schedule of Free Outdoor Concerts and Movies this summer. </p> ]]>
                <title>Free Outdoor Concert - featuring Fire Chicken</title>
                <description>pFire Chicken is asouth side Chicago band that plays a mix of classic rock pop country Jimmy Buffet The Beatles Prince Kenny Chesney and moreppConcert Begins at 7pm Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the familyfriendly entertainment on the terraced grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell For inclement weather check our website or Facebook page for event updates br Visit our website at a hrefhttpswwwmokenaparkcomupcomingevents2 targetblank relnoopenerwwwmokenaparkcoma for the schedule of Free Outdoor Concerts and Movies this summer p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">217@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/free-outdoor-concert-featuring-fire-chicken</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Fire Chicken is a south side Chicago band that plays a mix of classic rock, pop, country, Jimmy Buffet, The Beatles, Prince, Kenny Chesney and more.</p>
<p>Concert Begins at 7pm. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the family-friendly entertainment on the terraced, grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell. For inclement weather, check our website or Facebook page for event updates. <br />Visit our website at <a href="https://www.mokenapark.com/upcoming-events-2/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">www.mokenapark.com</a> for the schedule of Free Outdoor Concerts and Movies this summer. </p> ]]>
                <title>Free Outdoor Concert - featuring Flipside</title>
                <description>pstrongFlipsidestrong is a party Dance Band playing songs from the 50s through 80s Motown Blues Rock amp Roll and Country Concert Begins at 7pm Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the familyfriendly entertainment on the terraced grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell For inclement weather check our website or Facebook page for event updates ppVisit our website at a hrefhttpswwwmokenaparkcomupcomingevents2 targetblank relnoopenerwwwmokenaparkcoma for the schedule of Free Outdoor Concerts and Movies this summer p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">218@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/free-outdoor-concert-featuring-flipside</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><strong>Flipside</strong> is a party Dance Band playing songs from the 50’s through 80’s Motown, Blues, Rock &amp; Roll, and Country. Concert Begins at 7pm. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the family-friendly entertainment on the terraced, grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell. For inclement weather, check our website or Facebook page for event updates. </p>
<p>Visit our website at <a href="https://www.mokenapark.com/upcoming-events-2/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">www.mokenapark.com</a> for the schedule of Free Outdoor Concerts and Movies this summer. </p> ]]>
                <title>Free Outdoor Concert - featuring The Baked Potatoes</title>
                <description>pThe Baked Potatoes specialize in classic rock such as the Beatles Rolling Stones CCR Eric Clapton and many more Concert Begins at 7pm Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the familyfriendly entertainment on the terraced grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell For inclement weather check our website at a hrefhttpswwwmokenaparkcomupcomingevents2 targetblank relnoopenerwwwmokenaparkcoma or Facebook page for event updates br br p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">219@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/free-outdoor-concert-featuring-the-baked-potatoes</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>The Baked Potatoes specialize in classic rock such as the Beatles, Rolling Stones, CCR, Eric Clapton and many more. Concert Begins at 7pm. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the family-friendly entertainment on the terraced, grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell. For inclement weather, check our website at <a href="https://www.mokenapark.com/upcoming-events-2/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">www.mokenapark.com</a> or Facebook page for event updates. <br /><br /></p> ]]>
                <title>Free Outdoor Movie - featuring Guardians of the Galaxy</title>
                <description>pFree Outdoor Movie  featuring Guardians of the Galaxy emrated PG13embr Movie begins at dusk approx 830pm Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the familyfriendly entertainment on the terraced grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell For inclement weather check our website or Facebook page for event updates ppThe last summer Free Outdoor Concert is Tuesday July 30 featuring The Baked Potatoes br Visit our website at a hrefhttpswwwmokenaparkcomupcomingevents2 targetblank relnoopenerwwwmokenaparkcoma for more informationp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">220@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/free-outdoor-movie-featuring-guardians-of-the-galaxy</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Free Outdoor Movie - featuring Guardians of the Galaxy <em>(rated PG-13)</em>.<br />Movie begins at dusk, approx. 8:30pm. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the family-friendly entertainment on the terraced, grass seating at the Yunker Park bandshell. For inclement weather, check our website or Facebook page for event updates. </p>
<p>The last summer Free Outdoor Concert is Tuesday, July 30 featuring The Baked Potatoes. <br />Visit our website at <a href="https://www.mokenapark.com/upcoming-events-2/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">www.mokenapark.com</a> for more information. </p> ]]>
                <title>Woofstock - Free Pet Fair</title>
                <description>pJoin us for this FREE Pet Fair and enjoy a Pawsome afternoon for pets and their owners br Petfriendly vendors demonstrations and presentations and animal contests such as Best Trick Costume Contest Yunker Yelper and Golden Oldies All animals welcomeppTake a picture of your pet and enter the strongSocial Medial Star Conteststrong Submit your pet photos to a hrefmailtoinfomokenaparkcom targetblank relnoopenerinfomokenaparkcoma by June 7 Pet photos will be posted on our Facebook page and voting will take place from June 8 until noon on Friday June 21 The winner will be announced at WoofstockFor the safety of your pets and all others pet vaccinations must be current and all dogs must be on a leashFor more information go to wwwmokenaparkcom or call 7083902401p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">221@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/woofstock-free-pet-fair</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for this FREE Pet Fair and enjoy a Paw-some afternoon for pets and their owners. <br />Pet-friendly vendors, demonstrations and presentations, and animal contests such as Best Trick, Costume Contest, Yunker Yelper and Golden Oldies. All animals welcome!</p>
<p>Take a picture of your pet and enter the <strong>Social Medial Star Contest</strong>. Submit your pet photos to <a href="mailto:info@mokenapark.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">info@mokenapark.com</a> by June 7. Pet photos will be posted on our Facebook page and voting will take place from June 8 until noon on Friday, June 21. The winner will be announced at Woofstock. For the safety of your pets and all others, pet vaccinations must be current and all dogs must be on a leash. For more information, go to www.mokenapark.com or call 708-390-2401.</p> ]]>
                <title>Optimas Launch!</title>
                <description>pWith the Optimas device we will now be offering IPL facials Laser hair removal and Microneedling for face and bodypulliRaffle Grand Prize 500 off your Optimas purchaseliliEvent Day Only Promotional PricingliliLight Snacks and RefreshmentsliulpPlease RSVP to 708 7268556 by June 3rdp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">225@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/optimas-launch</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>With the Optimas device we will now be offering: IPL facials, Laser hair removal, and Micro-needling for face and body!</p>
<li>Raffle Grand Prize: $500 off  your Optimas purchase!</li>
<li>Event Day Only Promotional Pricing!</li>
<li>Light Snacks and Refreshments</li>
<p>Please "RSVP" to (708) 726-8556 by June 3rd</p> ]]>
                <title>SUNNY DAYZ LOCALZ MARKET</title>
                <description>pstrongDiscover the heartbeat of our community at our localz marketnbspstrongppDive into a world of small businesses brimming with local treasures where each purchase supports our neighbors39 dreamsnbspppGroove to the rhythm of live entertainment that fills the air adding a dash of excitement to your shopping experiencenbspppAnd as you browse don39t forget to contribute to our food pantry collection ensuring that no one in our community goes hungrynbspppJoin us in celebrating local talent fostering connections and giving back in a market experience unlike any otherppVendor Line UppulliSunKissed Greenz CBD LaboratoriesliliTwo Birds amp A Doe Candle ColiliTRACK FarmsliliGratefully Dreaming  Handmade NatureInspired JewelryliliNinja Girl CoffeeliliBoscos All Natural Dog amp Cat Holistic StoreliliFckin Slick Bloody Mix Bloody Mary MixliliROcc Garden LLC MicrogreensliliWhimsey BeadworksliliMeridian Farms MushroomsliliMamma Kneads DoughliliSocial 45 Craft Kitchen by Jimmy O39sliliKB Sweets ShopliliCurliQ CantinaliliFlourish Juice ConbspliliWize WonderzliulpThis list of local businesses is complete amp our event lineup is now full Stop by to see what each business has to offernbspppAdmission Please bring a nonperishable food item as we will be collecting for the Frankfort Food Pantry If you forget no worries Admission is FREE but we HUGELY appreciate the donationsp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">226@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/sunny-dayz-localz-market-0</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><strong>Discover the heartbeat of our community at our localz market!&nbsp;</strong></p>

<p>Dive into a world of small businesses brimming with local treasures, where each purchase supports our neighbors&#39; dreams.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Groove to the rhythm of live entertainment that fills the air, adding a dash of excitement to your shopping experience.&nbsp;</p>

<p>And as you browse, don&#39;t forget to contribute to our food pantry collection, ensuring that no one in our community goes hungry.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Join us in celebrating local talent, fostering connections, and giving back in a market experience unlike any other!</p>

<p>Vendor Line Up:</p>

	<li>SunKissed Greenz CBD Laboratories</li>
	<li>Two Birds &amp; A Doe Candle Co.</li>
	<li>TRACK Farms</li>
	<li>Gratefully Dreaming // Handmade Nature-Inspired Jewelry</li>
	<li>Ninja Girl Coffee</li>
	<li>Boscos All Natural Dog &amp; Cat Holistic Store</li>
	<li>F#ckin Slick Bloody Mix (Bloody Mary Mix)</li>
	<li>ROcc Garden LLC Microgreens</li>
	<li>Whimsey Beadworks</li>
	<li>Meridian Farms Mushrooms</li>
	<li>Mamma Kneads Dough</li>
	<li>Social 45 Craft Kitchen by: Jimmy O&#39;s</li>
	<li>KB Sweets Shop</li>
	<li>CurliQ Cantina</li>
	<li>Flourish Juice Co.&nbsp;</li>
	<li>Wize Wonderz</li>

<p>This list of local businesses is complete &amp; our event lineup is now full. Stop by to see what each business has to offer.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Admission: Please bring a nonperishable food item as we will be collecting for the Frankfort Food Pantry. If you forget, no worries. Admission is FREE but we HUGELY appreciate the donations.</p> ]]>
                <title>SUNNY DAYZ LOCALZ MARKET</title>
                <description>pstrongDiscover the heartbeat of our community at our localz marketnbspstrongppDive into a world of small businesses brimming with local treasures where each purchase supports our neighbors39 dreamsnbspppGroove to the rhythm of live entertainment that fills the air adding a dash of excitement to your shopping experiencenbspppAnd as you browse don39t forget to contribute to our food pantry collection ensuring that no one in our community goes hungrynbspppJoin us in celebrating local talent fostering connections and giving back in a market experience unlike any otherppVendor Line UppulliSunKissed Greenz CBD LaboratoriesliliTwo Birds amp A Doe Candle ColiliTRACK FarmsliliGratefully Dreaming  Handmade NatureInspired JewelryliliNinja Girl CoffeeliliBoscos All Natural Dog amp Cat Holistic StoreliliFckin Slick Bloody Mix Bloody Mary MixliliROcc Garden LLC MicrogreensliliWhimsey BeadworksliliMeridian Farms MushroomsliliMamma Kneads DoughliliSocial 45 Craft Kitchen by Jimmy O39sliliKB Sweets ShopliliCurliQ CantinaliliFlourish Juice ConbspliliWize WonderzliulpThis list of local businesses is complete amp our event lineup is now full Stop by to see what each business has to offernbspppAdmission Please bring a nonperishable food item as we will be collecting for the Frankfort Food Pantry If you forget no worries Admission is FREE but we HUGELY appreciate the donationsp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">227@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/sunny-dayz-localz-market-1</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><strong>Discover the heartbeat of our community at our localz market!&nbsp;</strong></p>

<p>Dive into a world of small businesses brimming with local treasures, where each purchase supports our neighbors&#39; dreams.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Groove to the rhythm of live entertainment that fills the air, adding a dash of excitement to your shopping experience.&nbsp;</p>

<p>And as you browse, don&#39;t forget to contribute to our food pantry collection, ensuring that no one in our community goes hungry.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Join us in celebrating local talent, fostering connections, and giving back in a market experience unlike any other!</p>

<p>Vendor Line Up:</p>

	<li>SunKissed Greenz CBD Laboratories</li>
	<li>Two Birds &amp; A Doe Candle Co.</li>
	<li>TRACK Farms</li>
	<li>Gratefully Dreaming // Handmade Nature-Inspired Jewelry</li>
	<li>Ninja Girl Coffee</li>
	<li>Boscos All Natural Dog &amp; Cat Holistic Store</li>
	<li>F#ckin Slick Bloody Mix (Bloody Mary Mix)</li>
	<li>ROcc Garden LLC Microgreens</li>
	<li>Whimsey Beadworks</li>
	<li>Meridian Farms Mushrooms</li>
	<li>Mamma Kneads Dough</li>
	<li>Social 45 Craft Kitchen by: Jimmy O&#39;s</li>
	<li>KB Sweets Shop</li>
	<li>CurliQ Cantina</li>
	<li>Flourish Juice Co.&nbsp;</li>
	<li>Wize Wonderz</li>

<p>This list of local businesses is complete &amp; our event lineup is now full. Stop by to see what each business has to offer.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Admission: Please bring a nonperishable food item as we will be collecting for the Frankfort Food Pantry. If you forget, no worries. Admission is FREE but we HUGELY appreciate the donations.</p> ]]>
                <title>CBD, Sips, &amp; Spirits: Crafted Cocktails for Elevated Experiences</title>
                <description>pGet ready to tantalize your taste buds as expert mixologists craft an array of innovative cocktails each carefully infused with premium CBD pairingsnbspppFrom refreshing Cucumber Collins39 to summery Margaritas each sip promises a symphony of flavors designed to transport you to a state of pure blissppBut that39s not all Dive deeper into the world of CBD as our knowledgeable staff guide you through fun and informative pairings enhancing your cocktail experience with the calming and soothing effects of CBD Discover how CBD can elevate your senses and enhance your relaxation creating a perfect harmony of taste and tranquilityppAs you sip and savor immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of our event surrounded by fellow enthusiasts and connoisseurs Share stories exchange tips and revel in the joy of discovering new and exciting flavor combinationsppWhether you39re a seasoned CBD enthusiast or a curious newcomer CBD Sips amp Spirits is an event not to be missed Join us for an evening of summer delights where every sip is a journey and every moment is infused with relaxation Purchase your tickets now and embark on a cocktail adventure like no otherppYour ticket includes 4 summer cocktails with CBD pairing with each cocktailnbsppulliStrawberry Margarita Tito Cucumber Collins Lone Ranger Tequila Sparkling Rose39 Lemon Moscow Muleliul</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">228@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/cbd-sips-spirits-crafted-cocktails-for-elevated-experiences</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Get ready to tantalize your taste buds as expert mixologists craft an array of innovative cocktails, each carefully infused with premium CBD pairings.&nbsp;</p>

<p>From refreshing Cucumber Collins&#39; to summery Margaritas, each sip promises a symphony of flavors designed to transport you to a state of pure bliss.</p>

<p>But that&#39;s not all! Dive deeper into the world of CBD as our knowledgeable staff guide you through fun and informative pairings, enhancing your cocktail experience with the calming and soothing effects of CBD. Discover how CBD can elevate your senses and enhance your relaxation, creating a perfect harmony of taste and tranquility.</p>

<p>As you sip and savor, immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of our event, surrounded by fellow enthusiasts and connoisseurs. Share stories, exchange tips, and revel in the joy of discovering new and exciting flavor combinations.</p>

<p>Whether you&#39;re a seasoned CBD enthusiast or a curious newcomer, CBD, Sips &amp; Spirits is an event not to be missed. Join us for an evening of summer delights, where every sip is a journey and every moment is infused with relaxation. Purchase your tickets now and embark on a cocktail adventure like no other!</p>

<p>Your ticket includes 4 summer cocktails with CBD pairing with each cocktail.&nbsp;</p>

	<li>Strawberry Margarita Tito Cucumber Collins Lone Ranger- Tequila, Sparkling Rose&#39;, Lemon Moscow Mule</li>
</ul> ]]>
                <title>FREE Mushroom Coffee Tastings With Special Guest HotWorx</title>
                <description>pJoin us for an exciting event featuring free mushroom coffee tastings and a special guest appearance by Hotworx in MokenanbspppHotworx is renowned for its innovative approach to fitness offering infrared and virtually instructed workout classes including yoga Pilates and moreppCome out to our location to sample delicious mushroom coffee while learning about its numerous health benefitsnbspppAdditionally meet the team behind the new Hotworx location in Mokena and discover how their unique fitness programs can transform your wellness journey Don39t miss this opportunity to indulge in delightful mushroom coffee and explore cuttingedge fitness optionsppThis is a FREE event you dont want to miss out on Grab your friends and come on outnbspp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">229@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/free-mushroom-coffee-tastings-with-special-guest-hotworx</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for an exciting event featuring free mushroom coffee tastings and a special guest appearance by Hotworx in Mokena!&nbsp;</p>

<p>Hotworx is renowned for its innovative approach to fitness, offering infrared and virtually instructed workout classes including yoga, Pilates, and more.</p>

<p>Come out to our location to sample delicious mushroom coffee while learning about its numerous health benefits.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Additionally, meet the team behind the new Hotworx location in Mokena and discover how their unique fitness programs can transform your wellness journey. Don&#39;t miss this opportunity to indulge in delightful mushroom coffee and explore cutting-edge fitness options!</p>

<p>This is a FREE event you dont want to miss out on. Grab your friends and come on out!&nbsp;</p> ]]>
                <title>Yoga &amp; Chill at Gost Coffee</title>
                <description>pJoin us for a rejuvenating morning of wellness and indulgencenbspppImmerse yourself in an hour of tranquil yoga practice where you39ll flow through gentle movements and find inner peace Following your yoga session treat yourself to a delicious CBDinfused breakfast treats carefully crafted to nourish both body and soulppAfterwards tantalize your taste buds by checking out Ghost Coffee expertly brewed nbspto perfection Whether you prefer a velvety latte or a bold espresso there coffee selection promises to awaken your senses and complement your morning experience Please note that coffee is available for an additional costppIndulge in this holistic morning ritual and start your day feeling refreshed balanced and energized Reserve your spot now for a truly blissful experienceppPlease bring your yoga mat and water If you do not have a yoga mat we do have extrasnbspp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">230@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/yoga-chill-at-gost-coffee</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for a rejuvenating morning of wellness and indulgence!&nbsp;</p>

<p>Immerse yourself in an hour of tranquil yoga practice, where you&#39;ll flow through gentle movements and find inner peace. Following your yoga session, treat yourself to a delicious CBD-infused breakfast treats, carefully crafted to nourish both body and soul.</p>

<p>Afterwards, tantalize your taste buds by checking out Ghost Coffee, expertly brewed &nbsp;to perfection. Whether you prefer a velvety latte or a bold espresso, there coffee selection promises to awaken your senses and complement your morning experience. Please note that coffee is available for an additional cost.</p>

<p>Indulge in this holistic morning ritual and start your day feeling refreshed, balanced, and energized. Reserve your spot now for a truly blissful experience!</p>

<p>Please bring your yoga mat and water- If you do not have a yoga mat we do have extras.&nbsp;</p> ]]>
                <title>Sound Healing &amp; CBD at SunKissed Greenz</title>
                <description>pJoin us for a remarkable and one of a kind sound healing amp CBD eventppPlease help us welcome Sam of Space For Balance as she leads the evening and helps calm your body mind amp soulppSam will start the class with gentle yoga before the sound bath begins Allow yourself to be immersed in the healing frequencies of a personalized selection of singing bowls chimes gongs and bells brought to serve youppAfter class stick around for calming tea with CBD infused honey combs and fun conversationppCBD has been known to help with stress anxiety sleep pain inflammation and so much more And best of all its naturalThis is the perfect event to calm you down after a long day amp get you relaxed and rady for a perfect night of sleepppGrab your friends amp meet us on your mats Early registration is encouraged as space is limitedp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">231@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/sound-healing-cbd-0-91224</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for a remarkable and one of a kind sound healing &amp; CBD event. </p>
<p>Please help us welcome Sam of Space For Balance as she leads the evening and helps calm your body, mind &amp; soul.</p>
<p>Sam will start the class with gentle yoga before the sound bath begins.  Allow yourself to be immersed in the healing frequencies of a personalized selection of singing bowls, chimes, gongs,  and bells brought to serve you.</p>
<p>After class stick around for calming tea with CBD infused honey combs and fun conversation. </p>
<p>CBD has been known to help with stress, anxiety, sleep, pain, inflammation, and so much more. And best of all.... it's natural.  This is the perfect event to calm you down after a long day &amp; get you relaxed and rady for a perfect night of sleep. </p>
<p>Grab your friends &amp; meet us on your mats! Early registration is encouraged as space is limited. </p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b targetblank relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">232@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-2</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b targetblank relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">233@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-3</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b targetblank relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">234@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-4</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b targetblank relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">235@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-5</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b targetblank relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">236@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-6</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Farm &amp; Barn Fest</title>
                <description>pFarm amp Barn Fest is held annually in the heart of Mokena on historic Yunker Farmbr Join us as we celebrate the significance of one of the first homesteads to settle in the Mokena area Free Parking and Admissionppstrongu1210pmustrongbr Stage Entertainment Food amp Beer available for purchaseppstrongu126pmustrongppSplash Pad will be open Dunk Tank Bounce Houses Petting Zoo Face Painter Kids Games and Activities 25 wristband required for all kids activities emMokena residents save 5emppstrongCOUNTRY CONCERTbr strongYunker Farm Bandshell  Free Admissionbr Join us for a night of Country Music with Prairie Station 6730pm and Kelly Daniels 810pm Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy familyfriendly music on the terraced br grass seating at the bandshell Food beverages and beer will be available for purchase br Children are allowed at the concert with parental supervisionp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">237@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/farm-barn-fest-02024</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Farm &amp; Barn Fest is held annually in the heart of Mokena on historic Yunker Farm.<br />Join us as we celebrate the significance of one of the first homesteads to settle in the Mokena area. Free Parking and Admission.</p>
<p><strong><u>12-10pm</u></strong><br />Stage Entertainment, Food &amp; Beer available for purchase. </p>
<p>Splash Pad will be open. Dunk Tank, Bounce Houses, Petting Zoo, Face Painter, Kids Games and Activities. $25 wristband required for all kids’ activities <em>(Mokena residents save $5).</em></p>
<p><strong>COUNTRY CONCERT<br /></strong>Yunker Farm Bandshell  β—  Free Admission<br />Join us for a night of Country Music with Prairie Station (6-7:30pm) and Kelly Daniels (8-10pm). Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy family-friendly music on the terraced, <br />grass seating at the bandshell. Food, beverages and beer will be available for purchase. <br />Children are allowed at the concert with parental supervision.</p> ]]>
                <title>LWSRF Golf Outing @ Green Garden</title>
                <description>divLincolnway Special Recreation Foundation is hosting its annual golfoutings on Friday August 9that the Sanctuary in New Lenox as well as Friday August 16that Green Garden Country Club in Frankfort Both golfoutings serve as LWSRF fundraisers that can provide financial support to benefit recreational programs for individuals with disabilities at LWSRAdivdivdivdivWe are currently reaching out to golfers and businesses who are interested in playing sponsoring or providing a raffle basket Using the link below select which event you are interested in and please submit sponsorships onlinedivdiva idOWA1056f75d939db5102c78ba2892b5b164 classxxOWAAutoLink 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 HERE for the LWSRF golfoutingsadivdivdivdivIf interested in paying via checkecheck bring payment or raffle basket to LWSRA We can also arrange for someone to pick up the raffle basket as welldiv</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">241@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/lwsrf-golf-outing-at-green-garden</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <div>Lincolnway Special Recreation Foundation is hosting its annual golf outings on Friday, August 9th at the Sanctuary in New Lenox as well as Friday, August 16th at Green Garden Country Club in Frankfort. Both golf outings serve as LWSRF fundraisers that can provide financial support to benefit recreational programs for individuals with disabilities at LWSRA. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>We are currently reaching out to golfers and businesses who are interested in playing, sponsoring or providing a raffle basket. Using the link below, select which event you are interested in and please submit sponsorships online. </div>
<div><a id="OWA1056f75d-939d-b510-2c78-ba2892b5b164" class="x_x_OWAAutoLink" href="https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.proofpoint.com%2Fv2%2Furl%3Fu%3Dhttps-3A__lwsrf.ticketspice.com_lwsrf-2Dgolf-2Doutings-2D2024%26d%3DDwMFAw%26c%3DeuGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM%26r%3DyY762zgS3PL7WehvN8lNz74TYEh0YvmB1vdqRSOcIJM%26m%3DnfUINHQbqpdirPUN2lo8tgVSozxfwHwg6sew8wkkvxvYzJjw3C5M4wwtccVS9IU7%26s%3D8FCMs-x9HU4T8qd3KWG7FGuJHG189PdE4NjgTCGwuQY%26e%3D&amp;data=05%7C02%7Cnkahl%40lwsra.org%7Cdab60d12eae74ab3ef4008dc915b9624%7C947bce59bda44953ba63f6a94b31e622%7C0%7C0%7C638545069768485498%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&amp;sdata=1Wrx%2FLvkANM74NwxvZG9V8COLQyH6OJOCVlBKWlR1a8%3D&amp;reserved=0">Sponsor HERE for the LWSRF golf outings!</a></div>
<div> </div>
<div>If interested in paying via check/e-check, bring payment or raffle basket to LWSRA. We can also arrange for someone to pick up the raffle basket as well.</div> ]]>
                <title>August 2024 Monthly Membership Meeting</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxMonthly Membership Meeting at 19th Hole 9418 W 191st Street Mokena 4  530 pm Topic A look at Secure Choice Illinoiss statemandated retirement program Speaker Robert Walker  Financial Advisor at Edward Jonesspanbr stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px classhtmlbr span stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxEveryone receives an opportunity to give their 30second commercial Free networking event Heavy appetizers cash bar Two sponsorship opportunities available 100 eachspanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">242@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/august-2024-monthly-membership-meeting</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Monthly Membership Meeting at 19th Hole, 9418 W. 191st Street, Mokena. 4 - 5:30 p.m. Topic: A look at Secure Choice: Illinois's state-mandated retirement program. Speaker: Robert Walker - Financial Advisor at Edward Jones.</span><br style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;" class="html-br" /><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Everyone receives an opportunity to give their 30-second commercial. Free networking event. Heavy appetizers, cash bar. Two sponsorship opportunities available. $100 each.</span></p> ]]>
                <title>Mokena Chamber&#039;s Parade of Lights 2024</title>
                <description>pStep off time at 5 pmppLineup at Mokena Elementary School 11244 Willowcrest Lane MokenappParade Route from Mokena Elementary  south on Wolf Road to east on Front Street ending north on Division StreetppSponsor the Parade of Lights for 125p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">243@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/mokena-chambers-parade-of-lights-2024</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Step off time at 5 p.m.</p>
<p>Lineup at Mokena Elementary School, 11244 Willowcrest Lane, Mokena.</p>
<p>Parade Route from Mokena Elementary - south on Wolf Road to east on Front Street ending north on Division Street.</p>
<p>Sponsor the Parade of Lights for $125. </p> ]]>
                <title>Chamber Board of Directors Meeting 8.28.24</title>
                <description>pBoard of Directors Meeting at the Mokena Chamber officep</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">244@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/chamber-board-of-directors-meeting-8</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Board of Directors Meeting at the Mokena Chamber office. </p> ]]>
                <title>Chamber Board of Directors Meeting 10.30.24</title>
                <description>pBoard of Directors Meetingp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">245@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/chamber-board-of-directors-meeting-102324</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Board of Directors Meeting</p> ]]>
                <title>CrossFit Mokena and &quot;It’s a Pittie Rescue&quot; Bully Blitz 5K Run/1K Walk 10.5.24</title>
                <description>p classMsoNormalTeam up with CrossFit Mokena and Its a Pittie Rescue for this years Bully Blitz 5K Run1K Walk on Saturday Oct 5 at Hickory Creek Preserve in Mokena All participants earn 2 weeks FREE at CrossFit Mokena for completing the race Register at wwwRunSignUpcom and search Bully Blitzopoppp classMsoNormalopoppp classMsoNormalChristie Neighborsopoppp classMsoNormalCrossFit Mokenaopoppp classMsoNormal8156907745p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">247@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/crossfit-mokena-and-its-a-pittie-rescue-bully-blitz-5k-run1k-walk-10524</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p class="MsoNormal">Team up with CrossFit Mokena and It’s a Pittie Rescue for this year’s Bully Blitz 5K Run/1K Walk on Saturday, Oct. 5 at Hickory Creek Preserve in Mokena. All participants earn 2 weeks FREE at CrossFit Mokena for completing the race! Register at www.RunSignUp.com and search Bully Blitz.<o:p></o:p></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><o:p> </o:p></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">Christie Neighbors<o:p></o:p></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">CrossFit Mokena<o:p></o:p></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">815-690-7745</p> ]]>
                <title>Business After Hours at Social 45 Craft Kitchen &amp; Bar 9.5.24</title>
                <description>pstrongspan stylefontsize 105pt fontfamily Arialsansserif color blackThursday September 5 2024spanstrongspan stylefontsize 105pt fontfamily Arialsansserif color blackBusiness After Hours at spanspan stylefontsize 90pt fontfamily Arialsansserif color 403f42a targetblank hrefhttpsncodadbabccrs6nettnjspf0012sZG4otdn5MjLp14ToBP61kAhX9QWykb0J3rEYCRfe1uz5kU8f7DY6jvi4DYRxMUqvV0S6NWAmonMjhnxWBoLP9zWJaFsj3K9LBDnyl8SFwvbyCRMxKqk0RpT9hxnEqnIzqhJKhfyux8SvpMDgampccmQ1ovsxgJMyK6k1BCqH73bSb4IfhVqvSlu31MLrDAH11HgV5fH5wampch81FTKH2CXWEq8APjfIBwT9s2qV2FuoQrgtaOHDlJPTPkdgtNjQ relnoopenerstrongspan stylefontsize 105ptSocial 45 Craft Kitchenspanstrongaspanspan stylefontsize 105pt fontfamily Arialsansserif color black 20805 S Lagrange Road Frankfort 5 to 7 pm Free networking eventspanspan stylefontsize 90pt fontfamily Arialsansserif color 403f42opopspanppspan stylefontsize 105pt fontfamily Arialsansserif color blackimg altSocial 45 Business After Hours Facebook Event Image 9524 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023social45businessafterhoursfacebookeventimage9524png spanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">248@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/business-after-hours-at-social-45-craft-kitchen-bar-9524</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><strong><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; color: black;">Thursday, September 5, 2024. </span></strong><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; color: black;">Business After Hours at </span><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; color: #403f42;"><a target="_blank" href="https://ncodadbab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012sZG4otdn5MjLp14ToBP61kAhX9QWykb0J3rEYCRfe1uz5kU-8f7DY6jvi4DYRx_MUqvV0S6N_WAmonMjhnxWBoLP9zWJaFs-j3K9LBDnyl8SFwvbyCRMxKqk0RpT9hxnEqnIzqhJKhfyux8SvpMDg==&amp;c=cmQ1ovsxgJMyK6k1BCqH73bSb4IfhVqvSlu31MLrDAH_11HgV5fH5w==&amp;ch=_81FTKH2CXWEq8APj_f-IBwT9s2qV2FuoQ-rgtaOHDlJPTPkdgtNjQ==" rel="noopener"><strong><span style="font-size: 10.5pt;">Social 45 Craft Kitchen,</span></strong></a></span><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; color: black;"> 20805 S. Lagrange Road, Frankfort. 5 to 7 p.m. Free networking event.</span><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; color: #403f42;"><o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; color: black;"><img alt="Social 45 Business After Hours Facebook Event Image 9.5.24" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/social-45-business-after-hours-facebook-event-image-9524.png" /></span></p> ]]>
                <title>Ribbon Cutting and Open House at Inside Out Holistic Health 10.17.24</title>
                <description>pspan stylefontsize 105pt fontfamily Arialsansserif msofareastfontfamily Aptos msofareastthemefont minorlatin color black msoansilanguage ENUS msofareastlanguage ENUS msobidilanguage ARSAThursday October 17 2024 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Open House at spanspan stylefontsize 90pt fontfamily Arialsansserif msofareastfontfamily Aptos msofareastthemefont minorlatin color 403f42 msoansilanguage ENUS msofareastlanguage ENUS msobidilanguage ARSAa targetblank hrefhttpsncodadbabccrs6nettnjspf0012sZG4otdn5MjLp14ToBP61kAhX9QWykb0J3rEYCRfe1uz5kU8f7DY6jvi4DYRxhYU1WLflTOiokP0G8yfprKHjAACtcw8XrVhnn5RQkDcbbaPeqIy5UCbY9RbtsYoO5YpVw02rJkevMZYu65MSyTGEi4aT1VdFAAdNUdL4ampccmQ1ovsxgJMyK6k1BCqH73bSb4IfhVqvSlu31MLrDAH11HgV5fH5wampch81FTKH2CXWEq8APjfIBwT9s2qV2FuoQrgtaOHDlJPTPkdgtNjQ relnoopenerstrongspan stylefontsize 105ptInside Out Holistic Healthspanstrongaspanspan stylefontsize 105pt fontfamily Arialsansserif msofareastfontfamily Aptos msofareastthemefont minorlatin color black msoansilanguage ENUS msofareastlanguage ENUS msobidilanguage ARSA 11225 Front Street Suite 20 Mokena Located inside the Mokena Video building 5 to 6 pm Ribbon Cutting at 530 pm Free networking eventspanppimg altInside Out Holistic Ribbon Cutting Facebook Event Image 1 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023insideoutholisticribboncuttingfacebookeventimage1png p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">250@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/ribbon-cutting-and-open-house-at-inside-out-holistic-health-101024</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: Aptos; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; color: black; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Thursday, October 17, 2024. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Open House at </span><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: Aptos; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; color: #403f42; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><a target="_blank" href="https://ncodadbab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012sZG4otdn5MjLp14ToBP61kAhX9QWykb0J3rEYCRfe1uz5kU-8f7DY6jvi4DYRx_hYU1WLflTOio-kP0G8yfprKHjAACtcw8XrVhnn5RQkDcbbaPeqIy5UCbY9RbtsYoO5YpVw02rJkevMZYu65MSyTGEi4aT1VdFAA--dNUdL4=&amp;c=cmQ1ovsxgJMyK6k1BCqH73bSb4IfhVqvSlu31MLrDAH_11HgV5fH5w==&amp;ch=_81FTKH2CXWEq8APj_f-IBwT9s2qV2FuoQ-rgtaOHDlJPTPkdgtNjQ==" rel="noopener"><strong><span style="font-size: 10.5pt;">Inside Out Holistic Health,</span></strong></a></span><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: Aptos; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; color: black; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"> 11225 Front Street, Suite 20, Mokena. (Located inside the Mokena Video building). 5 to 6 p.m. Ribbon Cutting at 5:30 p.m. Free networking event. </span></p>
<p><img alt="Inside Out Holistic Ribbon Cutting Facebook Event Image (1)" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/inside-out-holistic-ribbon-cutting-facebook-event-image-1.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>November Monthly Membership Meeting 11.12.24</title>
                <description>pspan stylefontsize 110pt fontfamily Aptossansserif msofareastfontfamily Aptos msofareastthemefont minorlatin msobidifontfamily Aptos msoligatures standardcontextual msoansilanguage ENUS msofareastlanguage ENUS msobidilanguage ARSAGuest Speaker Felicitas Cortez of the Womens Business Development Centerspanppspan stylefontsize 110pt fontfamily Aptossansserif msofareastfontfamily Aptos msofareastthemefont minorlatin msobidifontfamily Aptos msoligatures standardcontextual msoansilanguage ENUS msofareastlanguage ENUS msobidilanguage ARSATopic Learn more about the ways their organization can help youspanppspan stylefontsize 110pt fontfamily Aptossansserif msofareastfontfamily Aptos msofareastthemefont minorlatin msobidifontfamily Aptos msoligatures standardcontextual msoansilanguage ENUS msofareastlanguage ENUS msobidilanguage ARSAEveryone will be given the opportunity to give their 30second commercial to the group in attendancespanppspan stylefontsize 110pt fontfamily Aptossansserif msofareastfontfamily Aptos msofareastthemefont minorlatin msobidifontfamily Aptos msoligatures standardcontextual msoansilanguage ENUS msofareastlanguage ENUS msobidilanguage ARSAFree networking event Buffet dinner and cash barspanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">251@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/november-monthly-membership-meeting-111224</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Aptos',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: Aptos; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: Aptos; mso-ligatures: standardcontextual; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Guest Speaker: Felicitas Cortez of the Womens Business Development Center.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Aptos',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: Aptos; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: Aptos; mso-ligatures: standardcontextual; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Topic: Learn more about the ways their organization can help you.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Aptos',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: Aptos; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: Aptos; mso-ligatures: standardcontextual; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Everyone will be given the opportunity to give their 30-second commercial to the group in attendance.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Aptos',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: Aptos; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: Aptos; mso-ligatures: standardcontextual; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Free networking event. Buffet dinner and cash bar. </span></p> ]]>
                <title>September Monthly Membership Meeting 9.10.24</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxMonthly Membership Meeting at 19th Hole 9418 W 191st Street Mokena 4  530 pmspanppspan stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxTopic Learn about the 2025 Will County Summer Internship Program and how your business can benefitspanppspan stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxSpeaker Speaker Kayla Sorensen  Will County Center for Economic Developmentspanppspan stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxEveryone receives an opportunity to give their 30second commercial Free networking event Heavy appetizers cash barspanppThank you to meeting sponsor stronga hrefhttpwwwgrstobplumbingcomGR Stob Plumbing Incastrongppspan stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxOne more sponsorship opportunity available 100 Receive 5 minutes to speak at the meetingspanppspan stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pximg altSept 2024 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber112sept2024membershipmeetingfacebookeventcoverpng spanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">252@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/september-monthly-membership-meeting-91024</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Monthly Membership Meeting at 19th Hole, 9418 W. 191st Street, Mokena. 4 - 5:30 p.m.</span></p>
<p><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Topic: Learn about the 2025 Will County Summer Internship Program and how your business can benefit.</span></p>
<p><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Speaker: Speaker: Kayla Sorensen - Will County Center for Economic Development.</span></p>
<p><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Everyone receives an opportunity to give their 30-second commercial. Free networking event. Heavy appetizers, cash bar.</span></p>
<p>Thank you to meeting sponsor <strong><a href="http://www.grstobplumbing.com">G.R. Stob Plumbing, Inc.</a></strong></p>
<p><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">One more sponsorship opportunity available. $100. Receive 5 minutes to speak at the meeting.</span></p>
<p><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;"><img alt="Sept 2024 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/sept-2024-membership-meeting-facebook-event-cover.png" /></span></p> ]]>
                <title>Oct. Monthly Membership Meeting 10.8.24</title>
                <description>pOctober 2024 Monthly Membership MeetingppTuesday October 8 2024 from 4 to 530 pmppHeld at 19th Hole 9418 W 191st Street MokenappFree networking event Buffet dinner and cash barppEveryone will have the opportunity to give their 30 second commercialp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">253@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/oct-monthly-membership-meeting-10824</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>October 2024 Monthly Membership Meeting </p>
<p>Tuesday, October 8, 2024 from 4 to 5:30 p.m.</p>
<p>Held at 19th Hole, 9418 W. 191st Street, Mokena</p>
<p>Free networking event. Buffet dinner and cash bar. </p>
<p>Everyone will have the opportunity to give their 30 second commercial.</p> ]]>
                <title>Lincoln-Way High School Career Fair 10.23.24</title>
                <description>pLincolnWay High School Career Fair 102324ppimg altLW HS Career Fair 102324  srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber112lwhscareerfair102324jpg p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">254@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/lincoln-way-high-school-career-fair-102324</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Lincoln-Way High School Career Fair 10.23.24</p>
<p><img alt="LW HS Career Fair 10.23.24 " src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/lw-hs-career-fair-102324.jpg" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Ribbon Cutting at Andy&#039;s Frozen Custard</title>
                <description>div stylemargin 0px overflowwrap breakword fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif color 050505 fontsize 15px classxdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbsYoure invited to our Grand Opening event at our newest location in Chicagoland  Mokenadivdiv stylemargin 05em 0px 0px overflowwrap breakword fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif color 050505 fontsize 15px classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sCelebrate all day Friday October 4th with 2 onetopping sundaes ALL DAY Mokena location onlybr classhtmlbr 11ambr classhtmlbr  Ribbon Cutting with Mokena Chamber of Commercebr classhtmlbr 11302pmbr classhtmlbr Spin the Wheel to Win for prices  everyone is a winnerbr classhtmlbr Enter to win Andys for a Yeardiv</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">256@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/ribbon-cutting-at-andys-frozen-custard</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <div style="margin: 0px; overflow-wrap: break-word; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: #050505; font-size: 15px;" class="xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs">You're invited to our Grand Opening event at our newest location in Chicagoland - Mokena!</div>
<div style="margin: 0.5em 0px 0px; overflow-wrap: break-word; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: #050505; font-size: 15px;" class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">Celebrate all day Friday, October 4th with $2 one-topping sundaes ALL DAY (Mokena location only)<br class="html-br" />-11am<br class="html-br" />* Ribbon Cutting with Mokena Chamber of Commerce<br class="html-br" />-11:30-2pm<br class="html-br" />*Spin the Wheel to Win for prices - everyone is a winner!<br class="html-br" />*Enter to win Andy's for a Year!</div> ]]>
                <title>Halloween Hollow</title>
                <description>pstrongEvent hoursstrong Friday 510pm  Saturday 1210pm  Sunday 15pm carnival only Sunday 11am1230pm Special needs carnival hour emform requiredemppParking 5 per vehicleppDaredevils of all ages will enjoy the Windy City Carnival with plenty of rides providing chills and thrills for everyone Unlimited Carnival Rides Wristbands are sold per person per session Ghoulish Goodies will be available to satisfy any monsters appetite including favorites such as Hot Dogs Italian Beef Sandwitches Pizza Gyros Funnel Cakes and more The fun continues into the evening with entertainment on Friday and Saturday at the Yunker Park Bandshell Food and beer concessions will be available for purchase ppstrongCARNIVAL WRISTBAND SPECIALS  strongFees are per person per sessionpulliFriday 530930pm 35liliSaturday Noon4pm 30liliSaturday 59pm 35liliSunday 15pm 30liulpstrongBEER and FOOD CONCESSIONSstrongpulliFriday 510pmliliSaturday 1210pmliulpstrongMONSTER MARKETstrong Saturday 126pmbr Theres something for everyone in the Monster Marketstrongstrong Vendors will be selling a variety ofbr bootiful items such as plants home dcor Halloween items and moreppstrongFREE KIDS ACTIVITIES strong Saturday 125pmbr BuildYourOwnScarecrow Pumpkin Painting and more emWhile supplies lastemppstrongFREE COSTUME CONTEST strong Saturdaybr The Costume Contest is held at the Yunker Park Bandshell Open to all ages Register for the contest at the Bandshell by 3pm Contest begins at 4pmppstrongFREE CONCERTS ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAYbr Yunker Park BandshellstrongpulliFriday 6730pm Woulda Coulda ShouldaliliFriday 810pm The PrissillasliliSaturday 6730pm IgnitedliliSaturday 810pm 90s Pop NationliulpSome activities have a fee and are offered while supplies lastppFor more information visit a hrefhttpwwwmokenaparkcomwwwmokenaparkcoma or call 7083902401br Schedules and activities are subject to changep</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">257@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/halloween-hollow</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><strong>Event hours:</strong> Friday, 5–10pm / Saturday, 12–10pm / Sunday, 1–5pm (carnival only) Sunday, 11am–12:30pm, Special needs carnival hour (<em>form required).</em></p>
<p>Parking: $5 per vehicle.</p>
<p>Daredevils of all ages will enjoy the Windy City Carnival with plenty of rides providing chills and thrills for everyone. Unlimited Carnival Rides Wristbands are sold per person, per session. Ghoulish Goodies will be available to satisfy any monster’s appetite including favorites such as Hot Dogs, Italian Beef Sandwitches, Pizza, Gyros, Funnel Cakes and more! The fun continues into the evening with entertainment on Friday and Saturday at the Yunker Park Bandshell. Food and beer concessions will be available for purchase.   </p>
<p><strong>CARNIVAL WRISTBAND SPECIALS - </strong>Fees are per person, per session. </p>
<li>Friday: 5:30–9:30pm, $35</li>
<li>Saturday: Noon-4pm, $30</li>
<li>Saturday: 5-9pm, $35</li>
<li>Sunday: 1-5pm, $30</li>
<p><strong>BEER and FOOD CONCESSIONS</strong></p>
<li>Friday: 5–10pm</li>
<li>Saturday: 12–10pm</li>
<p><strong>MONSTER MARKET</strong>, Saturday, 12–6pm<br />There’s something for everyone in the Monster Market<strong>.</strong> Vendors will be selling a variety of<br />boo-tiful items such as plants, home décor, Halloween items and more.</p>
<p><strong>FREE KID’S ACTIVITIES </strong>- Saturday 12–5pm<br />Build-Your-Own-Scarecrow, Pumpkin Painting and more! <em>While supplies last.</em></p>
<p><strong>FREE COSTUME CONTEST </strong>– Saturday<br />The Costume Contest is held at the Yunker Park Bandshell. Open to all ages. Register for the contest at the Bandshell by 3pm. Contest begins at 4pm.</p>
<p><strong>FREE CONCERTS ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY<br />Yunker Park Bandshell</strong></p>
<li>Friday, 6-7:30pm, Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda</li>
<li>Friday, 8-10pm, The Prissillas</li>
<li>Saturday, 6-7:30pm, Ignited</li>
<li>Saturday, 8-10pm, 90's Pop Nation</li>
<p>Some activities have a fee and are offered while supplies last.</p>
<p>For more information, visit <a href="http://www.mokenapark.com">www.mokenapark.com</a> or call 708-390-2401. <br />Schedules and activities are subject to change. </p> ]]>
                <title>Mokena Chamber&#039;s Ladies Bunco Night at Aurelio&#039;s Pizza 10.10.24</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxA night of fun and networking Dinner drinks raffle baskets 5050 prizes and BUNCOspanbr stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px classhtmlbr span stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px25 per person  Includes Bunco and dinnerspanbr stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px classhtmlbr span stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxCash bar raffles and prizesspanbr stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px classhtmlbr span stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxTable sponsorships available for 75 each Limited to first 10 sponsors Includes 1 beveragespanbr stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px classhtmlbr span stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxPromote your business by donating a raffle basketspanbr stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px classhtmlbr span stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxMust preregister You do NOT have to be a chamber member to attend everyone is welcomespanppspan stylecolor 050505 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pximg altLadies Bunco Night at Aurelios Pizza Oct 2024 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023ladiesbunconightataureliospizzaoct2024png spanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">258@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/mokena-chambers-ladies-bunco-night-at-aurelios-pizza-101024</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">A night of fun and networking. Dinner, drinks, raffle baskets, 50/50, prizes, and BUNCO!</span><br style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;" class="html-br" /><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">$25 per person - Includes Bunco and dinner.</span><br style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;" class="html-br" /><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Cash bar, raffles and prizes!</span><br style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;" class="html-br" /><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Table sponsorships available for $75 each. (Limited to first 10 sponsors. Includes 1 beverage).</span><br style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;" class="html-br" /><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Promote your business by donating a raffle basket.</span><br style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;" class="html-br" /><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Must pre-register. You do NOT have to be a chamber member to attend, everyone is welcome!</span></p>
<p><span style="color: #050505; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;"><img alt="Ladies Bunco Night at Aurelio’s Pizza Oct. 2024" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/ladies-bunco-night-at-aurelios-pizza-oct-2024.png" /></span></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b targetblank relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">259@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena-2</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Home Office &amp; Personal Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b targetblank relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">260@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/home-office-personal-shredding-appointments-in-mokena-3</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>CoVantage Kicking off the Holidays 11.13.24</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor 444444 fontfamily Arial Helvetica sansserifimg altCovantage CU KickofftheHolidays 111324 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023covantagecukickofftheholidays111324jpg spanppspan stylecolor 444444 fontfamily Arial Helvetica sansserifJoin us and CoVantage Credit Union for cocktails and mocktails appetizers and community support projects sure to get you in the holiday spirt while networking with local leaders business representatives and community advocates on November 13th from 57p at CoVantage Credit Union  1000 E Lincoln Hwy New Lenox IL 60451 Registration not required but much appreciatedspanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">261@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/covantage-kicks-off-the-holidays-111324</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #444444; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><img alt="Covantage CU Kick-off-the-Holidays 11.13.24" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/covantage-cu-kick-off-the-holidays-111324.jpg" /></span></p>
<p><span style="color: #444444; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Join us and CoVantage Credit Union for cocktails and mocktails, appetizers, and community support projects sure to get you in the holiday spirt while networking with local leaders, business representatives, and community advocates on November 13th from 5-7p at CoVantage Credit Union - 1000 E Lincoln Hwy, New Lenox, IL 60451. Registration not required, but much appreciated: </span></p> ]]>
                <title>Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b targetblank relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">266@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/shredding-appointments-in-mokena</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b targetblank relnoopener datackesavedhrefhttpslfacebookcomlphpuhttp3A2F2Fwwwsharkshreddingcom2FamphAT2B0vfvgOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13sHGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8QkhsFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVilntaoReEKVrUS3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1bwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">267@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/shredding-appointments-in-mokena-0</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cke-saved-href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharkshredding.com%2F&amp;h=AT2B0vfv_gOrc348tVTP5bNyMYPIvTKqO2M7F13s-HGR0PB3Jt5MvXFmLC08TDm8DGTCqp4eFilb8Qk-h_sFj5GudZAsFupqbUKWAlXZLVi-lntaoReEKVrU-S3a1gszIYMUhOzbyHvo8L1b">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Mokena Community Park District&#039;s Breakfast With Santa 2024</title>
                <description>pMokena Park Districts strongBreakfast With Santastrong is on Saturday December 7 2024 from br 91030am at Aurelios Restaurant in FrankfortppRegistration Fee RNR 3035 per person Fee includes buffet beverages gift from Santa and entertainment Groups are limited to a maximum of 6 per household Children must be accompanied by an adult Kids under one are admitted free but they must be preregistered does not include breakfast and gift All attendees must be preregistered through Mokena Park District Registration is not accepted at the restaurant No refundsRegister at a hrefhttpwwwmokenaparkcomwwwmokenaparkcoma or call for more information at 7083902401p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">268@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/breakfast-with-santa</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Mokena Park District's <strong>Breakfast With Santa</strong> is on Saturday, December 7, 2024 from <br />9–10:30am at Aurelio’s Restaurant in Frankfort.</p>
<p>Registration Fee R/NR: $30/$35 per person. Fee includes buffet, beverages, gift from Santa, and entertainment. Groups are limited to a maximum of 6 per household. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Kids under one are admitted free, but they must be preregistered, (does not include breakfast and gift). All attendees must be preregistered through Mokena Park District. Registration is not accepted at the restaurant. No refunds. Register at <a href="http://www.mokenapark.com">www.mokenapark.com</a> or call for more information at 708-390-2401.</p> ]]>
                <title>Ribbon Cutting &amp; Open House at Mama &amp; Me Lactation 12.4.24</title>
                <description>pPlease join us for a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Open House event at Mama amp Me LactationppOpen House from 4 to 5 pm Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 430 pmp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">269@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/ribbon-cutting-open-house-at-mama-me-lactation-12424</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Please join us for a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Open House event at Mama &amp; Me Lactation. </p>
<p>Open House from 4 to 5 p.m. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 4:30 p.m.</p> ]]>
                <title>Front Street Christmas Tree Walk featuring photos with Santa and The Yeti 2024</title>
                <description>div stylemargin 0px overflowwrap breakword fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif color 080809 fontsize 15px classxdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbsJoin us Saturday December 7 from 5 to 7 pm by the Front Street Frosty at the corner of Front St and Wolf Rd for our Christmas Tree Walkdivdiv stylemargin 0px overflowwrap breakword fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif color 080809 fontsize 15px classxdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbsdivdiv stylemargin 0px overflowwrap breakword fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif color 080809 fontsize 15px classxdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbsExplore two dozen beautiful trees decorated by local businesses and organizations Cast your votes for your favorites by placing nonperishable food items new unwrapped toys or pet food and supplies beneath the trees you love most All collected items will benefit the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and NAWS NoKill Animal Shelterdivdiv stylemargin 05em 0px 0px overflowwrap breakword fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif color 080809 fontsize 15px classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sAdditionally dont miss the chance to take photos with Santa at the Chamber Office 11104 Front Streetdivdiv stylemargin 05em 0px 0px overflowwrap breakword fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif color 080809 fontsize 15px classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sPhotos with the Yeti Snowman are also available under the giant ornament decoration at the corner of Front and Mokena Streetsdivdiv stylemargin 05em 0px 0px overflowwrap breakword fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif color 080809 fontsize 15px classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sTreat yourself to cookies coffee and hot chocolate available for purchase from Toms Traveling Coffee Truck in the Front Street Metra lot near the Yetidivdiv stylemargin 05em 0px 0px overflowwrap breakword fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif color 080809 fontsize 15px classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1simg altFacebook Profile Cover 2024 Front Street Tree Walk srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023facebookprofilecover2024frontstreettreewalkpng div</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">270@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/front-street-christmas-tree-walk-featuring-photos-with-santa-and-the-yeti-2024</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <div style="margin: 0px; overflow-wrap: break-word; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: #080809; font-size: 15px;" class="xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs">Join us Saturday, December 7, from 5 to 7 p.m. by the Front Street Frosty at the corner of Front St. and Wolf Rd. for our Christmas Tree Walk.</div>
<div style="margin: 0px; overflow-wrap: break-word; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: #080809; font-size: 15px;" class="xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs"></div>
<div style="margin: 0px; overflow-wrap: break-word; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: #080809; font-size: 15px;" class="xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs">Explore two dozen beautiful trees decorated by local businesses and organizations. Cast your votes for your favorites by placing non-perishable food items, new unwrapped toys, or pet food and supplies beneath the trees you love most. All collected items will benefit the Frankfort Township Food Pantry and NAWS No-Kill Animal Shelter.</div>
<div style="margin: 0.5em 0px 0px; overflow-wrap: break-word; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: #080809; font-size: 15px;" class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">Additionally, don't miss the chance to take photos with Santa at the Chamber Office, 11104 Front Street!</div>
<div style="margin: 0.5em 0px 0px; overflow-wrap: break-word; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: #080809; font-size: 15px;" class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">Photos with the Yeti Snowman are also available under the giant ornament decoration at the corner of Front and Mokena Streets.</div>
<div style="margin: 0.5em 0px 0px; overflow-wrap: break-word; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: #080809; font-size: 15px;" class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">Treat yourself to cookies, coffee, and hot chocolate available for purchase from Tom’s Traveling Coffee Truck in the Front Street Metra lot near the Yeti.</div>
<div style="margin: 0.5em 0px 0px; overflow-wrap: break-word; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: #080809; font-size: 15px;" class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s"><img alt="Facebook Profile Cover 2024 Front Street Tree Walk" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/facebook-profile-cover-2024-front-street-tree-walk.png" /></div> ]]>
                <title>Small Business Saturday 2024 - Shopping Guide by the Mokena Chamber of Commerce</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor 080809 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxLets come together to celebrate Small Business Saturday on November 30 2024 spanppspan stylecolor 080809 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxIf you are a business owner or employee please share your Small Business Saturday deal in the Discussions tab of our stronga hrefhttpswwwfacebookcomshare1Mta2qXvdVFacebook Event page hereastrong Alternatively feel free to post about your favorite deal that youve seen advertisedspanbr stylecolor 080809 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px classhtmlbr span stylecolor 080809 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxDont forget to share this post on your own page to help us spread the word and make this the most successful Small Business Saturday yetspanbr stylecolor 080809 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px classhtmlbr span stylecolor 080809 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxPlease note that due to a high volume of spam all posts will be approved by an Admin before they appear So please be patient while we review your submissionspanppspan stylecolor 080809 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pximg altSmall Business Saturday Facebook Post 2024 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023smallbusinesssaturdayfacebookpost2024png spanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">271@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/small-business-saturday-2024-shopping-guide-by-the-mokena-chamber-of-commerce</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #080809; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Let's come together to celebrate Small Business Saturday on November 30, 2024! </span></p>
<p><span style="color: #080809; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">If you are a business owner or employee, please share your Small Business Saturday deal in the Discussions tab of our <strong><a href="https://www.facebook.com/share/1Mta2qXvdV/">Facebook Event page here.</a></strong> Alternatively, feel free to post about your favorite deal that you've seen advertised.</span><br style="color: #080809; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;" class="html-br" /><span style="color: #080809; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Don’t forget to share this post on your own page to help us spread the word and make this the most successful Small Business Saturday yet.</span><br style="color: #080809; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;" class="html-br" /><span style="color: #080809; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">(Please note that due to a high volume of spam, all posts will be approved by an Admin before they appear. So, please be patient while we review your submission!)</span></p>
<p><span style="color: #080809; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;"><img alt="Small Business Saturday Facebook Post 2024" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/small-business-saturday-facebook-post-2024.png" /></span></p> ]]>
                <title>Membership Meeting - Holiday Party and annual Ugly Sweater Party 2024</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor 080809 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxJoin us for our monthly membership meeting Held at the 19th Hole 9418 W 191st Street Mokena We will be having our annual Holiday Party Wear your Ugliest Christmas Sweater to compete in our annual contest Everyone will be given 30seconds to introduce themselves and their business Free networking event Buffet dinner included Cash barspanppimg altDec 2024 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023dec2024membershipmeetingfacebookeventcoverpng p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">272@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/membership-meeting-holiday-party-and-annual-ugly-sweater-party-2024</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #080809; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Join us for our monthly membership meeting. Held at the 19th Hole, 9418 W. 191st Street, Mokena. We will be having our annual Holiday Party! Wear your Ugliest Christmas Sweater to compete in our annual contest! Everyone will be given 30-seconds to introduce themselves and their business. Free networking event. Buffet dinner included. Cash bar.</span></p>
<p><img alt="Dec. 2024 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/dec-2024-membership-meeting-facebook-event-cover.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Business After Hours at Sunkissed Greenz CBD Laboratories 2.27.25</title>
                <description>pBusiness After Hours event at Sunkissed Greenz Join us from 5 to 7 pm for a fun free networking eventp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">275@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/275-business-after-hours-at-sunkissed-greenz-cbd-laboratories-22725</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Business After Hours event at Sunkissed Greenz! Join us from 5 to 7 p.m. for a fun, free networking event. </p> ]]>
                <title>Mother &amp; Son Valentine&#039;s Bowling 2025</title>
                <description>pMoms and sons will have a fun afternoon together celebrating Valentines Day Fee includes two games of bowling bowling shoes pizza and pop Please specify at registration if you want to bowl on the same lane with friends Maximum of 6 per lane Ages 414 with one adult Fee RNR 3540 per person Registration deadline February 1 Preregistration required No refunds Registration is not accepted at Thunder Bowl Call 7083902401 for more information or register at a targetblank hrefhttpssecurerec1comILmokenacommunityparkdistrictcatalogfilterc2VhcmNoPTMzNzg5OTY relnoopenerwwwmokenaparkcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">276@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/276-mother-son-valentines-bowling-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Moms and sons will have a fun afternoon together celebrating Valentine’s Day. Fee includes: two games of bowling, bowling shoes, pizza, and pop. Please specify at registration if you want to bowl on the same lane with friends. Maximum of 6 per lane. Ages 4-14 with one adult. Fee R/NR: $35/$40 (per person). Registration deadline: February 1. Pre-registration required. No refunds. Registration is not accepted at Thunder Bowl. Call 708-390-2401 for more information or register at <a target="_blank" href="https://secure.rec1.com/IL/mokena-community-park-district/catalog?filter=c2VhcmNoPTMzNzg5OTY=" rel="noopener">www.mokenapark.com.</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Lunch Bunch &amp; Bingo 1.15.25</title>
                <description>pBring your friends or make new ones while you enjoy a delicious buffetstyle lunch and several rounds of bingo Fee includes lunch drinks dessert and bingo cards Age 55 and over strongPreregistration is requiredstrong Registration Fee RNR 1214 Registration deadline January 8 Register at a targetblank hrefhttpssecurerec1comILmokenacommunityparkdistrictcatalogfilterc2VhcmNoPTMzOTE5MjI relnoopenerwwwmokenaparkcoma or call 7083902401 for more informationp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">277@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/277-lunch-bunch-bingo-11525</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Bring your friends or make new ones while you enjoy a delicious buffet-style lunch and several rounds of bingo. Fee includes lunch, drinks, dessert, and bingo cards. Age 55 and over. <strong>Preregistration is required</strong>. Registration Fee R/NR: $12/$14. Registration deadline: January 8. Register at <a target="_blank" href="https://secure.rec1.com/IL/mokena-community-park-district/catalog?filter=c2VhcmNoPTMzOTE5MjI=" rel="noopener">www.mokenapark.com</a> or call 708-390-2401 for more information.</p> ]]>
                <title>Lunch Bunch &amp; Bingo 2.19.25</title>
                <description>pBring your friends or make new ones while you enjoy a delicious buffetstyle lunch and several rounds of bingo Fee includes lunch drinks dessert and bingo cards Age 55 and over strongPreregistration is requiredstrong Registration Fee RNR 1214 Registration deadline Feb 12 Register at a targetblank hrefhttpssecurerec1comILmokenacommunityparkdistrictcatalogfilterc2VhcmNoPTMzOTE5MjQ relnoopenerwwwmokenaparkcoma or call 7083902401 for more informationp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">278@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/278-lunch-bunch-bingo-21925</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Bring your friends or make new ones while you enjoy a delicious buffet-style lunch and several rounds of bingo. Fee includes lunch, drinks, dessert, and bingo cards. Age 55 and over. <strong>Preregistration is required</strong>. Registration Fee R/NR: $12/$14. Registration deadline: Feb. 12. Register at <a target="_blank" href="https://secure.rec1.com/IL/mokena-community-park-district/catalog?filter=c2VhcmNoPTMzOTE5MjQ=" rel="noopener">www.mokenapark.com</a> or call 708-390-2401 for more information.</p> ]]>
                <title>Ribbon Cutting and Business After Hours at The Right Choice Home Care 3.27.25</title>
                <description>pMultiChamber Ribbon Cutting and Business After Hours at The Right Choice Home CareppMarch 27 2025 5 to 7 pmpp19350 S Harlem Avenue Suite 101 Frankfort IL 60423ppCoevent with the Frankfort Chamber of Commercep</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">279@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/279-ribbon-cutting-and-business-after-hours-at-the-right-choice-home-care-32725</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Multi-Chamber Ribbon Cutting and Business After Hours at The Right Choice Home Care. </p>
<p>March 27, 2025, 5 to 7 p.m.</p>
<p>19350 S. Harlem Avenue, Suite 101, Frankfort, IL 60423</p>
<p>Co-event with the Frankfort Chamber of Commerce</p> ]]>
                <title>Preschool Open House and Fall 2025 Registration</title>
                <description>pParents and children are invited to the Preschool Open HouseFall 2025 Registration br Our successful and long running programs include academic skills physical activity arts and crafts story time and songs Our programs stress the social development of young children and the importance of learning through playtime music art projects and more Prereading and premath activities will help to develop logical thinking and prepare children for kindergarten Children must be able to separate from their parents for an extended period of time and they must be toilet trained Grade level is determined by childs age as of September 1 2025pullistrongPrep School strong3yearolds Tuesday and Thursday 91130amlilistrongPreschoolstrong 4yearolds Monday Wednesday Friday 91130amlilistrongKinderbridgestrong 4yearolds Monday through Friday 12303pm  liulpstronguRequired at registrationustrongpulliCopy of birth certificate and Proof of immunizationsliliNonrefundable deposit of 50 plus first months tuition for first child Entire amount is nonrefundable For second child or more 0 PLUS the first months tuition Entire deposit amount is nonrefundableliliMonthly tuition varies by programliulpFor more information go to a hrefhttpswwwmokenaparkcomearlychildhoodeducationpreschoolwwwmokenaparkcoma or call 7083902401p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">280@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/280-preschool-open-house-and-fall-2025-registration</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Parents and children are invited to the Preschool Open House–Fall 2025 Registration. <br />Our successful and long running programs include academic skills, physical activity, arts and crafts, story time and songs. Our programs stress the social development of young children, and the importance of learning through playtime, music, art projects, and more. Pre-reading and pre-math activities will help to develop logical thinking and prepare children for kindergarten. Children must be able to separate from their parents for an extended period of time and they must be toilet trained. Grade level is determined by child’s age as of September 1, 2025.</p>
<li><strong>Prep School, </strong>3-year-olds, Tuesday and Thursday, 9–11:30am</li>
<li><strong>Preschool,</strong> 4-year-olds, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9–11:30am</li>
<li><strong>Kinderbridge</strong>, 4-year-olds, Monday through Friday, 12:30–3pm     </li>
<p><strong><u>Required at registration:</u></strong></p>
<li>Copy of birth certificate and Proof of immunizations.</li>
<li>Non-refundable deposit of $50 plus first month’s tuition for first child. Entire amount is non-refundable. For second child or more, $0 PLUS the first month’s tuition. Entire deposit amount is non-refundable.</li>
<li>Monthly tuition varies by program.</li>
<p>For more information, go to <a href="https://www.mokenapark.com/early-childhood-education-preschool/">www.mokenapark.com</a> or call 708-390-2401.</p> ]]>
                <title>Galentine&#039;s Day at Social 45</title>
                <description>div classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sJoin us for an evening of fun food amp drinks with your best girlsbr classhtmlbr Our night will consist of all the girlie activities from cocktails amp mocktails permanent jewelry pampering boutique clothing items amp so much more span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9tb2161f378png alt width16 height16 spanspan classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9tb82161f49fpng alt width16 height16 spanspan classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9t4e2161f6cdpng alt width16 height16 spanspan classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9ta22161f380png alt width16 height16 spandivdiv classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sWe have all womenowned small businesses for this event Check them out below br classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9ted2162764png alt width16 height16 spanWholistic Wellness br classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9t642161f90dpng alt width16 height16 spanSpengabr classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9t382161fa77png alt width16 height16 spanSunkissed Greenz br classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9ted2162764png alt width16 height16 spanJenny Taylor Boudiorbr classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9t642161f90dpng alt width16 height16 spanWeld  Westonbr classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9t382161fa77png alt width16 height16 spanLiterature amp Lattesbr classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9ted2162764png alt width16 height16 spanElevate Aestheticsbr classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9t642161f90dpng alt width16 height16 spanPure Romancebr classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9t382161fa77png alt width16 height16 spanHustle amp Heartbr classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9ted2162764png alt width16 height16 spanMama Kneads Doughbr classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9t642161f90dpng alt width16 height16 spanHollies Massagebr classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9t382161fa77png alt width16 height16 spanLampW Crystalsbr classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9ted2162764png alt width16 height16 spanTwo Birds amp a Doebr classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9t642161f90dpng alt width16 height16 spanElevate Beauty Barbr classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9t382161fa77png alt width16 height16 spanWhimsy Beadworksbr classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9ted2162764png alt width16 height16 spanAsk Auntie Katie  Tarot Card Readingbr classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9t642161f90dpng alt width16 height16 spanFuel IV amp Healthbr classhtmlbr span classhtmlspan xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2odimg classxz74otr srchttpsstaticxxfbcdnnetimagesemojiphpv9t382161fa77png alt width16 height16 spanNothing Bundt Cakedivdivdivdiv classx11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1sThis night out is FREE to attend  come on out amp support our girl bossesdiv</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">288@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/288-galentines-day-at-social-45</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">Join us for an evening of fun, food &amp; drinks with your best girls.<br class="html-br" />Our night will consist of all the girlie activities from cocktails &amp; mocktails, permanent jewelry, pampering, boutique clothing items &amp; so much more <span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/tb/2/16/1f378.png" alt="🍸" width="16" height="16" /></span><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/tb8/2/16/1f49f.png" alt="πŸ’Ÿ" width="16" height="16" /></span><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t4e/2/16/1f6cd.png" alt="πŸ›οΈ" width="16" height="16" /></span><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/ta2/2/16/1f380.png" alt="πŸŽ€" width="16" height="16" /></span></div>
<div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">We have all women-owned small businesses for this event! Check them out below: <br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/ted/2/16/2764.png" alt="❀️" width="16" height="16" /></span>Wholistic Wellness <br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t64/2/16/1f90d.png" alt="🀍" width="16" height="16" /></span>Spenga<br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t38/2/16/1fa77.png" alt="🩷" width="16" height="16" /></span>Sunkissed Greenz <br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/ted/2/16/2764.png" alt="❀️" width="16" height="16" /></span>Jenny Taylor Boudior<br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t64/2/16/1f90d.png" alt="🀍" width="16" height="16" /></span>Weld + Weston<br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t38/2/16/1fa77.png" alt="🩷" width="16" height="16" /></span>Literature &amp; Lattes<br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/ted/2/16/2764.png" alt="❀️" width="16" height="16" /></span>Elevate Aesthetics<br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t64/2/16/1f90d.png" alt="🀍" width="16" height="16" /></span>Pure Romance<br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t38/2/16/1fa77.png" alt="🩷" width="16" height="16" /></span>Hustle &amp; Heart<br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/ted/2/16/2764.png" alt="❀️" width="16" height="16" /></span>Mama Kneads Dough<br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t64/2/16/1f90d.png" alt="🀍" width="16" height="16" /></span>Hollies Massage<br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t38/2/16/1fa77.png" alt="🩷" width="16" height="16" /></span>L&amp;W Crystals<br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/ted/2/16/2764.png" alt="❀️" width="16" height="16" /></span>Two Birds &amp; a Doe<br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t64/2/16/1f90d.png" alt="🀍" width="16" height="16" /></span>Elevate Beauty Bar<br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t38/2/16/1fa77.png" alt="🩷" width="16" height="16" /></span>Whimsy Beadworks<br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/ted/2/16/2764.png" alt="❀️" width="16" height="16" /></span>Ask Auntie Katie - Tarot Card Reading<br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t64/2/16/1f90d.png" alt="🀍" width="16" height="16" /></span>Fuel IV &amp; Health<br class="html-br" /><span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xat24cr xgzva0m xhhsvwb xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t38/2/16/1fa77.png" alt="🩷" width="16" height="16" /></span>Nothing Bundt Cake</div>
<div> </div>
<div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s">This night out is FREE to attend - come on out &amp; support our girl bosses!</div> ]]>
                <title>Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Hotworx</title>
                <description>pJoin us for a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at HOTWORX Mokena Open House from 3 to 4 pm Ceremony at 315 pmppSign up for membership at the event and enjoy 0 enrollment fee usually 99 and no prorated duesppFree networking event img altHotworx Ribbon Cutting Facebook Event 13125 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023hotworxribboncuttingfacebookevent13125png p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">290@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/290-ribbon-cutting-ceremony-at-hotworx</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at HOTWORX Mokena! Open House from 3 to 4 p.m. Ceremony at 3:15 p.m.</p>
<p>Sign up for membership at the event and enjoy $0 enrollment fee (usually $99) and no prorated dues.</p>
<p>Free networking event. <img alt="Hotworx Ribbon Cutting Facebook Event 1.31.25" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/hotworx-ribbon-cutting-facebook-event-13125.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting Feb. 2025</title>
                <description>pJoin us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 530 pm at the 19th Hole 9418 W 191st Street MokenappWe will be having a Speed Networking activity so please be sure to bring lots of business cardsppAlso Kona Ice and Travelin Toms Coffee Truck have generously sponsored our event Toms will have the truck on hand and will be brewing up complimentary beverages at the end of the meetingppComplimentary buffet dinner cash bar FREE networking eventimg altFeb 2025 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023feb2025membershipmeetingfacebookeventcoverpng p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">291@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/291-monthly-membership-meeting-feb-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the 19th Hole, 9418 W. 191st Street, Mokena.</p>
<p>We will be having a Speed Networking activity, so please be sure to bring lots of business cards! </p>
<p>Also, Kona Ice and Travelin' Tom's Coffee Truck have generously sponsored our event. Tom's will have the truck on hand and will be brewing up complimentary beverages at the end of the meeting.</p>
<p>Complimentary buffet dinner, cash bar. FREE networking event.<img alt="Feb. 2025 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/feb-2025-membership-meeting-facebook-event-cover.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting March 2025</title>
                <description>pJoin us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 530 pm at the 19th Hole 9418 W 191st Street MokenappEveryone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their businessppComplimentary buffet dinner cash bar FREE networking eventppGuest Speaker Gwendolyn Sterk of the Sterk Family Law GroupppTopic One Life Getting Out of Your Comfort Zoneppimg altMarch 2025 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023march2025membershipmeetingfacebookeventcoverpng p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">292@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/292-monthly-membership-meeting-march-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the 19th Hole, 9418 W. 191st Street, Mokena.</p>
<p>Everyone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their business.</p>
<p>Complimentary buffet dinner, cash bar. FREE networking event.</p>
<p>Guest Speaker: Gwendolyn Sterk of the Sterk Family Law Group. </p>
<p>Topic: One Life: Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone.</p>
<p><img alt="March 2025 Membership Meeting Facebook Event Cover" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/march-2025-membership-meeting-facebook-event-cover.png" /></p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting April 2025</title>
                <description>pJoin us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 530 pm at the 19th Hole 9418 W 191st Street MokenappEveryone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their businessppComplimentary buffet dinner cash bar FREE networking eventp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">293@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/293-monthly-membership-meeting-april-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the 19th Hole, 9418 W. 191st Street, Mokena.</p>
<p>Everyone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their business.</p>
<p>Complimentary buffet dinner, cash bar. FREE networking event.</p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting May 2025</title>
                <description>pJoin us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 530 pm at the 19th Hole 9418 W 191st Street MokenappEveryone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their businessppComplimentary buffet dinner cash bar FREE networking eventp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">294@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/294-monthly-membership-meeting-may-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the 19th Hole, 9418 W. 191st Street, Mokena.</p>
<p>Everyone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their business.</p>
<p>Complimentary buffet dinner, cash bar. FREE networking event.</p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting June 2025</title>
                <description>pJoin us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 530 pm at the 19th Hole 9418 W 191st Street MokenappEveryone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their businessppComplimentary buffet dinner cash bar FREE networking eventp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">295@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/295-monthly-membership-meeting-june-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the 19th Hole, 9418 W. 191st Street, Mokena.</p>
<p>Everyone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their business.</p>
<p>Complimentary buffet dinner, cash bar. FREE networking event.</p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting August 2025</title>
                <description>pJoin us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 530 pm at the 19th Hole 9418 W 191st Street MokenappEveryone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their businessppComplimentary buffet dinner cash bar FREE networking eventp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">296@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/296-monthly-membership-meeting-august-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the 19th Hole, 9418 W. 191st Street, Mokena.</p>
<p>Everyone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their business.</p>
<p>Complimentary buffet dinner, cash bar. FREE networking event.</p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting Sept. 2025</title>
                <description>pJoin us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 530 pm at the 19th Hole 9418 W 191st Street MokenappEveryone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their businessppComplimentary buffet dinner cash bar FREE networking eventp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">297@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/297-monthly-membership-meeting-sept-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the 19th Hole, 9418 W. 191st Street, Mokena.</p>
<p>Everyone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their business.</p>
<p>Complimentary buffet dinner, cash bar. FREE networking event.</p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting Oct. 2025</title>
                <description>pJoin us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 530 pm at the 19th Hole 9418 W 191st Street MokenappEveryone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their businessppComplimentary buffet dinner cash bar FREE networking eventp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">298@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/298-monthly-membership-meeting-oct-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the 19th Hole, 9418 W. 191st Street, Mokena.</p>
<p>Everyone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their business.</p>
<p>Complimentary buffet dinner, cash bar. FREE networking event.</p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting Nov. 2025</title>
                <description>pJoin us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 530 pm at the 19th Hole 9418 W 191st Street MokenappEveryone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their businessppComplimentary buffet dinner cash bar FREE networking eventp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">299@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/299-monthly-membership-meeting-nov-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the 19th Hole, 9418 W. 191st Street, Mokena.</p>
<p>Everyone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their business.</p>
<p>Complimentary buffet dinner, cash bar. FREE networking event.</p> ]]>
                <title>Monthly Membership Meeting Dec. 2025</title>
                <description>pJoin us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 530 pm at the 19th Hole 9418 W 191st Street MokenappEveryone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their businessppComplimentary buffet dinner cash bar FREE networking eventp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">300@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/300-monthly-membership-meeting-dec-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Join us for our Monthly Membership Meeting from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the 19th Hole, 9418 W. 191st Street, Mokena.</p>
<p>Everyone receives an opportunity to introduce themselves and their business.</p>
<p>Complimentary buffet dinner, cash bar. FREE networking event.</p> ]]>
                <title>Bunco Night - A Ladies Galentine&#039;s Day event presented by the Mokena Chamber</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor 080809 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px25 admission fee  includes a night of fun and networking featuring 3 rounds of Bunco buffet dinner and prizes Cash bar and 5050 raffle tickets available for purchasespanbr stylecolor 080809 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px classhtmlbr span stylecolor 080809 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxMust preregister You do NOT have to be a chamber member to join usspanbr stylecolor 080809 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15px classhtmlbr span stylecolor 080809 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxPromote your business by sponsoring a table for 75 each Your logo will be included on every table at the buffet and at the cash bar We will also make a dedicated Facebook post with your logo and information about your business Limited to first 6 sponsors Includes 1 beverage spanppspan stylecolor 080809 fontfamily Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Helvetica Arial sansserif fontsize 15pxYou can also promote your business by donating a Bunco prizes valued between 20 to 50 Your business will be mentioned and publicly thanked at the event and in the Weekly ENewsletter img altEvent Graphic Bunco Night at Jamos Live Feb 2025 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023eventgraphicbunconightatjamoslivefeb2025png spanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">301@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/301-bunco-night-a-ladies-galentines-day-event-presented-by-the-mokena-chamber</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #080809; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">$25 admission fee - includes a night of fun and networking, featuring 3 rounds of Bunco, buffet dinner, and prizes. Cash bar and 50/50 raffle tickets available for purchase.</span><br style="color: #080809; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;" class="html-br" /><span style="color: #080809; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Must pre-register. You do NOT have to be a chamber member to join us!</span><br style="color: #080809; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;" class="html-br" /><span style="color: #080809; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Promote your business by sponsoring a table for $75 each. Your logo will be included on every table, at the buffet, and at the cash bar. We will also make a dedicated Facebook post with your logo and information about your business. (Limited to first 6 sponsors. Includes 1 beverage). </span></p>
<p><span style="color: #080809; font-family: 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">You can also promote your business by donating a Bunco prize(s) valued between $20 to $50. Your business will be mentioned and publicly thanked at the event and in the Weekly E-Newsletter. <img alt="Event Graphic Bunco Night at Jamo's Live Feb. 2025" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/event-graphic-bunco-night-at-jamos-live-feb-2025.png" /></span></p> ]]>
                <title>Board of Directors Meeting- Mokena Chamber Board Feb. 2025</title>
                <description>pBoard of Directors Meeting for the Mokena Chamber of Commerce Boardp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">302@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/302-board-of-directors-meeting-mokena-chamber-board-feb-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Board of Directors Meeting for the Mokena Chamber of Commerce Board. </p> ]]>
                <title>Board of Directors Meeting- Mokena Chamber Board June 2025</title>
                <description>pBoard of Directors Meeting for the Mokena Chamber of Commerce Boardp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">303@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/303-board-of-directors-meeting-mokena-chamber-board-june-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Board of Directors Meeting for the Mokena Chamber of Commerce Board. </p> ]]>
                <title>Board of Directors Meeting- Mokena Chamber Board Aug. 2025</title>
                <description>pBoard of Directors Meeting for the Mokena Chamber of Commerce Boardp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">304@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/304-board-of-directors-meeting-mokena-chamber-board-aug-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Board of Directors Meeting for the Mokena Chamber of Commerce Board. </p> ]]>
                <title>Board of Directors Meeting- Mokena Chamber Board Oct. 2025</title>
                <description>pBoard of Directors Meeting for the Mokena Chamber of Commerce Boardp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">305@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/305-board-of-directors-meeting-mokena-chamber-board-oct-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Board of Directors Meeting for the Mokena Chamber of Commerce Board. </p> ]]>
                <title>Board of Directors Meeting- Mokena Chamber Board April 2025</title>
                <description>pBoard of Directors Meeting for the Mokena Chamber of Commerce Boardp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">306@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/306-board-of-directors-meeting-mokena-chamber-board-april-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Board of Directors Meeting for the Mokena Chamber of Commerce Board. </p> ]]>
                <title>Multi-Chamber Business After Hours at Sterk Family Law Group 2024</title>
                <description>pMultiChamber Business After Hours at Sterk Family Law Group 2024p</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">307@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/307-multi-chamber-business-after-hours-at-sterk-family-law-group-2024</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Multi-Chamber Business After Hours at Sterk Family Law Group 2024.</p> ]]>
                <title>Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr br strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcom datackesavedhrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">310@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/310-shredding-appointments-in-mokena</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/" data-cke-saved-href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr br strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcom datackesavedhrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">311@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/311-shredding-appointments-in-mokena</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/" data-cke-saved-href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Shredding Appointments in Mokena</title>
                <description>pProtect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding Shark Shredding hosts onsite shredding services onstronguselect days at their Mokena facility with an appointmentustrongbr br strongAPPOINTMENT REQUIREDstrong Call for Pricing amp Reserve Your Appointment Today 7083880011br To find out more about Shark Shredding visita hrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcom datackesavedhrefhttpswwwsharkshreddingcomwwwsharkshreddingcomap</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">312@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/312-shredding-appointments-in-mokena</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p>Protect against identity theft by safely shredding your confidential documents with Shark Shredding. Shark Shredding hosts on-site shredding services on <strong><u>select days at their Mokena facility with an appointment</u></strong>. <br /><br /><strong>APPOINTMENT REQUIRED</strong>. Call for Pricing &amp; Reserve Your Appointment Today: 708-388-0011.<br />To find out more about Shark Shredding, visit <a href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/" data-cke-saved-href="https://www.sharkshredding.com/">www.sharkshredding.com</a></p> ]]>
                <title>Headshot Event</title>
                <description>pstrongCasual Lifestyle Brandstrong If your brand or business is about lifestyle creativity or a personal touch eg coaches bloggers freelancers a natural light headshot shows a more human side of youppstrongConsistency Across Brandingstrong If youre working with a team or need your headshots to match in terms of lighting and tone for a cohesive brand identity studio lighting offers that consistencyp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">314@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/314-headshot-event</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><strong>Casual, Lifestyle Brand</strong>: If your brand or business is about lifestyle, creativity, or a personal touch (e.g., coaches, bloggers, freelancers), a natural light headshot shows a more human side of you.</p>
<p><strong>Consistency Across Branding</strong>: If you're working with a team or need your headshots to match in terms of lighting and tone for a cohesive brand identity, studio lighting offers that consistency.</p> ]]>
                <title>Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Floor Coverings International 3.20.25</title>
                <description>pspan stylecolor 000000 fontfamily Arial Verdana Helvetica sansserif whitespacecollapse preserveRibbon Cutting Ceremony and Business After Hours at Floor Coverings International 19225 S Blackhawk Pkwy Unit 84B Mokena Business After Hours 5 to 7 pm Ribbon Cutting 530 pm Free networking eventspanp</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">315@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/315-ribbon-cutting-ceremony-at-floor-coverings-international-32025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <p><span style="color: #000000; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; white-space-collapse: preserve;">Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Business After Hours at Floor Coverings International, 19225 S. Blackhawk Pkwy., Unit 84B, Mokena. Business After Hours: 5 to 7 p.m. Ribbon Cutting: 5:30 p.m. Free networking event.</span></p> ]]>
                <title>Young Professionals Meet Up 3.25.25</title>
                <description>table styletablelayout fixed color 000000 fontfamily Times New Roman fontsize medium backgroundcolor ffffff classtext textheading textpaddingverticaltbodytrtd stylepadding 10px 40px fontfamily Open Sans sansserif color 333333 fontsize 30px lineheight 15 display block overflowwrap breakword fontweight bold webkitfontsmoothing antialiased classtextcontentcell contentpaddinghorizontalh5 stylemargintop 0px marginbottom 0px fontfamily Open Sans sansserif color 333333 fontsize 30px fontweight boldYoung Professionals Meet Up  32525h5tdtrtbodytabletable styletablelayout fixed color 000000 fontfamily Times New Roman fontsize medium backgroundcolor ffffff classtext textarticle textpaddingverticaltbodytrtd stylepadding 10px 40px fontfamily Open Sans sansserif color 767676 fontsize 15px lineheight 15 display block overflowwrap breakword webkitfontsmoothing antialiased classtextcontentcell contentpaddinghorizontalp stylemarginbottom 0px padding 0px Tuesday March 25 at 530 pmbr  Stoney Point Grill 19031 Old LaGrange Road Mokenabr  20 per person Unlimited fountain drinks one beerwineseltzer ticket per person buffet dinnerbr  Network with fellow chamber members from the Mokena Orland Park Area and Tinley Park Chambers of Commercepp stylemarginbottom 0px padding 0pxpp stylemarginbottom 0px padding 0pximg altYPMarch2025 srchttpsstoragegoogleapiscommokenachamber1122023ypmarch2025png ptdtrtbodytable</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">316@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/316-young-professionals-meet-up-32525</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <table style="table-layout: fixed; color: #000000; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium; background-color: #ffffff;" class="text text--heading text--padding-vertical">
<td style="padding: 10px 40px; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; color: #333333; font-size: 30px; line-height: 1.5; display: block; overflow-wrap: break-word; font-weight: bold; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;" class="text_content-cell content-padding-horizontal">
<h5 style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; color: #333333; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold;">Young Professionals Meet Up - 3.25.25</h5>
<table style="table-layout: fixed; color: #000000; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium; background-color: #ffffff;" class="text text--article text--padding-vertical">
<td style="padding: 10px 40px; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; color: #767676; font-size: 15px; line-height: 1.5; display: block; overflow-wrap: break-word; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;" class="text_content-cell content-padding-horizontal">
<p style="margin-bottom: 0px; padding: 0px;">• Tuesday, March 25 at 5:30 p.m.<br />• Stoney Point Grill, 19031 Old LaGrange Road, Mokena.<br />• $20 per person. Unlimited fountain drinks, one beer/wine/seltzer ticket per person, buffet dinner.<br />- Network with fellow chamber members from the Mokena, Orland Park Area, and Tinley Park Chambers of Commerce.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0px; padding: 0px;"></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0px; padding: 0px;"><img alt="YP.March.2025" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/mokenachamber-1/12/2023/ypmarch2025.png" /></p>
</table> ]]>
                <title>Mokena Chamber 4th of July Parade 2025</title>
                <description>table styletablelayout fixed color 000000 fontfamily Times New Roman fontsize medium backgroundcolor ffffff classtext textheading textpaddingverticaltbodytrtd stylepadding 10px 40px fontfamily Open Sans sansserif color 333333 fontsize 30px lineheight 15 display block overflowwrap breakword fontweight bold webkitfontsmoothing antialiased classtextcontentcell contentpaddinghorizontalh1 stylemargintop 0px marginbottom 0px fontfamily Open Sans sansserif color 333333 fontsize 30px fontweight boldMokena Chamber of Commerces 4th of July Parade 2025h1tdtrtbodytabletable styletablelayout fixed color 000000 fontfamily Times New Roman fontsize medium backgroundcolor ffffff classtext textarticle textpaddingverticaltbodytrtd stylepadding 10px 40px fontfamily Open Sans sansserif color 767676 fontsize 15px lineheight 15 display block overflowwrap breakword webkitfontsmoothing antialiased classtextcontentcell contentpaddinghorizontalp stylemarginbottom 0px padding 0pxSTEP OFF 10 am on July 4 2025br br Our parade is a great way to celebrate with the community and promote your businessorganization to thousands of people that attend the parade and many more that watch the replays on Mokenas Cable Channel 6 and online at mokenaorgbr br Parade Entry is FREE to Mokena Chamber Members amp NonProfits 125 entry fee for nonchamber members amp political entries Make checks payable to Mokena Chamber or pay online at mokenacompaymentsbr br Submit completed formpayment by JUNE 20 By JUNE 27 a packet with entry number staging timelocation map will be emailed to youptdtrtbodytable</description>
                <guid isPermaLink="false">317@https://mokenachamber.jagsuitesite.com/our-events/317-mokena-chamber-4th-of-july-parade-2025</guid>
                    <![CDATA[ <table style="table-layout: fixed; color: #000000; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium; background-color: #ffffff;" class="text text--heading text--padding-vertical">
<td style="padding: 10px 40px; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; color: #333333; font-size: 30px; line-height: 1.5; display: block; overflow-wrap: break-word; font-weight: bold; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;" class="text_content-cell content-padding-horizontal">
<h1 style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; color: #333333; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold;">Mokena Chamber of Commerce's 4th of July Parade 2025</h1>
<table style="table-layout: fixed; color: #000000; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium; background-color: #ffffff;" class="text text--article text--padding-vertical">
<td style="padding: 10px 40px; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; color: #767676; font-size: 15px; line-height: 1.5; display: block; overflow-wrap: break-word; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;" class="text_content-cell content-padding-horizontal">
<p style="margin-bottom: 0px; padding: 0px;">STEP OFF: 10 a.m. on July 4, 2025<br /><br />Our parade is a great way to celebrate with the community and promote your business/organization to thousands of people that attend the parade and many more that watch the replays on Mokena’s Cable Channel 6 and online at mokena.org.<br /><br />Parade Entry is FREE to Mokena Chamber Members &amp; Non-Profits! $125 entry fee for non-chamber members &amp; political entries. Make checks payable to Mokena Chamber or pay online at mokena.com/payments.<br /><br />Submit completed form/payment by JUNE 20. By JUNE 27 a packet with entry number, staging time/location, map will be emailed to you.</p>
</table> ]]>